Exercises for treating carpal tunnel syndrome at home. What is the best treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome?


Carpal tunnel syndrome is provoked by nerve compression and irritation of the wrist. As a result, violations occur that lead to a decrease in the sensitivity and mobility of the fingers. In order to avoid complications, it is necessary to start timely treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome at home.

Causes of carpal tunnel syndrome

The causes of pathology include the following factors:

· Professional human activity, which is associated with a constant uniform movement of the hands;

Ailments of the thyroid gland;

Abnormal bone growth;

· diabetes;

Fluid stagnation in the body;

· Various injuries and fractures, as a result of which compression of the median nerve is observed;

· Inflammatory and rheumatic ailments of the hand.

People who work most of the time at the computer are very susceptible to illness. Regardless of which particular cause triggered the disease, it is necessary to begin its timely treatment. This will help to avoid complications that disrupt normal human activity. In severe cases, temporary disability is possible.

Exercises for treating carpal tunnel syndrome at home

In order to avoid the disease, it is necessary to perform a series of exercises. With constant constant brush movements, there is a risk of progression of carpal tunnel syndrome. Home treatment includes:

1. Symptoms of pathology will not bother if during work a person changes his position from time to time and takes a break for a quarter of an hour. To improve well-being, it is necessary to give the muscles a rest.

2. You can perform simple actions such as squeezing the ball.

3. At the time of treatment, tighten your fingers into a fist and also unclench them strongly.

4. Clasp your hands into fists and rotate them first in one direction, then in the opposite direction.

5. Squeeze all fingers in turn and apply pressure to the thumb.

6. Press the palm of your hand against each other, and spread your elbows to the sides. Next, try to lower your palms without unclenching them, but keep your elbows at the same height. It is important not to leave the limbs far from the torso.

7. Straighten your hands in front of you and rest your palm in your palm. The bent arm must be straightened, resisting the other arm.

With regular exercise, you can improve your condition.

Reduced swelling in the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome at home

Edema is a very unpleasant symptom of pathology, from which it is necessary to get rid of the first thing. The cure is the use of diuretic infusions and decoctions.

The result can be seen after eating an infusion of parsley roots. A large spoonful of raw materials should be poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water and left to stand until morning. The resulting composition should be taken one sip throughout the day.

The composition of white birch leaves has the same effect. A few large spoons of raw materials pour a cup of boiling water and leave for three hours. Means to drink in four divided doses by a third of a glass before eating.

Bearberry has diuretic and antiflogistic properties. To prepare a healing medicine, pour a large spoonful of plant leaves with a cup of boiling water and leave for a couple of hours. Drink the composition in a large spoon a couple of times a day.

Treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome at home with folk recipes

In order to cope with the disease at its initial stage, one can resort not only to drug therapy, but also folk remedies. They are highly effective and can help solve the problem in a short period of time. But if the disease already has a severe form, then folk remedies are included in the complex therapy of pathology. The following recipes are distinguished by their effectiveness:

1. Sea buckthorn relieves the patient’s condition and restores hand health To heal, crush a cup of fresh or frozen berries and mix with a glass of liquid. Put the composition on low heat and slightly warm. The resulting product is used for baths, which are taken 10 minutes. The manipulations are repeated twice a day for two weeks. Use the same composition for procedures up to 6 times. It is forbidden to conduct a session if there are abrasions and wounds on the hands.

2. Tincture of cucumber and pepper. Rubbing with a tool. To obtain the healing composition of 3 pickled cucumbers grate on a coarse grater. Finely chop 3 pods of hot pepper. Mix both components and dilute 0.5 l of vodka. Leave to insist for a week, but shake every day. Filter the composition and use to wipe the affected area four times a day for a month.

3. Pumpkin compress. To prepare the product, take the pulp of a ripe pumpkin and pass through a meat grinder. The resulting slurry is applied to the sore spot. Wrap polyethylene on top and secure with a warm scarf. Compress is applied all night. The duration of treatment is at least 7 days. Not only does the warming of damaged tissues occur, but swelling is also eliminated. You can get rid of the island-inflammatory process.

4. Salt and camphor alcohol. Using these components make the bath. To carry out the procedure with the ingredients, take a large spoonful of sea salt and mix with 10 ml of camphor alcohol. After that, the resulting mixture is diluted in a liter of liquid. The duration of the session is about a third of an hour. At the beginning of the procedure, the temperature should be as tolerable as possible. Make a bath in the morning and evening for 21 days.

5. For pathology, it is recommended to grind the diseased surface with oil-pepper composition. For its preparation you will need 100 grams of hot pepper, which pour 4 cups of any vegetable oil. Put the mixture in a water bath for half an hour. The resulting product must be filtered and rubbed. Before the session, warm up the composition a little. The procedure is carried out 5 times a day for three weeks. In case there is a burning sensation, you should not be scared. This is not an adverse reaction, but the effect of pepper.

6. Linseed oil. This tool helps to improve the condition of the patient. To alleviate the condition, you need to drink a large spoonful of the product every day. The duration of the cure is a month.

7. Compress with black radish. 1 radish grate, pre-rinse. The resulting slurry is applied to the sore spot. Cover with polyethylene on top and leave for 3 hours. Tie a woolen shawl on top. To obtain positive results, repeat the procedure once a day for three weeks.

Means for the prevention of carpal tunnel syndrome as a method of treatment at home

Most often, the disease is provoked by professional activity when the rules that can support the health of the hands are not followed. In order not to encounter pathology, it is necessary:

1. Ensure the correct setting of the hand at the time of prolonged work at the computer.

2. Use a special mouse pad that has a helium pad to support your wrist.

3. With prolonged monotonous load on the upper limbs, do finger compressions and unclenches every quarter hour.

4. Avoid overcooling of brushes.

5. For various injuries to the limbs, begin competent timely treatment.

6. In time, proceed to cure island-inflammatory processes in the ligaments of the hand.

7. Time to start curing island-inflammatory processes in the soft tissues of the hand.

8. For prolonged monotonous work with hands every three days, make special baths for hands with sea salt for a quarter of an hour.

9. If a person knows that a long monotonous work is ahead, it is necessary to do gymnastics in advance to warm up.

10. If there is a feeling of fatigue, then you should interrupt for a short gymnastics. Near the workplace, you can hold a small toy that will remind you of the need for a break. It is recommended to have a rosary and iterate over the beads from time to time.

Such recommendations will help maintain healthy hands, and will not allow carpal tunnel syndrome to progress. At the slightest suspicion of an illness, it is imperative to seek specialist advice.


Watch the video: Worried About Carpal Tunnel? Try 3 Simple Stretches (June 2024).