Royal cake without flour - a gorgeous dessert! Simple recipes for a royal cake without flour with starch, nuts, crackers


Royal cake without flour - a culinary masterpiece from nutritionists.

Principles of making a royal cake without flour

• Such a cake can be made from two types of cakes. Both of them contain many nuts, but the consistency of the dough for them is different. Protein cakes are denser, with pieces of nuts inside. When they are made, starch is interfered with in the dough instead of flour. Another type of cake is more tender, they also do not have flour, it is replaced with finely ground nuts. Sometimes white breadcrumbs are mixed into such a dough.

• Royal cake cakes are greased with dense creams of dense consistency from cream or with the addition of butter. Billets made from proteins are tender, meringues can melt upon contact with moisture, so they use a chilled cream or pre-coated with melted chocolate.

• Royal cake does not require special decoration. Most often, the surface lined with cream is sprinkled with grated chocolate or small nutty crumbs. For decor, you can separately bake meringues in the shape of sticks and stick them on the sides of the dessert.

Royal Flourless Cake with Butter Cream


• ten proteins;

• powdered sugar - 240 gr.;

• 600 grams of chopped walnuts;

• two tablespoons of starch.

In cream:

• yolks of ten fresh eggs;

• a pack of "Traditional" or 200 grams of homemade butter;

• 160 grams of hand-ground powdered sugar;

• 60 grams of cocoa powder.


• chocolate, dark - a 50-gram bar.

Cooking method:

1. Sprinkle nuts on a baking sheet or the bottom of a thick-walled pan and lightly calcinate. Be sure to ensure that the kernels do not burn, mix occasionally. Chilling, chop, but not finely.

2. Beat the mixer with the mixer until fluffy foam, then add a spoonful of sugar, whisk until stable peaks form on the surface.

3. Sift starch through a sieve onto the protein mass and gently intervene. In the same way, with gentle movements in the direction from top to bottom, we intervene the nuts, but not all, leave fifty grams for decoration.

4. We line the baking sheet with baking paper, slightly oiling it, pour the protein dough on it. Aligned so that it lies in a uniform layer of seven millimeter thickness, put in the oven. Do not forget to preheat the oven, when installing the pan, the temperature in it should be 180 degrees.

5. Reduce the temperature to 160 degrees, bake for twenty-five minutes, focus on color, cake should become a pleasant cream color.

6. After taking the cake from the oven, let it cool slightly and cut it into three parts directly in the baking sheet. Carefully removing, we shift the workpieces onto the grate.

7. Cooking cream. Pour powdered sugar into a bowl. Add the yolks to it and rub it thoroughly. In a separate container, fluffy beat the softened butter, mix cocoa into it. We combine both masses and whisking, we bring the cream to homogeneity.

8. We form a cake on a dish, stacking cream-covered protein cakes in a pile. We fix the creamy mass of bumps on the sides and apply its remains to the top of the cake.

9. The previously left nuts are chopped to a large crumb with a blender and sprinkle with it the whole dessert. On the top surface through a coarse grater we rub chocolate.

Royal Flourless Cake with Butter Cream and Chocolate Layer


• squirrels - 4 pcs.;

• 150 gr. hazelnuts;

• a glass and another spoonful of fat but liquid cream;

• 160 gr. Sahara;

• a spoon of potato starch;

• one hundred grams of dark chocolate, by weight or in tiles.

Cooking method:

1. Lightly bake nuts in a pan or in the oven. Having cooled, we interrupt in a coffee grinder or a blender in flour.

2. Beat the whites with sugar until strong peaks. It is important to start working as a mixer at minimum speed, gradually increasing speed. Sugar should be introduced in small parts, not more than a spoon at a time and do not add a new portion until it dissolves without the residue previously filled up. Only under these conditions can the desired result be achieved.

3. Sprinkle nut crumbs and starch over a dense protein mass, carefully intervene.

4. Dividing the dough into pieces, in a round 20-centimeter form, bake five cakes. Each baking time is approximately seven minutes. Be sure to cover the bottom of the mold with baking paper and lightly grease it with vegetable oil.

5. While the cakes are cooling, prepare the cream. Break into pieces of 80 grams of chocolate. Pouring into a bowl, melt in a water bath, then cool slightly.

6. Pour very strongly chilled cream into a dry, fat-free bowl. After adding a spoonful of sugar, beat until fluffy. Carefully control the process, with prolonged operation of the mixer, cream may turn into oil.

7. Applying with a culinary brush, grease with melted chocolate the top of one of the cakes. Lay on the dish, with the chocolate side up and apply the cream. The next cake is also greased with chocolate mass and laid on the cream with this side. We cover the top with chocolate mass and only after that we apply the cream. In this way, we process and stack all the remaining cakes.

8. The top of the cake is covered only with cream and sprinkle a layer of fine chips from the remaining chocolate.

Royal Flourless Custard Cake


• ten eggs;

• a glass of fresh powdered sugar for cakes and 2/3 cups in cream;

• 50 gr. potato starch;

• two glasses of nuts (400 gr.);

• milk - 200 ml;

• two tablespoons of cocoa;

• packaging of "Traditional" oil;

• a small bar of dark, dark chocolate, not flavored.

Cooking method:

For cakes, you need chilled proteins, so do not get the eggs out of the refrigerator in advance, or vice versa, place them in it for cooling.

1. Having broken the shell, very carefully, pouring into a clean bowl, we separate the squirrels from the yolks. Beating the mixer at low speeds, bring the proteins to fluffiness and color changes. Further, with continuous whipping, pour powdered sugar in parts. At the end, a dense mass should come out, which will rise behind the corollas, forming stable peaks.

2. We transfer the starch to the protein mass and very carefully interfere. Then, interfering in the same direction, we introduce finely chopped nuts. To give the cake a greater nutty flavor, the kernels can be preliminarily calcined a little in a dry frying pan.

3. Cover the bottom of the baking sheet with baking paper and distribute the protein dough over it with a uniform 8 mm layer. It is possible to bake cakes in the form, its bottom will also need to be covered with parchment.

4. We bake the cake at 180 degrees until it acquires a pleasant cream shade. Having taken the baking sheet out of the oven, we cut the still warm cake into three parts, freeing it from paper, spread it on the wire rack until completely cooled.

5. For cream, the oil will need to be softened at room temperature. In order not to waste unnecessary time, the packaging can be laid out from the refrigerator before preparing the dough. Cut the softened butter and stir with a whisk until a mushy mass.

6. In a separate bowl until smooth, grind powdered sugar with ten yolks. Switching to whipping, pour a thin stream of milk to the yolks.

7. By placing the bowl with the yolk mass on low heat, and continuously stirring, bring to a boil. We don’t give a boil!

8. Remove the thickened base from the stove, cool. By adding butter and cocoa powder, beat well. To prevent cocoa from lumping, it should be introduced through a sieve.

9. Thoroughly grease the cooled cakes with cream and stack in a stack on a serving dish. Decorate the cake with grated chocolate.

Royal flour-free cake with nuts and poppy seeds


• three proteins;

• 100 grams of culinary poppy;

• a spoon of vegetable oil;

• half a glass of sugar;

• 100 gr. chopped nuts.

For impregnation:

• one and a half glasses of milk;

• three yolks;

• two tablespoons of potato starch;

• a full glass of powdered sugar;

• 200 milliliters of fat cream;

• white chocolate bar, 100 grams.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse poppy seeds, pour cool boiling water, let stand under the lid for half an hour. Having drained all the liquid, we discard the poppy on a sieve, and again leave it, all the moisture should go away.

2. Pour the chilled proteins into a dry bowl, add a few crystals of salt and beat fluffy with a mixer. Without stopping the whipping, we gradually introduce sugar into the protein mass. Having received a dense mass with a light glossy sheen, we postpone the mixer.

3. Pour dried poppy and chopped nuts to the whipped whites, carefully interfere with the movements of the scapula from the bottom up.

4. Put the protein dough on a baking sheet covered with oiled parchment, level it and place in a heated oven for forty minutes. We cut the finished hot cake into pieces, and cool it by laying it on a wire rack.

5. Cooking cream. Combine the icing sugar with starch in a bowl. After pouring a little milk, mix vigorously, a homogeneous porridge-like mass should come out.

6. Pour the remaining milk into a small saucepan and beat it with the yolks. Introducing powdered sugar into the mixture, place the saucepan on minimal heat, boil the cream, stirring until thickened. Cool down.

7. Beat the cream into a strong foam and gently mix the cooled custard base into them.

8. We collect the cake on a wide dish, densely covering the poppy seed cakes with cream. We decorate the top of the Royal Cake with white chocolate in the form of small crumbs or chips.

Chocolate royal cake (without flour) with nuts


• chopped nuts, walnuts - two glasses;

• sugar - 180 gr.;

• starch - sixty grams;

• six proteins.

For cream:

• gelatin granules - 5 g .;

• high percentage cream - 600 milliliters;

• dark chocolate - 300 gr.;

• two tablespoons of brandy.

For registration:

• a teaspoon of cocoa without sugar;

• protein of one egg;

• three tablespoons of sugar refined;

• 50 gr. dark chocolate.

Cooking method:

1. Prepare a baking sheet, line the bottom with baking paper. Using a twenty-centimeter diameter form or plate as a template, draw three circles with a pencil.

2. Pour nuts, starch and 150 grams of sugar into a blender bowl, chop into flour.

3. Add a few grains of salt to the cooled proteins and beat until fluffy. Without ceasing to work as a mixer, in a spoon we introduce the remaining sugar (a quarter cup). Having received a dense, without admixture of sugar crystals, mass, we stop whipping.

4. Pouring the nut mixture portionwise to the protein mass, we intervene with a wide spatula by the folding method: first from the bottom up, after - in circular motions.

5. Put the prepared protein dough onto a baking sheet, distributing in equal parts into each circle, and gently spread it without stepping over the borders.

6. We bake the cakes for no more than forty minutes, placing the baking sheet in the oven preheated to 160 degrees.

7. Cooling slightly, gently, trying not to break, remove the cakes from the paper and lay them out on a wire rack or towel.

8. Pour gelatin with cool water (50 ml), stand for 20 minutes.

9. Warm up 100 ml of cream until hot. Do not boil!

10. Grate chocolate on a coarse grater in hot cream and mix thoroughly, add cognac.

11. Pour three tablespoons of hot water into the swollen gelatin, stirring, and achieve uniformity. Pour the dissolved gelatin into the chocolate mass and cool it well.

12. To steady peaks, whip the cream, combine with the chocolate mass. Mixing gently, remove the cream for a quarter of an hour in the cold.

13. On a serving dish we put a ring from a detachable shape, put one of the cakes in it. Please note that there should be a small gap between the cake and the ring around the entire perimeter.

14. Apply a third of the cream to the nut-and-nut cake, put another one on top and squeeze it slightly. We apply half the remaining cream on the workpiece and, slightly pressing it, we lay the last cake. We spread the remains of the cream mass on it, level it.

15. Tighten the top of the mold with a film, remove the formed cake for eight hours.

16. After placing the dessert to cool, prepare the meringue. Beat the protein with sugar. First divide the sand into two parts and mix one with cocoa. Tinted sugar should be introduced last.

17. We precipitate a dark protein mass from a syringe onto a baking sheet in the shape of sticks covered with parchment. Dry the meringues in the oven at 80 degrees for at least an hour.

18. Before serving, carefully remove the ring from the cake and quickly blow the hairdryer around the sides, attach the meringues to them. Top up with finely chopped chocolate.

Royal Flourless Cake in Swiss


• hazelnuts - 300 gr.;

• six eggs;

• brandy spoon;

• sugar - 220 gr.;

• a quarter of a spoon of the finished cultivator;

• two tablespoons of sugar and the same number of breadcrumbs.

For cream:

• fat cream - a glass;

• three tablespoons of ground hazelnuts;

• 75 gr. Sahara;

• a spoonful of instant coffee.

Cooking method:

1. Separating the yolks, temporarily place the bowl of proteins in the refrigerator.

2. After adding 220 grams of sugar to the yolks, whisk with a mixer or whisk until white. We mix cognac, hazelnuts, ground into small crumbs, and breadcrumbs in the yolk mass.

3. Whisk the cooled proteins until light with several crystals of salt. Add the cultivator, two tablespoons of sugar and whisk again quickly.

4. Put the whipped proteins to the previously cooked nut mass and carefully intervene with a spatula.

5. Turn on the oven to preheat. We cover the round shape with parchment with an allowance on the sides, grease with oil.

6. Fill the dough, put in a preheated oven for 20 minutes, then lower the temperature from 180 to 150 degrees and bake for another forty minutes. We take out the cooled cake from the mold and carefully cut along.

7. In a deep container, gradually adding sugar, whip the cream. As soon as the mass becomes lush, pour the powdered coffee and nuts to it and again quickly beat until smooth.

8. Having laid the bottom of the cake on the dish, evenly apply a little more than half the cream. With the remaining mass, align the sides and cover the top of the cake. We make nuts or grated chocolate.

How to Make a Royal Flourless Cake - Useful Tips

• Before chopping, do not be lazy to dry the nuts in the oven or pan. After such a procedure, they will give the dessert more flavor, and its taste will be more intense.

• In any recipe, sugar added to the dough or cream can be replaced with powder. This will not only accelerate the whipping, but also help to do it better.

• Cream and proteins will beat much faster if they are chilled, so put them in the refrigerator in advance: the proteins in the general, and the cream in the freezer.


Watch the video: Torta Caprese - Flourless Chocolate Almond Cake (June 2024).