Spring 2015: New Blonde


After a convincing victory in 2014, the blond launched a triumphant offensive in 2015. However, the turn of events surprised many: after the dominance of platinum shades in previous seasons, the blond suddenly sharply "warmed up" and immediately combined two fashionable trends, blondes and red-haired.

Strawberry (strawberry), honey (honey) and caramel (caramel) blonde - that's what fashionistas will try on in the upcoming season. Will the new trend suit you? How not to make a mistake in choosing a shade? And what about those who prefer cold tones? Stylists of our center - experts in the field of fashionable colors, will answer these questions

Strawberry Blonde - This is not a particular color, but rather a tone that combines several colors in the range: from dark to medium blond with the addition of red and red shades. It turns out such a soft warm muffled nuance. It is this muffling that does not allow us to call the tone simply red. It is suitable for any skin tone without pronounced redness, and very effectively emphasizes tan.

Another seasonal hit on the mix of blond and red tones is caramel. Caramel blond has a wider range of shades than strawberry, and can be quite light. It is based on a beige-pinkish undertone of varying intensity. Due to the "pinkness", he very effectively emphasizes the golden or olive skin, which is why he is so loved by the "advanced" brunettes.

But girls with pink complexion is better to choose honey blond. His idea is the same - a reddish undertone on blond hair, but without red, but with "copper". This is a beautiful amber color, darker and warmer than wheat blonde. He just looks amazing with a bronze tint tan.

If you are not ready to dramatically warm up, you can restrict yourself to light nuances of fashionable color. "Caramel" traditionally looks good on brown hair, "honey" - on light brown and "strawberry" - on brown.

Well, for the ardent lovers of cold shades, we can say that the super light blond is still in fashion. Just do not let him leave this summer in gray tones.


Watch the video: My spring 2015 blonde hair care routine (June 2024).