What varieties of apple trees are suitable for the Urals: photos, description and characteristics. Features of winter-hardy apple varieties in the Urals


The climate in the Urals is severe, the spring is cold and lingering. Often, a blooming apple tree falls under frost, which negatively affects the productivity of the tree. Breeders have bred apple varieties that adapt to the harsh conditions of the Urals, tolerate winters and successfully bear fruit. Consider the most popular of them.

Column-shaped varieties of apple trees for growing in the Urals

Colon-shaped apple trees are characterized by early maturity, good yields and compactness. Recently, breeders have planted new varieties on winter-hardy stock, which allows them to grow trees even in such difficult conditions.

The variety "Currency" is particularly winter-hardy. The apple tree belongs to the winter, the harvest is harvested in late autumn. It is stored until January. The tree itself is compact, no more than 2 m in height. The leaves retain a green color even in autumn, with the advent of cold weather they simply crumble. Fruiting begins in the year of planting, but its peak falls on the 4-5 year of cultivation. In one place, the tree grows well and gives a harvest for 15 years. The average number of fruits is up to 10 kg, with age, yield decreases. Apples are quite large, regular in shape, creamy with a red blush. The peel is dense, but thin, shiny. The pulp is juicy, pleasant in taste, with acidity.

Unpretentious can be called a variety of "President". The apple tree tolerates frosts well, bears fruit in early August. Harvest retains its taste and presentation for about three months. With one tree, with proper care, they collect up to 10 kg of fruit. Apples of medium size, yellow-green color, juicy pulp.

Another proven variety "Moscow necklace". A tree with an autumn fruiting period, fruits are stored until winter, do not deteriorate. The apple tree is compact, can grow from 2.5 to 3 m. It bears fruit well in the area with nutrient soil, but does not tolerate stagnation of moisture at the roots. Fruits are dark red in color with a characteristic waxy coating. The pulp is sweet, juicy, during storage does not lose taste.

Early varieties of apple trees for the Urals

Apple tree "Country" tolerates frosts, has high resistance to scab and other diseases. It bears fruiting in the fifth year after planting. A tree with a pyramidal crown. Fruits are pale yellow, medium in size. Creamy flesh, sweet, juicy.

Variety "Ural bulk" is famous for its high yield, small yellow apples and early fruiting. The variety successfully tolerates a decrease in temperature to - 51 ° C.

Of the summer varieties, the Aksen apple tree can be distinguished. It has a high resistance to scab, tolerates a sharp drop in temperature. The fruits are bright red, striped. Their taste is sweet and sour. Harvested in early August. Fruiting is stable from year to year, despite the harsh climate.

Papirovaya apple-tree is distinguished by good productivity. Remove up to 250 kg of fruit from a tree. However, the variety is self-infertile; pollinators are required for fruiting. Often, a Welsey variety is planted as a pollinator. Paprika gives small yellow-green apples with good taste. Their pulp is white, sweet and sour. The variety is universal, used for processing and fresh consumption. Fresh apples are stored for no more than a month.

The best of late apple varieties for the Urals

The most common is the variety "Beauty of Sverdlovsk". With proper care, the apple tree bears fruit abundantly and for a long time. The tree has good immunity, increased winter hardiness. The fruits are lined, pleasant red with a blush, medium in size. The taste is excellent.

Autumn grade "Gift of Autumn" bears fruit in September. Harvest retains its taste and presentation for more than two months. Apples can be recycled. Fruits are large with yellow skin, the flesh is soft, sweet. The variety is appreciated for its resistance to various diseases. However, pollinators will be required for normal fruiting. In the garden, it is recommended to plant the Anis Sverdlovsky apple tree.

Variety "Good News" is relatively new, famous for good winter hardiness, stable fruiting. The tree is of medium strength, the crown is rounded. The fruits are large, barrel-shaped. The color of apples is yellow and a covering red blush. The pulp is dense, crunchy, fine-grained, juicy. The apples are picked at the end of September, the crop is successfully stored until next spring. The variety is notable for industrial purposes, tolerates transportation well, retains its presentation for a long time.

Of the new varieties of winter apples stands out "Danila". The tree is not affected by scab, does not freeze. Fruits in large apples, which are harvested in late September. Fruits of yellow color, pleasant sweet and sour taste. The crop is stable, stored until spring with minimal loss.

Features of planting and growing apple trees

All varieties of apple trees that are grown in the Urals need special care in the winter. The frosts in this area are strong, the soil freezes deeply, the root system of even winter-hardy trees can suffer. To prevent this from happening, in winter the trunk circle is mulched with a thick layer of peat, humus, dry foliage, covered with spruce branches and covered with snow. The height of the mulching layer is not less than 10 cm.

Strong winds can become another problem when growing. Therefore, a quiet place is reserved for planting, without drafts. Young trees recommend tying to supports. In some cases, each branch is tied separately.

Young plants are planted in late autumn so that they do not begin to grow or in spring, as soon as the snow melts. Spring planting is preferable, seedlings adapt more quickly, start growing and grow stronger during the season. The landing site is prepared in advance, while it is chosen so that the groundwater lies deep.

The traditional care of seedlings consists in standard procedures:


· Top dressing;

· Pruning.

Trees are watered especially carefully after planting, until they take root. In subsequent years, the soil is moistened only during a drought.

In the first year, the seedling is not fed. Subsequently, nutrient mixtures are introduced, in the spring mainly nitrogen, gradually switch to phosphorus-potassium fertilizing. After top dressing, the soil is watered abundantly. Long-acting granular fertilizers can be used. They are brought into the area of ​​the near-trunk circle, with subsequent incorporation into the ground.

The formation of the crown depends on the variety of apple trees. Colon-shaped apple trees are not pruned very much; they only carry out sanitary cleaning. The central conductor is not cut off. If he suffered from frost, then he is shortened to living tissue, the nearest side kidney is left as a conductor.

The remaining varieties begin to form in the second year of cultivation. In spring, the branches are shortened to the maximum so that they begin to grow actively. This leads to a good harvest, the apple tree bears larger fruits.


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