What kills a woman in sexuality?


Every man has his own idea of ​​sexuality. The male part of the population often allocates women according to the principle of "like it or not," without attaching importance to trifles. In fact, the criterion of female sexuality can be reduced for many reasons. A woman should take them into account to always remain attractive to her partner.

A survey of a female audience conducted by researchers made it possible to identify the main “killers” of female sexuality.

Unpleasant smell

This criterion takes the leading place. 64% of the polled audience voted for him. Men, like women, are extremely sensitive to fragrances. Unpleasant smell completely kills sexy notes in the lady. Young people do not appreciate the cost and quantity of perfume used, but above all the fragrance of purity emanating from the fair sex.

Slips in appearance

More than 30% of readers voted for this criterion. This includes overweight ladies, unwashed clothes, too catchy makeup, unkempt hair. Such moments do not leave room for the game of the male imagination.

Pants-afnagi, ugg boots, ultra-mini topping the list of clothes "Antisex". Over 20% of respondents voted against them.

Misses in behavior

Too loud laughter, the habit of making comments to other people, lack of confidence, low self-esteem, causticity, jealous nature reduce the sexuality of a woman in the eyes of the stronger sex.

The good appearance of the ladies and her disposing character indicates that she wants to please, and therefore, is adjusted to the relationship. Most men like feminine partners, so they will be repelled by the manifestation of the male behavior of the lady and her desire to "replay" the man.

Her habits

A woman loses charm because of some "useless" habits: smoking, stories about former partners and comparison with them, a tendency to complaints and the habit of command.

More than 26% of the surveyed respondents consider a lady with a cigarette non-sexual. Men admit that this habit kills femininity in a partner. Therefore, the lady should choose another option to demonstrate their elegant wrists and beautiful manicure.

Any man is annoyed by constant criticism. Such behavior, along with other factors, deprives women of sexuality.

Allocate also the reasons for which the woman herself ceases to feel sexy. Among them:

  • domestic problems that erase women's mystery and mystery;
  • conflicts with a partner;
  • boring relationship script.

Text: Svetlana Ahi


Watch the video: The uncomplicated truth about women's sexuality. Sarah Barmak (June 2024).