Kerosene, essential oils or vinegar against lice? What to prefer: folk or medication for lice


You can get infected with insects that parasitize on the skin and feed on human blood every 2-3 hours anywhere, anytime. Severe itching, burning, discomfort and the very knowledge that “something is crawling there” is very annoying, depriving of sleep and just interferes with life. How to get rid of the problem and what is better to use: TOP proven and effective remedies for lice.

Nettifor - kill parasites with medication

Strong insecticidal activity is the main factor in the action of this drug. Nettyphor paralyzes the nervous system of parasites, killing them. The tool has a pronounced anti-pedicular effect, does not enter the bloodstream, and prevents re-infection. Sometimes one application is enough.

The disadvantages of the drug are unpleasant odors (and not surprisingly!), Burning during use, contraindications (children under 5 years old, pregnant and lactating).

Feedback from those who used:

"A little uncomfortable, complex manipulations are required, but the result is decent."

“No other means are comparable to him. I say because I know. I’m a mother with many children. ”

Foxilon - simple and cheap

The tool is considered inexpensive and working. Available in lotion form, easy to use. Of the advantages, one can emphasize the speed of influence on insects, the fact that it is suitable for the destruction of ticks does not enter the bloodstream.

However, Foxilon has an unpleasant odor, does not apply to nits and is not allowed for children under 5 years old, as well as for pregnant and lactating women.

“Inexpensive and cheerful, as they say. It helps quickly, does not like the smell and the fact that re-processing is required. "

“Great tool. It helped the first time. "

Pedilin - kill lice and nits

Another effective remedy for lice can rightfully be called Pedilin. The active component of the drug has a detrimental effect on both sexually mature ones, and nits, which is a definite plus. After the first use, Pedilin is washed off, and then again applied (for 5 minutes) and washed with shampoo.

What do those who use Pedilin say?

“Smelly, but it works!”

“For 1 time of use, the problem was not solved. I had to apply all week. True, there was no one to comb out the nits, maybe that is why the process of exile was so delayed? ”

So, the disadvantages: bad smell. Advantages: the ability to kill lice eggs, a high degree of action.

Folk methods of combating parasites - lice

In ancient times, the only way to get rid of lice was to completely shave the hair. At present, in order to avoid a not too aesthetic appearance after such a procedure, various folk methods are used, which, by the way, are no less effective than medication. Masks, compresses, rubbing ... What to choose? What method is effective against lice and is suitable for pregnant, lactating and small children?

1. Tea tree oil mask

Connect 25 drops of the product with 30 ml of vodka and 20 ml of water. The resulting mixture is applied to wet hair (mainly at the roots) and, wrapped in polyethylene and a towel, is held for 2 hours. After this, wash off with water, rinse with vinegar and carefully comb out the hair with a comb with small combs.

The procedure must be repeated after a couple of days. The method is suitable in cases where medications are prohibited.

2. Tar soap It is considered an effective and safe remedy for lice. Apply it in the form of foam to wet hair. Top cover with polyethylene and wrap with a towel. The compress is kept for about 6 hours, after which the hair is washed, rinsed with acetic solution, and then the nits are combed out.

An aqueous solution of vinegar can be prepared "by eye". Pour a lot of water into a bowl and add a couple of tablespoons of vinegar. Acetic rinse should accompany any lice removal procedure. A remedy that "does not take nits" well complements vinegar. Acidic environment is the "killer" of the latter.

3. And finally, in my opinion, the strongest of all the "popular" - kerosene. Yes, yes, do not laugh. With skillful use, the oil distillation product works wonders. So, according to the reviews of many sufferers, kerosene is a really effective remedy for lice. The method of extermination of parasites is simple, like all ingenious.

Mix kerosene (sold in hardware stores) with sunflower oil in a 1: 1 ratio. This is by the rules. For example, I poured a little more oil, so as not to burn the delicate scalp of a child. Carefully disassemble the hair into strands and brush it from the roots. You can as you like. Be sure to cover the area behind the ears and the back of the head. There is always a special concentration of insects. Then we wrap everything with polyethylene, and on top you can put on a hat or scarf. We go with such a compress for 2 hours. The smell, of course, is horrible, but the result is 100%.

After the allotted time, wash everything off with water and rinse with an aqueous solution of vinegar. Then (Attention!) without fail we divide hair into zones and comb out nits. In the summer - on the street in the sun, in the winter - under a table lamp. There will be little sense from any method unless lice eggs are removed. The procedure is required to be repeated after a couple of days. After - you need to watch. It all depends on the degree of damage. The sooner treatment is started, the better.

Important! Kerosene is a flammable substance! Take it seriously! Do not approach or allow the child to be near an open flame, and also very carefully smear the product. With strong concentration, burns are possible! This is the case when "under" is better than "re".

I would also like to say about the prevention of pediculosis. After all, the disease is easier to prevent than to cure. Preventive measures typically include:

• periodic shampooing with special shampoo

• treatment of scalp with essential oils (lavender, rosemary, etc.)

• use of special sprays purchased at the pharmacy

Such actions will help to destroy the "random" parasites.

With effort, zeal and patience, you can get rid of nasty lice without losing hair! Which way to choose is up to you. I shared what, in my opinion, is most acceptable from the standpoint of logic and really destructive for parasites.


Watch the video: Natural Treatment for Acne and Fungal Infections (July 2024).