Karma Disease - Thyroid Disease


Today, many are faced with the concept of karma, but few understand what it is about. Especially when it comes to the karma of disease. Let's see what is the karma of thyroid disease?

The whole truth about karma is here.

Karma of thyroid disease - how to recognize it?

Thyroid diseases today affect every tenth inhabitant of the planet. These can be benign, malignant tumors, changes in the hormonal background as a result of thyroid dysfunction. It is believed that the cause of these pathologies is chronic iodine deficiency. But, as practice shows, often doctors shrug, as a patient who was completely healthy yesterday may suddenly seek medical help.

What is most alarming to scientists is the increase in such diseases in children and newborns. Also, they are skeptical of a quick and complete recovery, since they believe that at any time a re-development of the disease is possible. But, some people suffer an enlargement of the thyroid gland as they say "on their feet," and suddenly discover that the disease has disappeared.

In alternative medicine, thyroid diseases are considered diseases of the soul.

This is the state when a person suffers for a long time, is experiencing a crisis of relations, self-realization, creativity. This is the state when a person cannot help but worry and not suffer.

Such experiences and sufferings very often result from karmic practice. When a person must survive a certain negative period in his life and come out of it with new forces and new opportunities. But not everyone understands this. Many people begin to worry and think that there is a dead end in their life, that the disease will never recede, they cannot understand why they were given such a test, such a disease.

And this exacerbates the situation, since negative karma is accumulating in this life, the disease can begin to progress sharply. Karmic diseases of the thyroid gland are considered if every member of the genus suffers from them. Sometimes it happens that all family members get sick with similar diseases.

Is karma of one kind transferred to another? No - they just start working it out together.

Together they begin to live the negative experiences of the past. If a person has experienced stress and his hormonal background is disturbed, this does not always indicate a karmic problem, most likely in this case there is a psychosomatic problem, which a person can sometimes solve on his own.

Some benign tumors of the thyroid gland are the result of accumulated grievances and disappointments over the years, such a disease is not related to karmic problems. Here you can see the imbalance of love and hatred in a person towards himself. If a person suddenly has asthma attacks, especially at night - this means that he is worried about some unresolved problem and he needs to work very seriously with it. And the point here is often not in karma, but in domestic negativity, in everyday situations.

Karmic are considered diseases that abruptly disappear without medical treatment and reappear after certain situations.

So, there are cases when, after breaking up with a new partner, a woman gets her old illness in addition to stress.

The problem is that the disease does not disappear with the disappearance of stress, it remains and torments the woman for several more years.

So what to do with karmic thyroid diseases?

Karma of thyroid disease - how to work it out?

In order for the disease to recede once and for all - you need to determine what you are not taking into your heart, what are you so confidently rejecting? Perhaps you can’t forge a trusting and emotional relationship with your parents, maybe you can’t forge a strong emotional connection with them?

What I do not accept in myself and in others? This question will give an answer, a hint, what exactly do you need to work with.

If you cannot share your love with your parents because they are no longer alive, or because they have closed themselves emotionally from you, find another way to do this. If you cannot allow yourself to have a trusting, emotionally stable relationship with your family, then you cannot build the same relationship with yourself.

To practice karmic debts with parents, it is important to honor their memory if they are no longer with you, or try to participate as actively as possible in their lives, support and help them. We are not talking about material wealth, we are talking about spiritual interaction with them. By opening your heart to them, you are discovering the road to a fulfilling life.

In some cases, the study of insults and fears related to parents and loved ones helps very well.

So, for example, if you have experienced a difficult parting and can’t put up with it at all, can’t stop suffering anyway, then try to reflect on the feelings that accompany your inner state at the same time.

If you can’t understand in any way whether it is compressing in your chest or you cannot breathe, or it starts to shake you, but you cannot establish the reason, then there is an energy block in you. You do not want to accept and live the energy experience, you are just trying to close your eyes to it, but karmic debt will bother you for a long time, will pester you for a long time.

Crush you from the inside until you decide to free yourself from it and free your soul from this burden. Allow yourself to love others and let them love you.

Rejoice in heart even the little things and then the treatment of diseases will be much easier, then you may not have relapses.

You will even out your state of mind, you will be able to live without karmic and debt, and you will be able to help others get rid of such difficult and incurable diseases as thyroid gland diseases and other diseases associated with them that could deplete you and your life for years.

Karma of heart disease is a separate issue


Watch the video: Thyroid Animation (May 2024).