The horoscope for September 2015 for all signs of the zodiac - favorable and unfavorable days. Love and horoscope haircuts for September 2015.


Horoscope for September 2015 Aries

September will begin for Aries with the need to take stock of your work in recent months. Only in this way can you understand what you have managed to achieve in recent times and what you still have to do. The best recommendation - do not be lazy, do not postpone for later your duties, work at the limit of your abilities. September will give you all the opportunities for the successful realization of your plans and at the end you will get the obvious results of work lately.

In September, Aries is recommended to spend more time communicating with women. Gossip, discuss shows and TV shows, share rumors and information, go to the shops together - this pastime is very favorable for your energy background.

Do not forget about your home - the end of September is suitable for small changes in the planning or scheduled redecoration.

Especially favorable days of the Aries horoscope for any business and undertaking: September 2, September 15, September 23, September 29, 2015.

Days in which Aries should be careful: September 8, September 17, September 22, 2015.

Horoscope for September 2015 Taurus

Spend September under the slogan "Get rid of the trash!". This refers to things that litter your home, as well as people who are trying to bring turmoil into your life or take precious time. Act boldly and decisively. If you don’t wear any item from your wardrobe for more than a year, if you don’t use the old microwave or if a friend calls you regularly to complain about life and it takes you an hour of personal time a week, it's time to change something! Give unnecessary things and clothes to the poor, and annoying people make it polite to understand that you no longer wish to communicate with them.

In September, especially in the middle of the month, it is very good to build relationships with the opposite sex. Feel free to say what you want from the relationship, make suggestions about hanging out - all your wishes will be taken into account and realized by the partner.

Especially favorable days of Taurus horoscope for any business and undertaking: September 3, September 12, September 21, September 30, 2015.

Days in which Taurus should be careful: September 6, September 19, September 26, 2015.

Horoscope for September 2015 Gemini

Twins will not be superfluous to pay attention to their health at the beginning of September. If you feel any anxiety, consult a doctor.

Month will please you with unexpected cash receipts. There may be lottery winnings or the return of overdue debts, which you have already forgotten to think about. However, manage your money wisely. If a large amount comes to you, it is better to invest it in something or put it into circulation.

Try not to quarrel with anyone in September, although there will be a reason. Show wisdom and prudence, and better keep silent in response to an insult than to engage in an angry dispute.

The end of the month is the time for dating. It is in the last days of September that there is a chance to meet a person whom you later call your destiny.

Especially favorable days of the Gemini horoscope for any business and undertaking: September 5, September 12, September 21, September 28, 2015.

The days in which the Twins should be careful: September 10, September 17, September 30, 2015.

Horoscope for September 2015 Cancer

In September, Cancers may have doubts about the correctness of their lifestyle and worldview. Perhaps this is for the better - reasonable doubts will give you time to reflect on what you are doing and how, find flaws and improve your virtues. However, too deep introspection is also not worth doing.

Mid-September is great for building diplomatic relations, at work or at school. Your wisdom will not leave you for a second, and you can get the best result for yourself as a result of negotiations.

At the end of the month, the stars recommend Cancers to pamper themselves: to get something that you want to relax, visit a beauty salon, a sauna - to do something that brings you pleasure. See, your mood will increase significantly, and vitality will increase.

Especially favorable days of the Cancer horoscope for any business and undertaking: September 4, September 13, September 25, September 30, 2015.

Days in which Cancers should be careful: September 9, September 18, September 28, 2015.

Horoscope for September 2015 Leo

Leos should economize their vitality - in September you will have a lot of reasons to spend them! Beginning of September will bring news related to your work. It may well be that we will be talking about expanding your responsibilities. Take it easy, because where there is an increase in work, there is an increase in income.

In the middle of September, relatives may suddenly come to you for a long period of time and will turn to you for shelter. It is unlikely that you will be pleased, but do not show discontent - this is not quite a pleasant circumstance that can suddenly be replaced by joy.

After the twentieth of September, Lviv is waiting for the road - on official or personal business. Be careful when collecting things, there is a chance that you will forget or miss something important. The journey will develop quite well.

Especially favorable days of the horoscope Lviv for any business and undertaking: September 5, September 10, September 13, September 22, 2015.

Days in which Lions should be careful: September 3, September 17, September 29, 2015.

Horoscope for September 2015 Virgo

Virgo stars are strongly encouraged to say yes throughout September to all the opportunities. It is not known where this will lead you, but so you will make a variety in the even course of your life and feel the pleasure of numerous adventures and adventures. You will be invited to visit, to concerts or other events, to invite to participate in contests or safe frauds, to travel. Agree to everything, even if you do not have much desire.

If you behave in this way, in the middle of the month the horoscope promises you a fateful acquaintance that can change your whole life.

Also during the month, possibly unplanned expenses - parting with money is easy, what quickly goes away, then comes back just as quickly. If acquaintances or friends ask you for a loan, be sure to borrow, money will return later with interest.

At the end of September, take care of your heart, do not be nervous and do not over-exert it with power loads.

Especially favorable days of the Virgos horoscope for any business and undertaking: September 3, September 12, September 25, September 30, 2015.

Days in which Virgos should be careful: September 9, September 18, September 21, 2015.

Horoscope for September 2015 Libra

Weights stars are recommended to be cautious during September, especially in matters relating to financial resources. Be careful when recalculating money when you pay or hand you the amount under the record. It is also strongly recommended not to put your signature without first reading the text under which you sign. There is a high probability that you will try to hold or deceive.

The rest of September will be calm, without high-profile events. In the middle of the month, try to spend a couple of weekends with loved ones - this will give you a chance to relax morally and relax.

In late September, Libra may receive unexpected confessions from the opposite sex. Be prepared for the fact that you may be explained in love by a person from whom you do not expect such feelings at all, but do not hesitate to refuse if you do not feel like sympathy, otherwise you may get an obsessive fan.

Especially favorable days of the Libra horoscope for any business and undertaking: September 3, September 11, September 20, September 28, 2015.

Days in which Libra should be careful: September 4, September 16, September 27, 2015.

Horoscope for September 2015 Scorpio

In September, there is a danger for Scorpios that someone whom you consider to be a friend may act meanly with you. This will not be your fault, perhaps the reason will be the envy of you or just the bad temper of this person. You can save yourself only if it is not too open to share with all your experiences and revelations.

Eat more fruits and fresh vegetables. Scorpios should take care of their health, strengthen the immune system before the onset of cold weather. Also, hardening does not hurt at all.

At the end of the month, possible troubles at work are associated with a difference of opinion or opinion on your duties. Scorpios are not recommended to defend their opinions too zealously - you are unlikely to achieve a positive result by this, and spoil your mood. Believe that in the near future you will be able to take revenge.

The last days of September are also dangerous with minor injuries, bruises or cuts - just be careful and cautious and you will avoid it.

Especially favorable days of the scorpion horoscope for any business and undertaking: September 7, September 14, September 25, September 27, 2015.

The days in which the Scorpios should be careful: September 4, September 19, September 26, 2015.

Horoscope for September 2015 Sagittarius

During September, Streltsov may have quarrels with close people, work colleagues and friends. The reason for this will be the influence of the location of the luminaries, which will cause you to have a high temper, aggressiveness and agitation. Try to resist these negative trends, otherwise you will not avoid scandals and quarrels.

Not superfluous we will spend the energy also for housework or a garden. Repair works will be very good and fast if you plan to carry them out, all kinds of erection and construction, paintwork. Such work will extinguish your ardor, and at the same time the matter will be fought, delighting you with the results.

At the end of September there is a possibility of airway damage. You won’t get sick if from the beginning of the month you will monitor your health and well-being, eating healthy and natural products and performing at least a minimum set of physical exercises.

Especially favorable days of the Streltsov horoscope for any business or undertaking: September 6, September 13, September 25, September 30, 2015.

The days in which Sagittarius should be careful: September 2, September 16, September 27, 2015.

Horoscope for September 2015 Capricorn

If you dream of a baby and procreation, then September perfectly passes Capricorns for planning and conceiving a child. Also spend time with your health, spend time in nature, communicate with young children, yours or others.

Tiffs with your loved one are possible. The reason may be your irritability. Stars recommend not to take in September any important decisions related to personal relationships, as there may be unpleasant consequences caused not by a serious reason, and not by restrained emotions.

The middle of the month is suitable for creative activities. Decorate your home with hand-made crafts, make souvenirs, embroider, cook, make! All these activities will contribute to the disclosure of your potential and will give you not only pleasure, but also peace of mind.

In late September, some of your recent acquaintances will want to influence you and your financial activities. Perhaps you will be invited to participate in some business with the investment of capital. Stars do not recommend this, as monetary losses are possible.

Especially favorable days of Capricorn horoscope for any business and undertaking: September 4, September 12, September 24, September 27, 2015.

Days in which Capricorn should be careful: September 10, September 18, September 28, 2015.

Horoscope for September 2015 Aquarius

If you have a feeling that everything that they have been doing lately is meaningless and ineffectual, in no case give up and do not stop your work! If you give up now and give up, you will lose everything you have been going for so long. It is better to take a time out, rest, and then continue to work with new forces. Believe me, victory is just around the corner!

It will develop very well in September and, especially in the middle of the month, relations with the opposite sex. You are full of sexual energy, which, if used properly, will attract the right people and worthy fans to you. But you should not flirt and flirt too actively, it can turn out to be considered by Aquarius to be frivolous.

The end of the month is time to work! Get together and roll up your sleeves - your efforts will be rewarded next month.

Especially favorable days of the Aquarius horoscope for any business and undertaking: September 9, September 11, September 27, September 30, 2015.

The days in which Aquarius should be careful: September 3, September 18, September 26, 2015.

Horoscope for September 2015 Pisces

The whole month of Pisces will test the strength of the senses. Your elect will doubt the sincerity of your intentions, and therefore will check you with jealousy and quarrels. Do not give in to provocations, remain vigilant and confident calm. This is not a new stage of relations, but only temporary difficulties.

The month is good for travel and travel. The road will be easy, and the goal of the trip is achieved in full.

In the middle of the month, Pisces should be careful in dealing with Scorpios and Lions. Inadvertently spoken words or superfluous information issued to these representatives of the signs of the zodiac can cause sudden problems.

At the end of September, Pisces can think about a change of place of work - the stars will favor positive changes in your life, if you want it. Feel free to attend interviews, take qualifying exams, go to the casting.

Especially favorable days of the Pisces horoscope for any business and undertaking: September 4, September 13, September 25, September 28, 2015.

The days in which Pisces should be careful: September 12, September 19, September 30, 2015.

Horoscope haircuts for September 2015 (common to all signs)

2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 18, 20, 21, 24, 26, 27, 29, 30 September - these days of the month are very favorable for cutting hair. Visit hairdressers or entrust scissors to home craftsmen, if you are confident in their abilities. The new hairstyle will refresh your look and add attractiveness with confidence.

1, 3, 7, 10, 12, 14, 16, 19, 22, 23, 25, 28 September - do not cut your hair these days, as you risk to weaken your health. New hairstyle may not suit you, and also weaken the vital energy.

September 2, 5, 6, 10, 13, 15, 17, 20, 24, 29 - these days of the month could not be more suitable for transformation with the help of hair dye. Change the color of your "mane", feel free to experiment with different images. Coloring in light colors will bring you new pleasant acquaintances, and in dark and copper ones will provide material well-being.

September 1, 3, 7, 12, 16, 21, 23, 25, 27, 30 - dye your hair in exclusively natural colors and use natural dyes and dyes best, as it is possible to damage your hair with chemical compounds.

September 4, 8, 9, 11, 14, 18, 19, 26, 28 — Do not change the color of your hair these days, as this will attract trouble and instability in all your affairs. Postpone the trip to the beauty salon on a more auspicious day according to the lunar calendar.

Love horoscope for September 2015 (common to all signs)

In terms of building personal relationships in September, the stars have a negative impact on all signs of the zodiac. Try not to quarrel with your loved one, as the words spoken in the heat of the moment can cause separation.

Singles are also not recommended to enter into a serious relationship in September. Such a relationship will not be long-term and will bring nothing but tears and disappointments. Meet, communicate, but make no promises to the opposite sex in September.


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