Sweet aggravates PMS symptoms


It is known that with PMS, accompanied by a serious hormonal changes. In women, it is not only moods that change, but also taste preferences. In particular, many pulls on the sweet.

According to doctors, the use of sugar leads to a gradual aging of the skin, resulting in the appearance of wrinkles and age spots. Moreover, according to doctors, sugar can aggravate the symptoms of PMS. Excessive cravings for sweet foods are caused by an increase in estrogen and insulin balance imbalance, the solution to this problem turns into a vicious circle.

According to reports, approximately of women are diagnosed with PMS, almost half of them complain that the new condition negatively affects their quality of life. Often, PMS is accompanied by weight gain, because due to hormonal transformation, women begin to consume more and more calories. To cope with this, according to doctors, you can use the use of foods rich in iron and magnesium, such as broccoli, sesame and cocoa beans.


Watch the video: Make Peace with Food & Your Body (June 2024).