The most exotic and expensive pets


Today, the Russians, deciding to have a pet, turn to special pet stores in search of an exotic representative of the fauna. Instead of standard cats and dogs, iguana, lemur, lynx, etc. are of interest. Strange pets are much more expensive and require special care and upbringing, rather than the animals, familiar to the Russian eyes and everyday life. In order not to be in an unpleasant situation, it is necessary to get acquainted in advance with all the vagaries of the future pet.

Maine Coon

A large aboriginal cat from the United States. Previously, they were bred on farms in Maine. Powerful, fluffy, with a big tail, the Maine Coon looks like a raccoon. Hence the name of the breed: Maine - the state, (ra) ccoon - raccoon. Cats of this breed have a friendly disposition. They are very large and reach 12 kg in weight. Despite the thick wool, they do not need to be combed often. At one time can eat twice the size of an ordinary cat. Instead of dry food, they are better off giving fresh food. Today, Maine Coons of various colors and sizes can be found at cat shows. The average price for these cats is about 50 thousand rubles.


This monkey is good for those who care about minimum care costs and maximum pleasure. Lori - beautiful, affectionate, fluffy and tiny. These animals live in terrariums, at the bottom of which they put pieces of wood. They feed on lory once a day with fruits, vegetables, and even infant formula. By nature, Lori are predators. Therefore, sometimes they can be fed with crickets and zoological buses. There is such an animal about 75 thousand rubles.


The miniature fox resembles a fairytale character from the "Little Prince" Exupery. Her homeland is North Africa. Fenech is the owner of a peculiar appearance: pointed face, large eyes and long ears (up to 15 cm). In size, it is no larger than an ordinary domestic cat. The miniature pet has a high, thick fur and a very bushy tail, so you need to care for it carefully: bathe, comb and process it with special insect repellents. Fenech is a child of the desert, so unpretentious in food. Easy to tame. Their prices in Russia reach 100 thousand rubles.

Macau parrots

Bird lovers can get South American Macao - the largest parrot in the world. True, to keep such a pet at home is quite difficult. He easily snacks the bars of cells in 5 mm. Possessing a powerful beak, it can be unsafe for children. Macao is worth an average of 12 thousand. Dollars.

Mastiff Yangtze

Very large and expensive breed of dogs. Shaggy, like a lion, a dog is able to cope with a leopard. Keep it at home is almost impossible. He needs a rich diet and a huge aviary with a safe fence. Worth the Yangtze Mastiff several hundred thousand dollars.

The market of strange pets today is quite diverse. In the weather for exotic people get reptiles, predators, rare species of birds. Only before acquiring a bizarre little animal, it is worth remembering that it is not always possible to tame a wild temper.

Text: Katerina Pchelnikova


Watch the video: Most EXPENSIVE Pets In The World! (June 2024).