Aromatic coffee: harm and benefit for women. Scientific research and facts about coffee, its benefits and harms for women


Many people prefer to start the morning with a cup of invigorating coffee. Someone cannot live without this aromatic drink, and someone considers it unhealthy.

Coffee: harm for women

It is harmful to consume coffee for those who are suffering from insomnia, irritability and hypertension. Doctors advise excluding coffee from anyone who has kidney disease. Someone thinks that if caffeine is absent in coffee, this is a great substitute for your favorite drink. But this is self-deception, because to get rid of caffeine, harmful chemicals are used.

It is better not to drink instant coffee. Usually it is made from cheap coffee beans of poor quality, add artificial flavors and harmful preservatives. After industrial processing, all the beneficial properties of coffee will be lost. Therefore, it is advisable to drink freshly roasted coffee.

What is the harm of coffee for women:

• physical dependence. To find out if there is a dependence on caffeine, you should abandon the drink for a while. With the appearance of headache, fatigue, drowsiness, irritability, depression and other symptoms, we can assume that it is present;

• Coffee harms the nervous system. If you stimulate the tissues of the nervous system for a long time, this will lead to its constant being in an excited state and excessive stress. As a result, nerve cells will be depleted and will not be able to ensure the normal functioning of all body systems;

• negative effects on mental health. If you drink coffee in large doses, this can lead to the appearance of psychosis, paranoia, epilepsy, aggression for no reason;

• detrimental effect on the work of the heart and blood vessels. Caffeine helps increase heart rate, increase blood pressure. It is very harmful to drink coffee for those who have cardiovascular pathologies or the likelihood of their development. A brewed drink is much more harmful than a brewed in a coffee maker;

• caffeine promotes leaching from the body and the normal absorption of a number of important trace elements. These are potassium, sodium, magnesium, B vitamins, calcium. Where it leads? To the development of osteoporosis, the appearance of pain in the back and neck, irritability and dental problems. Also, caffeine negatively affects the color of the skin, teeth and affects the health of the hair. The skin becomes dry and begins to peel off, hair falls out, and the nails exfoliate and lose a healthy glow;

• provokes cellulitis. The harm to coffee for women will manifest itself in the form of an orange peel on the buttocks and hips, if you drink a lot of coffee, but do not exercise;

• Passion for coffee as a bad habit. With the regular use of a large amount of your favorite drink, the body gradually learns to relax on its own, so you will want to drink more coffee. And this is fraught with a big load on the hormonal background of a woman, the psyche, heart and other internal organs.

The harm of coffee for women planning a pregnancy

Scientists have proven that when caffeine is used in high doses, the likelihood of conception is sharply reduced. Therefore, during the planning period of the child, you need to review your diet and reduce the amount of caffeine, which adversely affects the fertilization and promotion of the egg into the uterus.

If you consume more than 300 mg of caffeine per day during pregnancy, the probability of terminating the pregnancy in the first three months increases, or there may be premature birth in the third trimester. After the baby is born, it is also not advisable to abuse coffee. Otherwise, the child may be restless, hyperactive, and his sleep will be disturbed. To minimize the harm from coffee, you should consume no more than two cups of the drink per day. And when planning the IVF procedure (in vitro fertilization) it is better to forget about coffee for a while.

Contraindications: the harm of coffee for women

You can’t think that the body is strong and will cope with any harmful products and poisons. You must always take care of your health. For example, the body is tired and wants to rest and sleep. If this desire for sleep is removed with the help of coffee, then there is a struggle to the detriment of oneself. The body needs recharging in the form of rest, and the nervous system, on the contrary, is stimulated. This is not correct, because work begins to wear. As a result, various diseases and early aging of the body appear.

When you can not drink coffee:

• in old age;

• during pregnancy and lactation, as well as until the desired conception;

• if there is a disease of the stomach;

• with osteoporosis. The bones are already suffering, and then there is caffeine, which helps to wash out calcium;

• with high blood pressure, cataracts, atherosclerosis, glaucoma, heart diseases.

What is the use of coffee for women?

There have been many studies that have proven that the benefits of coffee for women are undeniable. It all depends on the composition and coffee beans. According to scientists, fresh grains contain many healthy substances. These are calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, potassium, organic acids, vitamins A, B, D, E and other trace elements. For example, one cup of this invigorating drink contains 20% of the daily intake of vitamin P, but it helps to improve the functioning of the immune system and reduce inflammation in the body. It depends on these substances what effect coffee will have on the body. It can be negative and positive. Because it contains a lot of different components, which in their own way affect health. And each person develops an individual susceptibility to them. Still need to consider the amount and concentration of the drink.

Doctors consider a safe dose of several cups of aromatic drink per day, then the benefits of coffee for women will be maximum. It is not recommended to drink coffee a few hours before bedtime. And also it is not advisable to brew it too much. It is better to brew a drink of medium concentration, and drink no more than twice a day.

The main active ingredient in coffee is caffeine. It energizes the body, improves vascular tone, improves the functioning of the brain, gastrointestinal tract and other body systems. No wonder caffeine is on the list of drugs. It is even used for the manufacture of certain medicines. For example, the most famous is Citramon. The debate over caffeine is still not over. Some argue that it improves performance, while others shout that this substance leads to the depletion of the nervous system and the appearance of various pathologies. Everyone has the right to a personal opinion. But scientists have proved that coffee is not only harmful, but also beneficial.

So, what is the use of coffee for women:

• improved metabolism. Many women dream of losing weight. Caffeine not only invigorates, but also helps stimulate metabolism, helping to lose weight faster;

• good prevention of depression. Women are prone to frequent mood swings and depression. Those who drink at least three cups of coffee a day have 20% less emotional illness;

• reduces the risk of diabetes. It drops by 50% if you drink three cups of the drink per day;

• improving memory, attention and mental activity. Scientists have proven that if you drink two cups of coffee a day, not only short-term memory will improve, but also the speed of the reaction. Which helps reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease;

• prevention of Parkinson's disease. Studies have shown that caffeine helps reduce the likelihood of developing this ailment. The chance of developing the disease is reduced by 25% with the use of 2-3 cups during the day;

• possesses antioxidant properties, therefore it helps to maintain youth and a beautiful appearance;

• contributes to the normalization of blood pressure.

To drink coffee or not is everyone's personal choice. The main thing is not to abuse this aromatic drink in order to prevent the development of caffeine addiction.


Watch the video: 7 Facts About Coffee You Probably Didnt Know (June 2024).