Masks for weight loss in the abdomen and waist - a real help! Homemade recipes for abdominal and waist slimming wrap masks


The fair sex is often faced with the problem of extra centimeters in the abdomen. Currently, many ways have been invented to deal with extra pounds in the waist: hardware effects, various massage procedures, various masks and wraps. The latter are available for almost any woman and require a minimum of effort: you do not need to go to the salon, buy special appliances and spend money on expensive procedures. At the same time, masks for the abdomen and waist are recognized as the best way to eliminate excess wrinkles and achieve a pronounced effect.

Types of masks for the abdomen and waist when wrapping

There are two ways to carry out the procedure. The first is an active process. To perform this kind of wrap, you need to apply a mask, wrap the area of ​​the abdomen and waist with a film, and then perform a set of physical exercises. This method of applying masks for weight loss of the abdomen and waist is considered the most effective among beauty experts.

The second way to implement wraps for weight loss is considered to be more proper and gentle. After applying the mixture and performing a film wrap, the woman completely relaxes and enjoys the rest. This procedure allows the body to regain strength and utilize internal resources to eliminate excess body fat.

In addition to physical activity during a weight loss complex, masks can be divided into cold and hot. The mask, when heated, steals the pores and removes toxins through the holes. Cold wrapping takes place when the mixture is brought to room temperature. Such masks, on the contrary, narrow the pores, and toxins are excreted through the lymph in the blood and reach the external environment through the excretory system.

Abdominal Slimming Wrap Rules

To achieve the desired result, as with any other cosmetic procedures, it is necessary to follow certain safety rules and follow the instructions during the procedure.

1. Before wrapping, you should take care of light nutrition during the day or not at all for some time.

2. The mass for application must be used fresh; no pre-prepared mixtures can be used.

3. The session must be carried out no more than 40 minutes.

4. The mixture should be thick, porridge-like, easily distributed throughout the body and also just washed off with water.

5. When a pulling effect appears on the skin, the procedure must be interrupted.

6. The film wrapped around the abdomen should be applied tightly, but not block the blood flow.

7. To achieve the maximum effect of the procedure, you need to create the maximum possible temperature around the place of wrapping by wrapping in warm clothes.

8. After completing the procedure, you need to allow the body to relax and rest, not to perform any heavy loads.

Contraindications to the use of masks for the abdomen and waist

The wrapping procedure can be dangerous for an unprepared body and cause negative consequences after improper carrying out. In order to prevent the occurrence of negative consequences, you need to know the problems of your own body before the procedure and be prepared for any consequences.

Serious arguments against the implementation of the procedure include:

1) hypertension;

2) the period of pregnancy;

3) lactation time;

4) menstrual flow;

5) Sexual diseases;

6) damaged skin on the abdomen, back or sides;

7) kidney disease;

8) any oncological problems;

9) individual intolerance to products from the mask;

10) problems of the heart and blood vessels.

Best Homemade Belly Slimming Wrap Recipes

1) A cleansing wrap with the effect of active fat burning. The active component is honey. A product made by bees is rightfully considered the best ingredient for cleansing masks. When carrying out wraps for weight loss of the abdomen and waist with the use of honey, the skin becomes soft and silky, elasticity and firmness are restored, toxins are removed.

To prepare a mask for weight loss, it is necessary to melt a couple of tablespoons of honey in a water bath, the mixture obtained by rubbing the surface of the abdomen and waist, wrap with a film. For the best result, create a bathhouse effect around the belt using rugs, blankets and other warm clothes.

To create a pleasant smell, you can add a couple drops of essential or vegetable oils to the resulting mixture. An ideal option would be the citrus family. Keep the mask on the problem area for about half an hour, then rinse with water.

2) Algae as a pleasant addition to fat-burning components. Wrapping with this mask performs not only the task of losing weight in the abdomen and waist, but also actively removes excess moisture from the problem area and mobilizes the correct metabolic processes. After the procedure, the skin will noticeably tighten, and the waist will decrease by a few centimeters.

The best choice for making a mask is kelp kelp. It must be prepared strictly according to the pharmacy instructions. After soaking the algae, you need to cover the problem area with its plates, wrap it with a film and create a greenhouse effect with warm things. After 40 minutes, the mask is removed, and the abdomen and waist are rubbed with a nourishing cream.

3) Chocolate pleasure. One of the most “delicious” wraps actively moisturizes, nourishes the skin with useful trace elements and serves as a kind of antidepressant for it. To prepare the mask, you need to mix two hundred grams of cocoa blemish and two tablespoons of cream with the addition of olive oil. Brought to room temperature, the mixture is applied with an even layer on the abdomen and waist, wrapped in a film, and then washed off after 40 minutes. Such a wrap is considered one of the safest. There are no restrictions on the number of its applications.

4) Wrap with clay for elasticity. The clay mask removes excess moisture accumulated in the problem area, replenishes the supply of nutrients in the epidermis, and stimulates blood circulation and the metabolic process. The mixture is prepared by diluting the clay with water to a thick slurry state. The mass is evenly distributed, wrapped with a film and waiting for complete drying. Once the desired effect is achieved, the film is removed and the mask is washed off.

5) Tonic wraps with green tea. Such a mask not only promotes weight loss in the waist, but also effectively tones, neutralizes the effects of the harmful environment and refreshes the skin of the problem area. To prepare, you need to brew large-leaf green tea, bring it to room temperature, wet any breathing tissue and wrap it around the waist. After this, it is worthwhile, as in previous cases, to use the film and warm things. From the procedure, you can make a real aromatherapy by adding essential oils or herbal poisons to tea. This approach will not only bring aesthetic pleasure, but will also enhance the effect of green tea on the problem area. The tissue must be removed after half an hour, and moisturize the skin with a nourishing cream.

6) Delicious fruit wrap for weight loss. Fruits are useful for the body by a complex of vitamins and fiber collected in them, however, in addition to internal effects on the body, they are also able to exert an effective external effect. The mask containing their pieces has a strong cell regeneration effect, moisturizing and nourishing properties. The mass for application to the problem area is made using a blender. The necessary properties for creating a mask are possessed by apples, grapes, pears, red and black currants, strawberry fruits and many other berries and fruits. To fruit puree, you can add honey, sour cream or apply the product in its finished natural form. The mask remains on the body for half an hour, after which the film is removed, the remnants of the puree are washed off with warm water.

7) Coffee mask for an invigorating effect and a reduction in centimeters. This mask has the greatest popularity due to the quick result and high efficiency of use. The mixture for the procedure is very simple to manufacture. It is enough to mix a couple of tablespoons of ground coffee and a glass of milk, bring the mass to room temperature in a water bath, grease the problem areas, wrap it with a film and leave for half an hour. After completing the procedure and fixing the result, you need to apply anti-cellulite cream. The full complex of weight loss using such a mask consists of twelve sessions every two days.


Watch the video: gat a flat belly instantly DIY body wrap (June 2024).