How to make face masks after 50 years at home? Proven mask recipes for aging facial skin


Scientists have deciphered the papyrus found in the Egyptian tomb, it turned out that these are recipes for face masks. As part of these funds were indicated herbs, flowers and oils. If in ancient times they attached great importance to appearance, then a modern person is simply obliged to constantly monitor the health and beauty of his face.

What products do face masks consist of after 50 years at home

Many women find beauty products too expensive. They are completely wrong. You can prepare effective and inexpensive face masks for 50 years at home from conventional products.

The recipes of available cosmetic masks use honey, fat, eggs, butter, cottage cheese, yeast, gelatin, milk, meat, fruits, vegetables, berries, flowers, tea, cereals. They also use inexpensive pharmaceutical clay, pearl powder, mineral or sea water

For example, honey is available to everyone, it contains a lot of vitamins, essential oils and glucose. Honey masks are perfectly absorbed, smooth out wrinkles and tighten the oval of the face.

In eggs, a complete set of all nutrients. Dairy products also have many vitamins A, E and D, which are responsible for tissue regeneration and increase immunity. In vegetable oil, one of the most valuable for skin health is vitamin F, it is added to many branded creams and masks.

Citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C, which cures inflammatory processes, reduces hypersensitivity and is involved in the formation of collagen.

Do not rush to throw away the withered bouquet of roses that you received for the holiday. Gather the petals, dry and put them in a jar or linen bag, then use to make masks.

An outstanding Central Asian scientist and doctor Avicenna advised: "If you want to be beautiful, then wash yourself with rose juice." Masks with a decoction or extract from roses give the skin a pleasant velvety and youthful appearance.

It is worth paying attention to cheap camphor oil or alcohol. These funds are in every pharmacy. Camphor has antioxidant, soothing, refreshing and anti-aging properties. Always add camphor oil to the masks.

Do not be lazy and use the gifts of nature, which will give you beauty and prolong youth!

Varieties of face masks in 50 years at home

Masks differ in composition and purpose. Facial skin needs to be cleaned, nourished, moisturized and treated, for this regularly do cosmetic masks. Some funds are harvested in large quantities and used daily, while others once a week or even a month.

Varieties of face masks 50 years old at home:

1. Cleansers. From cottage cheese, bran, liver, salt, rice, pharmacy clay.

2. Nutritious and restorative metabolism. From baby food, aloe, honey, cabbage, eggs, fish caviar.

3. Toning and refreshing. From nuts, rose petals, bread, cucumbers, melons, berries.

4. Increasing skin firmness. From gelatin, yolks, oatmeal, starch.

5. Whitening and improving complexion. From horseradish, lemon, kefir, hydroperite, beets, carrots, pumpkins.

Cleansing face masks after 50 years at home

At every age, cleansing procedures are helpful. Face masks at age 50 and at home use ingredients that are indicated for dry, aging skin. Use any recipe once a week. If there is a scratch or redness on the face, it is better to temporarily put off the cleansing masks.

Tea, rose petals and linseed oil

Take any tea, rose petals, liquid soap, and linseed oil. Spread the tea leaves and rose petals on a flat surface to dry. Mash teas and roses with linseed oil, adding a couple drops of liquid soap. Please note that linseed oil contains alpha-linoleic acid, which is part of the rejuvenation products.

Apply gruel on face. With circular, light movements, gradually cleanse the skin. After five minutes, rinse with warm water. Mechanical movements improve blood circulation, cleanse dirt and dry dead epidermal cells.

Beef liver

Take raw beef liver, you only need ten grams. Cut off the bile ducts and film. Rub the product on a grater or pass through a clean meat grinder, then apply on face. After ten minutes, wash yourself.

The liver is rich in minerals, amino acids and enzymes. Such a mask not only perfectly cleanses the pores, but also removes age spots.

Face masks after 50 years at home, fortifying and restoring metabolism

In nutritious face masks 50 years old at home should be carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals and vitamins. Nourishing procedures should be carried out daily. If you are not allergic to any vitamin component, then you can safely use one of the recipes.

Dry infant formula

Buy a pack of dry infant formula. Dilute one tablespoon of the mixture with boiling water. Cool creamy mask and apply on face. Wash off after twenty minutes.

Honey and Camphor

Heat a spoonful of honey in a water bath, add a drop of camphor oil. Apply the resulting clear mass to the face along the massage lines. After a couple of minutes, use the back of your hand to make patting movements in the chin area. After ten minutes, rinse the honey with camphor. This procedure not only nourishes, but also refreshes.

Cottage cheese, cream, egg

Measure one teaspoon of the following foods: cottage cheese, cream, and egg yolk. Add a quarter teaspoon of soda to the composition, then stir for ten minutes. Apply this mask to your face and neck before going to bed. The mask perfectly nourishes the skin and soothes nerves.

Universal masks

Most 50-year-old face masks at home have several beneficial properties. They nourish, tone, increase elasticity, whiten and improve skin color.

The main component in these masks is glycerin (trihydric alcohol). It perfectly moisturizes dry age skin and smoothes fine wrinkles. (For oily skin, it is better not to use glycerin. And add it strictly according to the prescription.) Masks with glycerin are convenient to apply, they are pleasant to the senses.

Here are the most popular masks for 50 year old women:

"Sophia Loren"

The composition is prepared for a week. You will need 100 ml of cream, 1 teaspoon of gelatin, glycerin and honey. Pour gelatin with cold cream first. After a couple of hours, put it in a water bath. When the gelatin dissolves in the cream, add honey and glycerin.

Apply the cooled mask to the face and décolleté. Wash off when it begins to dry. Put the rest of the mixture in the refrigerator. The mask nourishes and improves skin elasticity.

"Madame Pompadour"

You will need a lemon, half a glass of alcohol, 200 ml of thick sour cream, egg white and glycerin. Wash lemon, peel, chop and pour in alcohol. Strain lemon juice with alcohol through cheesecloth and stir with sour cream. Add half a teaspoon of glycerin and one whipped protein. Rinse off after 20 minutes. The mask nourishes, whitens and rejuvenates the face well.

Candy Law

They say that this Chinese woman stopped aging after 25 years, despite the age of fifty, she continues to work as a model. This rice flour mask is named after her.

Measure out two tbsp. tablespoons of rice. Using a coffee grinder, make rice flour. Add four dessert spoons of sour cream and a beaten egg. Brush the composition on the face. Add another layer to the dried mask.

Look in the mirror: the skin tightened, and the face was noticeably younger. Bear about twenty minutes. At this time, you can’t eat, smile and talk. Then wash your face with warm water. The mask nourishes, tones and reduces sagging skin.

You have made sure that masks can be made without the help of professional cosmetologists. With these simple recipes, your face skin will become prettier and younger even after fifty.
