Zodiac signs that are not destined to be together. The six most unsuccessful couples


Not all couples are born in heaven. Let's see what zodiac signs are not destined to be together. And why?

Zodiac signs that are not destined to be together, Aries Taurus

This couple is unlikely to learn to get along. Each of the partners has its own point of view, its principles and its unwillingness to neglect them. Yes, such unions are very often formed only because partners are very interested, but what will happen? Imperious Aries and selfish Taurus cannot divide the territory.

Such a relationship may be similar to the war of two warring tribes. Each has its own traditions and customs, its own habits, and everyone considers himself ideal.

And it does not matter under which of the signs in this union a man was born. It will still be difficult and not comfortable. If in such a union a woman was born under the sign of Aries, she simply tortures her partner with claims and the desire to constantly go somewhere, do something. She will spend hours trying to convince him that something needs to be changed, and Taurus will have to start from herself.

Taurus, in turn, does not like to obey other people's orders. He loves peace and quiet. Partners can converge because of high-quality sexual relationships, but they will not outgrow love. They are unlikely to be lovers, except that a Taurus woman will have a financial incentive to maintain this relationship.

Zodiac signs that are not destined to be together, Gemini-Capricorn

Such couples form very often if Capricorn is always busy at work, and the Gemini has best friends to whom they devote all their time. But then, such a union can hardly be called a relationship, it is rather a joint rest from everyday life. Capricorn is clearly bored with the mutable Gemini.

Boring and not interesting. Capricorn very quickly catches all changes in the mood of his partner, or partner, and knows in advance all his words. This, of course, makes Gemini very angry.

They constantly try to impose their rules of the game on their partner, and when nothing comes of it, they make a scandal and blame others for all mortal sins.

Friends from such partners do not add up. Capricorn has many communication needs, and Gemini has silence. The twins will only defend their position in such friendship and will not reckon with the position of Capricorn. What to do if children have appeared in such a family, and parents cannot see each other - try not to play on feelings and be honest.

Zodiac signs that are not destined to be together, Cancer Libra

In this alliance, the leading role is assigned to the Cancers, which upsets them a little, because they have a lot of plans for the future, a lot of desires and opportunities. They strive to be in time everywhere, while Libra is in no hurry. They are in no hurry to tell others about their hobbies, and Cancers at that time were already completely passionate about them.

Cancer craze Libra very often ends with a huge disappointment and scandal. They cannot understand why their partner does not invest in the relationship as much emotion as they do.

And Libra can’t understand that the restless Cancers want from them all the time, why they always come up with something, where so many emotions come from.

The problem with this pair is that none of the partners wants to give in to each other. Everyone thinks only about his problem and everyone rushes about it. For collected and organized Crayfish, the oscillations of Libra are simply not understood. A Cancer woman can live with a Libra man only if she firmly believes that he will change. And she will live until she understands that she was mistaken. And disappointment will come pretty quickly. But during this time, the partners will have time to quarrel many times, spoil their nerves.

Libra can live in such a union only for the reason that caring Cancers decide everything for them. But they really do not like that for every good deed, Cancers ask them to praise and wait for gratitude. Friendship in this alliance is also almost impossible. Only provided that the topics of conversation are not controversial.

Zodiac signs that are not destined to be together, Leo Virgo

This union is an explosive mixture. Each of the partners can explode from an unsuccessfully abandoned word, resentment and grief in this union will be enough. And why? Yes, because each of the partners is domineering and selfish. Leo will not allow herself to be pushed around, but Virgo is used to listening to her, listening to her, and sometimes even obeying her.

They speak different languages ​​and are not interesting interlocutors for each other. They just have no time to wait until the opponent speaks out.

Passion may break out between them, but as it breaks out, it fades away. Each of the partners pursues its own goals and interests. It is very difficult to understand when feelings flared up in this tandem.

After such a relationship, both partners will leave for a very long time mentally. Virgo may try to maintain friendly relations, but Leo does not need this. The problem is that Virgo can very actively insult Leo, and he, in turn, harbors a mortal resentment. The relationship between these partners will never be calm. Unless, both need adrenaline.

Zodiac signs that are not destined to be together, Scorpio-Sagittarius

These zodiac signs have different life values. Each of them strives for their goals, and they simply have nothing to talk about. Yes, they may well be friends, they may be colleagues, but they probably are not loving partners.

Scorpio will bustle around the house and wait for encouragement from Sagittarius, and he will seek inspiration and new emotions.

The partners themselves will understand in the early stages of the relationship that there is no particular attraction between them, easy flirting, no more.

Zodiac signs that are not destined to be together, Aquarius-Pisces

In these relationships, betrayal is inevitable. Aquarius will not appreciate the soulfulness and sincerity of Pisces, and will not understand why such an attitude towards them. They will believe that they do not know Aquarius well enough, that it is worth knowing each other better. But this will not save the relationship. They can very quickly disappear. And the partners just put up with it. They will remain good friends and will sometimes share news. Which is also a good alternative.


Watch the video: Who Are the Most Dangerous Zodiac Signs? (July 2024).