Quick solution to the delicate problem of stool retention. Review of the best remedies for constipation


Despite the fact that there are a lot of remedies for constipation, in many cases the best solution is to take ready-made products from the pharmacy, all the elements of which are strictly selected and balanced for guaranteed and correct normalization of the stool.

And sometimes the best solution is the choice of funds without plant components.


The active component of this agent is lactulose, the effect of which is due to the fact that it increases the osmotic pressure in the colon, causing an influx of fluid (penetrating through the intestinal walls) into it, resulting in an increase in volume and softening of feces, which is complemented by stimulation of intestinal motility. Also, an increase in the number of lactobacilli (a change in local flora with an increase in acidity) directly affects the result.

In the process of mild exposure, occurring, on average, 24-48 hours before the final result (stool), Normase also contributes to the normalization of local microflora, which can be useful for dysbiosis.

The mild formula allows you to attribute the drug to the best remedies for constipation, the reception of which is allowed even for children and pregnant women.

Almost the main side effect of the syrup (the bottle is supplemented with a convenient measuring cup) is called flatulence, and diabetes is among the likely contraindications.

Without the addictive effect, the drug can be consumed for 3-4 weeks (in some cases it is indicated by a long course), but then there is a high risk of disturbing the water-electrolyte balance.


The active ingredient of these tablets is an extract of senna, one of the oldest phytotherapy agents, characterized, however, by a rather strong, irritating effect on the colon receptors. Often, the laxative effect of the drug is accompanied by spastic abdominal pain (caused by intestinal motility) and nausea.

It is recommended that you take the pill not on an empty stomach, that is, after eating, and be sure to drink it with liquid. About 8 hours pass from administration to effect.

This tool can be classified as suitable for episodic cases and in no case for prolonged use, as a result of which dehydration, decreased blood pressure and negative consequences for the central nervous system can develop.

With great care, the drug is used in case of liver and kidney diseases.


The composition of this one of the best remedies for constipation in the category of dietary supplements is quite diverse depending on the form of release:

• chewable tablets - extracts of senna, plantain and dill, apricot powder;

• herbal tea - pieces of dried apricots, chamomile flowers, senna;

• liquid concentrate - leaves of plantain, extracts of buckthorn, senna and fennel, plum juice;

• glazed bar - wheat fibers, beets, husks of plantain seeds, dill extract, prune slices.

The action of the funds is manifested in the interval from 4 to 12 hours, and to consolidate a positive result (normalization of the stool), it is recommended to take them (only without mixing different types on the same day) for several days.

The saturated natural composition of Phytolax provides not only a laxative effect, but also a general improvement in the condition of the intestine, including the drug acts as an antispasmodic, enveloping and anti-inflammatory.

In parallel with its intake, it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids.

Potential side effects include individual intolerance to the components and loss of appetite, and contraindications include pregnancy, the period of breastfeeding and the age of under 14 years.

And it is noteworthy that sometimes it is used in weight loss programs.


The secret to the effectiveness of these gelatin capsules is simple and concentrated in their filling - this is the husk of a flea plantain. Once in the intestine, the crushed fibers of the plant begin to swell actively and quickly, absorbing almost all the liquid available to them, which directly affects the increase in volume and softening of feces, plus, the walls of the colon (mucosal receptors) of the colon are irritated and come within 6-8 hours result.

Capsules are allowed for children and pregnant women. Often they are prescribed to normalize the stool during the treatment of hemorrhoids and in this regard Defenorm is considered one of the best remedies for constipation.

The intake of capsules must be accompanied by a plentiful drink (from 1.5 liters per day), otherwise the plantain simply will not be able to act normally.

Contraindications for its use include disturbances in the water-electrolyte balance, in which it is unacceptable to consume a lot of fluids and severe forms of diabetes.


The active component of these fruit-based chewing cubes (fig paste and plum mousse) is senna extract, but, due to the specificity of the composition, in this case this plant does not exert a somewhat aggressive effect on the intestine.

After a convenient reception (no need to drink it), Regulax acts on average after 8 hours, enhancing intestinal motility, stimulating the corresponding reflexes and it is important to note that indications for its use can be disorders of the lower intestine, in which the patient should not strain in the toilet (for example, hemorrhoids).

The drug is contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy, with cystitis and with caution is prescribed for serious kidney diseases and in the periods after abdominal operations, and among the side effects it is worth noting, in particular, nausea and bloating.


Among analogues with the same basic active ingredient - sodium picosulfate, Guttalax can be called one of the best remedies for constipation, the advantages of which include quick effectiveness (works after 5-8 hours), a rather mild formula (in the process of relief it does not cause abdominal pain, as, for example, senna) an attractive format of release - the drug in drops has a neutral taste, it can even be mixed into food. But there is also it in the form of tablets. The effectiveness of the drug is based on the irritating type of exposure, in which there is a reduction in the walls of the intestine, supplemented, in addition, by the accumulation of fluid in the colon, due to which the stool softens.

Side effects can be expressed, inter alia, dizziness and lowering blood pressure, among the contraindications there are inflammatory processes in the abdominal cavity, and with prolonged use, the drug is addictive.


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