Balanoposthitis in men - we treat at home. Recipes of traditional medicine for the treatment of balanoposthitis in men at home


Balanoposthitis is a common inflammatory disease in the male genital area. The term combines two pathologies that usually occur simultaneously: inflammation of the glans penis (balanitis) and foreskin (post). Due to severe complications, the doctor should immediately prescribe therapy. Treatment at home with balanoposthitis in men with alternative methods only complements the main drug therapy.

Signs of a disease that need urgent treatment

The disease gives a lot of discomfort. It is accompanied by pain, itching, swelling and redness, cheesy discharge, ulceration of the mucous membranes and the appearance of cracks.

General well-being is disturbed: weakness, headaches, fever appear. Pathology is sometimes called "male thrush."

Self-medication, delayed therapy or improperly selected drugs lead to serious complications. Therefore, drugs are prescribed by a urologist.

General principles of therapy

Therapy includes several primary tasks that must be addressed with any type of treatment - home or inpatient:

• Improving intimate hygiene: it is recommended to wash the penis with soap several times a day. With early detection of the disease, clinical manifestations may disappear quickly after such hygienic measures, and further treatment may not be required.

• With advanced forms, local antiseptics are used. They must be used immediately after washing for 1 week.

• If such treatment is ineffective, general strengthening therapy and immunity enhancing agents are prescribed.

• In severe cases, antibiotic therapy is necessary.

Treatment of balanoposthitis in men at home

Treatment of balanoposthitis in men at home is also focused on hygiene, anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous measures, reducing pain and itching.

The simplest, most affordable and effective method of treating a home is careful observance of hygiene rules and frequent changes of underwear. In addition, it is recommended to treat the head and foreskin with antiseptics. Hydrogen peroxide, furatsillin, manganese, chlorhexidine, ointments and creams are prescribed.


In the early stages of the disease, it is recommended to wash the inflamed area twice a day with a solution of baking soda (1 tablespoon of soda per 1 liter of water). 1 teaspoon of iodine is added to the resulting solution. The duration of such treatment is 2 weeks. The presence of thick curdled discharge is most likely associated with the pathogen - Candida fungus. This type of mushroom grows and multiplies in an acidic environment. To suppress the growth and further progression of the disease, soda, which well alkalizes the environment, is suitable. Such washing is combined with antibiotic therapy.


Garlic oil has an antifungal and bactericidal effect. Grated garlic with sunflower oil is applied to the head of the penis. The procedure should be carried out with caution.

Decoctions of medicinal plants

Broths from plants are highly effective. For the treatment of balanoposthitis in men at home, the following are used:

• St. John's wort - a proven tool that gives good results; used in proportion: for 1 liter of boiling water - 4 tablespoons of grass;

• oak bark - has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects; a decoction of it is prepared similarly to St. John's wort, using the same proportions; to increase efficiency, dry nettle (1 teaspoon) and lavender leaves (2 tablespoons) are added;

• collection of herbs, including chamomile flowers, eucalyptus leaves, calendula, nettle; a decoction of such plants, taken in equal proportions, in addition to anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects, has an anti-candidal and soothing effect.

Similar properties have chamomile flowers. They are poured with boiling water, infused for 15 minutes in a water bath and, after straining, are used for compresses.

Applications from plants

Some medicinal plants are used fresh for applications. They are applied to the glans penis, changing to fresh plants every half hour.


Aloe has an anti-inflammatory, decongestant effect, relieves itching and pain. For therapeutic purposes, the lower leaves of a three-year-old plant are peeled and applied to the affected area.


Plantain is traditionally considered the best anti-inflammatory and analgesic. In the presence of a fresh plant, its leaves are well washed, knead and fix the leaf in a sore spot with a gauze bandage or bandage. The used sheet is changed twice an hour.


Good results are obtained with laundry soap, grated and diluted with water until a semi-liquid slurry is obtained. They washed the sore spot.

Antibacterial therapy with plants

Widely used in the treatment of balanoposthitis in men at home have received medicinal plants with antibacterial properties. They can be collected and dried or bought ready-made at the pharmacy in the form of tinctures or dried shredded herbs:

• Yarrow affects streptococci and enterococci. Prepared as tea: 1 teaspoon per glass of boiling water.

• Plantain disinfects staphylococci, brewed in proportion: 1 tablespoon per 200 ml of boiling water.

• Eleutherococcus has the properties of an antibiotic with a wide spectrum of action. It is used in the form of tea in the same proportions as plantain.

To a lesser extent, sage, eucalyptus, calendula possess antibacterial properties.

In the treatment of balanoposthitis in men at home, it is necessary to take synthetic antibiotics prescribed during examination by a urologist. Replace them with herbs completely is possible only as prescribed by the doctor.

Honey enhances all the properties of medicinal herbs. Therefore, in the absence of contraindications or allergic reactions, it is recommended to add it to teas and infusions.


If the disease has taken a chronic course, and erosion and cracks in the mucosa have appeared, oil with calendula flowers is applied to these areas. It can be prepared independently: 3 tablespoons of the plant are steamed with the same amount of boiling water, insisted to room temperature and filtered. 150 ml of olive oil is added to the finished infusion. After 3 weeks, the remedy is ready for use.

All traditional medicine is highly effective if used regularly.

Change in diet and lifestyle

One of the prerequisites for successful treatment is lifestyle correction. It includes:

• full sleep and rest;

• a complete rejection of alcohol (including not only strong drinks, but also energy drinks, beer, cocktails), smoking and stress for the entire treatment period;

• stop drinking strong tea and coffee;

• a balanced diet (the exclusion of spicy, oily, overcooked foods, an increase in the diet of vegetables, fruits, berries, sour-milk products);

• proper drinking regimen (drink 1.5 l of decoctions and fruit drinks per day).

Alcohol weakens the immune system and provokes obesity; it is poorly combined with medication. Nicotine and tobacco tar have a negative effect on the body as a whole and on the treatment process itself. Therefore, not only cigarettes are excluded, but also electronic substitutes.

For personal hygiene, it is recommended to use a shower. Saunas, baths, hot baths during the treatment period are prohibited.

Treatment with alternative methods is allowed as part of complex therapy, even with the development of the gangrenous form of the disease, provided that the prescribed antibiotics and other medicines are taken. They are useless only when balanoposthitis is caused by phimosis. In such situations, surgical intervention is necessary. You must constantly remember that alternative treatment is not able to replace the medications prescribed by your doctor. It plays the role of an auxiliary tool.

Using traditional medicine, you need to remember that many of them cause severe allergic reactions. Therefore, before using them, especially in cases where a person is prone to allergies and has not previously taken similar medicinal products, it is necessary to consult a doctor.


Watch the video: How To Cure Balanitis With Oils Fast And Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment Of Balanitis (June 2024).