Why does snoring in women require emergency treatment?


Heavy nasal breathing or a short jaw are the most common causes of snoring. Simple snoring only bothers the environment and, in rare cases, causes dangerous diseases. Increased respiratory failure due to narrowing or obstruction of the airways poses a health risk. In women, snoring increases the risk of developing myocardial infarction and stroke.

How common is snoring among women and men?

From the age of 50, every second man suffers and almost every third woman suffers from snoring. 4-7% of men and 2 to 4% of women have sleep disturbance. If snoring is not associated with respiratory distress, it is called simple or primary snoring.

Drinking alcohol, taking sleeping pills or overwork can cause snoring in a healthy woman. In this case, treatment is limited to preventing or changing a lifestyle.

If this happens regularly and takes away sleep from the partner, the patient needs treatment. At first, snoring occurs when lying on your back, so changing your position can help patients.

About 90% of primary snores are caused by vibrations of the soft palate during inhalation and exhalation. Otherwise, it can also develop in isolation from the fall of the tongue or the collapse of the side walls of the pharynx, palatine tonsils or epiglottis.

Why do women require emergency treatment?

According to a Spanish study, untreated snoring increases the risk of developing diabetes and heart disease by 39%. In women, the risk is three times higher than in men. Timely treatment helps prevent potential health consequences.

People who snore sometimes even have breathing problems. Patients should consult a physician because disturbances are stressful to the body. Women significantly increase the risk of various diseases.

Sleep while lying on your back contributes to respiratory failure?

Snoring not only annoys the partner, but also interferes with restful sleep and may be accompanied by respiratory failure. Doctors call this syndrome "sleep apnea."

Oxygen deficiency increases the risk of high blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmias, myocardial infarction, and stroke. If you suspect sleep apnea, women should immediately consult a doctor.

The problem is that victims often do not notice snoring and simply continue to sleep. However, the roommate wakes up from loud or deep breathing. Symptoms of nighttime problems include headache and dry mouth after waking up, as well as daytime drowsiness.

Special respiratory masks can also help if worn at night. Masks create a slight negative pressure and, thus, pump ambient air into the airways.

The consequences of sleep apnea are more dangerous than simple snoring.

The causes of apnea syndrome are obesity, tobacco smoking, hereditary factors and abnormalities in the throat, nose and ears. Low tone of the mouth and throat muscles is caused, for example, by the use of sleeping pills or chronic renal failure.

As a result of respiratory arrest, gas exchange is disturbed, as a result of which insufficient oxygen is absorbed and carbon dioxide is not released. The brain through the respiratory center gives the body a signal to wake up. After waking up, often with a shock, breathing resumes ...

Symptoms in the patient include very restless sleep, falling asleep during the day at unexpected moments, and extreme fatigue. Diagnosis is made in the center of sleep. During sleep, various measurements are taken related to brain activity and respiration.

There is an undeniable link between overweight, snoring, and apnea. Overweight people are more likely to snore and have more sleep apnea, but slender people.

The consequences of obstructive sleep apnea can be manifested in severe snoring, abnormal daytime sleepiness, fatigue and irritability.

Sometimes patients experience severe sweating during sleep, muscle pain due to acidification and hypertension. The disease increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and increases the need for insulin.


Watch the video: Study: How does snoring affect children? (June 2024).