Sandwiches with sprats - the best recipes. How to quickly and tasty cook sandwiches with sprats.


Sprats Sandwiches - General Cooking Principles

Despite the simplicity of preparation, sandwiches with sprats have long been a favorite holiday and the usual dishes of the majority of our compatriots. This is not accidental - the combination of fish and fatty butter are very tasty. True, sprats in canned goods have one catch. The fact is that not all manufacturers prepare canned food in compliance with all the rules, and they often use oil containing fish for the second time. The well-known fact that roasted butter is one of the most dangerous carcinogens, which leads to the development and appearance of malignant tumors, and therefore such canned food is simply dangerous. To avoid buying a bad product, do not buy the cheapest canned goods. Of course, by purchasing expensive sprats, you are also not insured against the danger of purchasing a poor-quality product, so the best option is to buy canned goods in the middle price category.

Sandwiches with sprats - preparing food and dishes

Plain bread for sprats sandwiches is not suitable - it is very coarse. It is best to use a city loaf or mustard loaf. These flour products are prepared with the addition of milk, and therefore have a pleasant white color and a more subtle flavor.

Of course, the essential component of sprats sandwiches is butter. But this is not the rule - the oil can be replaced with any spread. Experiment with melted pasty cheese or with caviar butter. This oil is what you need for sprats sandwiches. Since it is prepared with the addition of caviar of inexpensive varieties of fish, it has a dull fishy flavor that will successfully accentuate the taste of sprats.

To diversify the appearance and taste of sandwiches, you can use slices of vegetables, cheese, greens.

Recipes sprats sandwiches:

Recipe 1: Sprat Sandwiches

Prepare the traditional sprats sandwiches with unusual butter, which we will make ourselves. The French call this butter "green" and smear it with bread just to get a tasty snack for breakfast. You will need garlic, dill and green basil.

Ingredients Required:

  • City roll
  • Can sprat
  • Butter ½ packs
  • Garlic 4 prong
  • Dill
  • Basil
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil

Cooking method:

  1. First of all, prepare the oil. An hour before cooking, remove it from the refrigerator so that it softens.
  2. Greens and garlic need to chop into a fine mass. To do this, garlic teeth pass through a press, cut the greens very finely. Stir in the garlic, dill, basil and olive oil in butter - best to do this step in a deep bowl. You can also add parsley, coriander or other favorite greens. Oil will get a greenish pleasant gas hue. After that, put it in the freezer for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Slice the sprats sandwich loaf into thin slices.
  4. Grease each piece of bread with slightly frozen oil.
  5. Open a jar of sprats and put 2-3 fish on a slice with green oil. Enjoy your meal!

Recipe 2: Sprats and Cheese Sandwiches

A well-known fact that fish and cheese are perfectly combined. Prepare sprats sandwiches with feta cheese. This sort of cheese has a delicate structure, and therefore it is not difficult to spread it on a bun.

Ingredients Required:

  • City roll
  • Sprat - 1 canned
  • Feta Cheese 200 grams
  • Fresh dill

Cooking method:

  1. Sandwich roll cut in slices of medium thickness.
  2. Grease each piece of bread with feta cheese.
  3. Open the canned food. Put 2-3 fish on each piece of bread.
  4. Wash fresh dill and chop finely. Sprinkle greens with sandwiches.

Recipe 3: Sprats and Cucumber Sandwiches

Another variation of sprats and cheese sandwiches, only this time we take processed cheese in pasta. It can be "Viola", "Amber" or any other cream cheese.

Ingredients Required:

  • City roll
  • Sprat - 1 canned
  • Pasty melted cheese 1 jar (100 grams)
  • Cucumber 2 pieces

Cooking method:

  1. Sandwich loaf cut into slices.
  2. Each slice of bread spread with melted cheese.
  3. Open the canned sprats. Put 2-3 fish on the cheese.
  4. Remove the peel from the cucumber and cut it into thinner slices. Put the cucumber on the fish and secure it with a skewer. Sandwiches are ready!

Sprats sandwiches - secrets and tips from the best chefs

What vegetables sprats combine with? You won’t regret if for sandwiches you take slices of tomatoes, bell pepper, green olives, lettuce.

If you serve sandwiches with sprats to the holiday table, then with the help of a skewer you can "attach" a green olive or a slice of hard cheese.

Sandwiches with sprats in the oven or microwave are very unusual. In order to cook them in this form, you only need to slightly slice a piece of bread, but pour grated hard cheese over the fish. Bake such sandwiches need about 3-4 minutes.

White bread for sandwiches with sprats is not very suitable, but Borodinsky is what you need. Sprinkle such sandwiches with sliced ​​green onions.

One more rather unusual and spicy supplement to sprats sandwiches will be a boiled egg. To do this, cut it into thin slices and put on top of the butter, and put sprats on the egg.


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