Scientists: optimists have twice as good cardiovascular status as pessimists


Scientists from the United States found that optimists are twice less likely to suffer from heart and vascular diseases, compared with their peers-pessimists.

Scientists examined more than five thousand people in the age range of 45-84 years. The participants in the experiments measured the main indicators of health: blood pressure, cholesterol and glucose in the blood, body weight. The analysis took into account the diet of experimental subjects, the level of physical activity and the presence of bad habits - all those indicators that are "responsible" for heart health. The general level of health, the presence of any "elderly" ailments, etc. were also taken into account. The study participants were surveyed to determine their level of mental health and optimism.

Scientists were struck by the relationship of health and optimism. It turned out that in incorrigible optimists, the state of the cardiovascular system was 50-75% better than in more affluent subjects.


Watch the video: Kevin Jorgeson: "The Fun Scale". Talks at Google (July 2024).