Split-ends mask recipes


Beautiful hair is not only long silky curls, striking with brilliance and shine. If the tips of the hair are broken off and faded, the hair will not look healthy. To cope with this scourge can be many methods, including radical (haircut), but we offer to use folk remedies, namely - restoring masks for split ends of hair.

Causes of split ends

Are the tips of the hair "wet" and look, on the whole, sad? Before you grab the scissors, you should determine what caused this phenomenon, otherwise a haircut will not help. In some cases, the factors that caused a violation of the condition of the hair are caused by internal problems, and this requires serious treatment.

There are the following reasons for the appearance of split ends:

  • Avitaminosis caused by insufficient or inadequate nutrition or functional systemic diseases (for example, vitamin D deficiency is a consequence of the presence of Crohn's disease, etc.);
  • Insufficient amount of fluid intake;
  • Abuse of harmful food and products from the "prohibited" list (fast food, fatty, fried, spicy and pickled products, smoked products, etc.);
  • Addiction to addiction (alcohol, smoking);
  • The use of a number of narcotic substances (methamphetamines, opiates, etc.);
  • Consumption of excessive amounts of sugar, caffeine;
  • The presence of systemic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, intestinal microflora dysbacteriosis, parasitic infestation of the body (helminths);
  • Genetic predisposition along the parent line.

Important: improper care - one of the most common causes of stratification of the keratin structure of the hair. This category includes frequent dyeing, drying with hot air, curling and stretching with an iron, frequent or rare washing of hair, improper selection of shampoo or other cosmetic products for hair, etc.

Also isolated external factors, namely:

  • Low humidity in the room;
  • Work in hazardous industries, constant contact with chemicals and toxic substances;
  • Exposure to cold or ultraviolet rays, contact of hair with chlorinated or salt water.

Often split ends appear at owners of very long hair. In such a situation, the hair lacks the natural moisture produced in the development of the sebaceous glands, simply because the sebum is not enough for the entire length of the strand. Also, if you rarely comb the hair, the blood supply to the hair follicles deteriorates, leading to degradation of the hair structure.

How to get rid of split ends?

Fragile thinned tips differ in color from the rest of the hair and often look very untidy, which is why they are often called “chewed”. You can get rid of this scourge, but if you don’t want to constantly cut off the split ends, you should follow the step-by-step instructions that will help improve the condition of the hair. Although you still have to cut them: the hair needs to be constantly updated, since the strands wear out due to purely mechanical damage, and this procedure heals their condition.

So that the tips do not break off and look fresh, observe the following recommendations:

  • Careful attitude to the choice of cosmetics care - use shampoos, balms and conditioners in accordance with your hair type. Do not overdo it with the use of tools that "seal" split ends, solving a visual, but not a functional problem;
  • Caution when washing your hair - this advice is to perform the right actions while washing your hair. You need to spend it no more than a day, and better - up to three times a week. Many people do not know about it, but shampoo should be applied and churned only on the root zone of hair growth and on the scalp itself, and you shouldn’t wash your tips - they will wash themselves under running water. It is impossible to wash your hair with hot water, it should be cool, otherwise the protective layer of sebum is washed off. When choosing a shampoo, look for products without sulphates and parabens. It is ideal to carry out washing in soft water treated with household filtration devices;
  • After washing, be sure to apply conditioner on the entire length of the hair, except for the roots and scalp, paying attention to the ends. Hold the product for about 2 - 3 minutes, and then rinse with water. It is also useful to rinse with herbal decoction;
  • Dry your hair gently, without pulling them with a comb. It is also impossible to twist and rub them, it is better to simply slip the strands with a towel. If using a hairdryer, choose a “cold” drying mode. Always keep the nozzle of the appliance away from the hair;
  • You can use the iron, curling iron or curling iron no more than once every 2 to 4 weeks;
  • Constantly carry out moisturizing procedures - applying protective and nourishing oils, coconut oil, the use of balms, conditioners and sprays to moisturize hair and facilitate combing. Remember that oils are applied only on the middle and the tip of the hair, but not on the roots (this causes breakage and provokes the appearance of seborrhea);
  • During sleep, hair becomes tangled and deformed due to long lying. To prevent this, you can braid a pigtail for the night. Do not use too tight elastic bands, give preference to tapes.
We do not recommend trimming the hair at home: only the master has the correct haircut technique, which will prevent the hair from splitting in the future.

One of the main principles of the health condition of the hair remains proper balanced nutritionwhich necessarily includes the consumption of omega-3-6-9, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and proteins.

Well, to maintain hair in a healthy tone with the help of cosmetic procedures, do not ignore the use of revitalizing masks prepared at home. Such compositions are not only completely natural, but also an extremely effective method for healing curls.

Split Hair Mask Recipes

Homemade masks for split ends are prepared from a variety of products, but what unites them is that every ingredient can be found in every kitchen. Such compounds are able to solve the most difficult problems: nourishing depleted curls, strengthening hair follicles, preventing hair loss, moisturizing and cleansing problem hair, adding shine and elasticity.

The most popular components for wellness masks are kefir, yeast, gelatin, vinegar, eggs, honey, vegetable oil, bananas and apples, colorless henna.

A feature of means for split ends is a general rule: after applying the composition, the hair should be warmed to catalyze the reaction rate of chemical processes. Also, many components are necessarily heated before use in a water bath (this directly relates to oils and honey). This helps them to cover the split ends with a protective film and helps to restore their structure from the inside. Vegetable mild proteins present in these masks seal the bundles at the split ends and strengthen them without imparting additional weight.

Helpful advice: For the treatment of split ends, try oil masks made of almond, burdock or olive oil, applied for half an hour before bathing. Their peculiarity is that the oil helps to massage the skin of the scalp, which helps to improve local blood circulation.

Perhaps the main feature of the masks used to eliminate split ends, is to localize the application. The compositions are really applied only to the area of ​​the tips of the hair - it is usually not necessary to distribute them over the entire length of the strands (for this there are other special masks). Below we give the recipes of the most popular tools that are easy to prepare at home.


Masks for dry and split ends on the basis of onions have a truly magical effect, but many girls refuse to use them because of the peculiar odor remaining after the procedure.

If to knead the medical composition not of onion gruel, but of vegetable juice, it is much easier to wash off the smell from the hair, but this secret is not widely known.

To make a healthy mask, you will need two tablespoons of burning fresh juice, raw yolk and a dessert spoon of honey. They are mixed until a homogeneous mass, after which the brandy heated to the body temperature (a quarter cup) is poured into the mixture. A little cool mass and add to it lemon juice (1 tablespoon.) And 5 - 7 drops of orange essential oil. Apply the mask on the tips and leave for 30 - 50 minutes, then rinse with warm water with a small amount of shampoo.

Egg and Honey

Egg yolk is not only a powerful restorative tool, but also an excellent alternative to shampoo for hair. And yet, if you use it to restore exfoliated tips, follow the correct steps of preparation and application of the mask. And to make it even more powerful, be sure to add natural honey to the product.

Herself The mask is prepared as follows:

  • Pounded yolk from chicken or quail eggs mixed with cream (2 tablespoons) and almond oil (5 g);
  • Heat the honey in a water bath and add to the rest of the mass;
  • Stir the composition and apply on the ends of the hair;
  • Warm your head and wait 40 minutes;
  • Wash off the mask with foamed water.

Useful information: lecithin (fat-like substance, which literally translates from Greek as "egg yolk") contains vitamins B, A, D, E, minerals and amino acids, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, lecithin, folic and nicotinic acid. This is literally the perfect composition for restoring the keratin structure of the hair.


To use cognac at the appearance of split ends does not mean pouring sorrow into an aromatic alcoholic drink: first try masks for the ends of hair at home on the basis of cognac. It contains many unique microelements and substances, including calcium and tannins, which are needed for the regeneration of damaged strands. When adding additional moisturizing ingredients (honey, glycerin, oils, kefir, etc.), the positive effect of such a mask does not take long.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Take 3 - 4 spoons of brandy and heat them in a water bath.
  2. Pour into the liquid dissolved in water and heated gelatin and add 5-7 drops of ether (geranium, lemon, orange, cinnamon, etc.).
  3. Rub the mixture into the tips of your hair and keep your head under the cap for about half an hour. Then wash off the mask and once again moisten the ends with a nourishing balm.


Brewer's yeast contains the main B vitamins: thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B1), folic (B9) and pantothenic (B5) acids, pyridoxine (B6), biotin (B7), nicotine (B3). It is quite enough to restore damaged split ends at home.

Beat a glass of beer in a blender and add olive oil (3 tbsp.) To it. Heat the liquid in a water bath and apply on broken ends. Heat your head with a towel. After an hour, wash your hair and rinse it with water and apple cider vinegar (this will quickly remove the remaining yeast odor).


Medicated vegetable oils restore damaged hair structure is no worse than expensive cosmetic products of similar composition. The principle of operation is the same: a thin protective impermeable film is created on the surface of the hair, due to which regeneration is faster and more efficient.

Dry hair, prone to cross-section, is best suited the following oils:

  • Grape seed oil;
  • Burdock;
  • Olive;
  • Argan;
  • Almond;
  • Castor;
  • Rapeseed;
  • Flaxseed

Oils can be used as a monocomponent or combined with each other (usually up to three components are taken on one mask).

The principle of preparation of therapeutic composition and the procedure itself looks like this:

  • Hair is washed with ordinary shampoo and left under a towel to dry a little;
  • The selected oil or several oils are heated in a water bath for 3-5 minutes. For one mask, take such an amount of oil that is enough for your hair length (without affecting the root zone);
  • Spread the product over the length of the strand and rub it into the tips for a few minutes with light movements;
  • Warm the head with a protective film and cloth;
  • An hour later, wash off the mask using shampoo.

The frequency of treatment using oil masks depends on the severity of the hair damage.


The composition of sour-milk drink contains beneficial lactic bacteria that ideally saturate the hair structure with essential nutrients and soothe the scalp. Kefir is a wonderful natural moisturizer, so hair masks based on it are extremely popular.

To eliminate the cross-section of hair, it is not necessary to prepare a complex mixture. It is enough to apply kefir over the entire length of the strands, except the roots. This is one of the few masks against split ends, used in this way. Leave the mask on the hair for 30 - 40 minutes.

Hair should be warm at this time, so take care of the protective cap. After the procedure, wash your head with warm water without shampoo. If you are worried about the sour smell left over the mask, rinse the hair again with water acidified with lemon juice. Masks with kefir can be applied regularly.

Sour cream

Mask for broken off sour cream-based tips has the same effect as kefir. However, the difference lies in a more convenient method of application, since sour cream has a thicker composition and keeps better on the hair.

Mask preparation and application procedure:

  1. Pre-add a tablespoon of olive oil, a little lemon juice and a teaspoon of honey to the fermented milk product (the last ingredient is optional).
  2. Apply a mask to your hair before washing your hair.
  3. Shake your hair in a bun, and wrap the ends with a wrap before this, so that the mask does not slide down.
  4. After half an hour, wash off the mask and put on the ends of a nourishing balm or argan oil.

With coconut oil

Coconut oil is one of the most fatty. When applied to the hair, it acts as a hot glue, “varnishing” and sealing the damaged ends. This is practically biolamination at home, only the procedure itself will be several times cheaper. Fatty acids in the composition of the products fill the space between flaked flakes and intensively nourish the hair, due to which it is restored very quickly.

Layfhak: to enhance the effect of the use of coconut oil, you can add in a mask liquid vitamin E in ampoules (tocopherol).

No special training is required for the procedure. Just wash your hair and blot your hair to make the glass excess moisture, then apply coconut oil. To soften it, take a little product in the palm and wait until it melts when warming from body temperature. Massage the composition into strands and put a warming cap on your head. After half an hour, wash off the mask with soft water with a small amount of shampoo.

Split ends prevention

Preventing a problem is easier than fixing its consequences. In the case of split ends, this statement is true: preventive measures to protect the hair from damage and drying are a multi-step process. However, it is not so complicated, and beautiful silky hair will be the reward of your efforts.

So that they always keep a decent look, observe the following conditions:

  • Trim the hair once a month. It will seem to someone that such a frequency is an excessive luxury, but regular updates are extremely useful for hair. If you want to grow long curls, you can limit yourself to a smaller volume when cutting and repeat it about once every 1.5 months. But then you should increase the nutrition of the hair (use more vitamins, use a regenerating conditioner, etc.);
  • After washing, do not use a hairdryer; dry your hair with an old cotton undershirt or a towel made of natural material (for example, acrylic will not work). If you still can not do without a hairdryer, choose a gentle mode with cold blowing or the minimum temperature of the air flow;
  • When swimming in a pool, wear a swimming cap over your head to minimize the effects of chlorinated water. After a workout, rinse the hair in the shower. While at the seaside resort, protect your head from the intense effects of ultraviolet rays (wear a panama, kerchief or hat, apply a protective spray on the strands) and sea salt;
  • In dry and hot weather, a moisturizing conditioner should always be applied to the tips, even if the hair condition is satisfactory. The best result is given by medicinal oils or cosmetics based on argan oil;
  • When combing hair, try not to use plastic and metal combs with hard, sharp teeth. To the ends do not split, it is better to use combs made of wood or comb from natural bristles. Combing wet hair is strictly prohibited - it inevitably injures the structure of keratin scales;
  • In addition to the previous item - do not get carried away with the creation of hairstyles, if it involves the use of a large number of hairpins and styling products. Если волосы сильно повреждены, дайте им на отдых как минимум месяц;
  • При мытье головы полезно споласкивать волосы травяными отварами. Заваривать их нужно самостоятельно, для этого сырье приобретается в аптеке. Лучшими растениями для оздоровления волос считаются ромашка, крапива, корень лопуха, аир, репейник;
  • Если ослабленное состояние волос спровоцировано авитаминозом, принимайте пищевые добавки на основе лецитина, а также БАДы, содержащие фолиевую кислоту и витамины группы В.

Раз в 6 - 12 месяцев можно проходить биоламинирование. Это косметическая процедура, при которой на пряди наносится специальный состав с целлюлозой, "запаивающий" расслоенные кератиновые чешуйки, визуально изменяя структуру волоса и делая его более гладким и блестящим.


Watch the video: How-To: Get Rid of SPLIT ENDS + DIY Hair Mask For DAMAGED Hair (June 2024).