When kittens open their eyes, how much should they pass from birth? Where is the norm and where is the pathology: does the newborn kitten see by opening its eyes


Cats are born blind and we look forward to their insight. It happens that the moment when the kittens open their eyes is delayed and this becomes a cause for excitement. Fortunately, not all cases are worth the alarm. The following describes how eyelid opening occurs and what problems can prevent this.

When kittens eyes open: how it happens

Kittens begin to see when their eyes are fully open. This process takes some time and is divided into several stages. At the very beginning, a small click appears. At the same time, the corners of the eyelids begin to water a little.

By the time when the eyelids are divided into upper and lower, fluffy lumps still can not see the world. Just barely distinguish between light and dark. During this period, the cornea of ​​tetrapods has not yet fully formed and there is practically no pupil. Only at the time of the appearance of the first teeth, kittens can distinguish in detail objects at a distance no further than 3 meters from them. The color of the eyes during this period in all babies is pale blue. It is undesirable for them to look at a bright light at such a crucial moment. It was noticed that pussies growing in a dark room open their eyes earlier than pets living in a lighted nest.

When kittens eyes open: what period is required for this

The whole process lasts 1-3 days. First, the inner corner of the eye is revealed, and then the click opens up. On about the 10th day, four-legged pets begin to see the outlines of objects. The process of insight continues further.

The color of the eyes of kittens can change throughout the year (the shortest formation period is 3 weeks). Vision becomes full by the 5th week of life.

What this process depends on

The period of opening the eye of a newborn kitten is individual in each case. Veterinarians share the following factors on which this process depends:

Breed. It is no secret that young shorthair representatives develop faster than others. And the eastern rocks are more active in this regard.

For example, some sphinxes can be born with already ajar eyelids, and after 2-3 days there comes a time when the kittens eyes open completely.

If we compare with them Siamese, Thais or Cornish Rex, the latter become sighted after about 5 days. Persians see through the period of 5-9 days, and the British by the 10th day.

Date of birth. If a cat-mother carries and gives birth to calves on 68-71 days, kittens can be born with open eyes or open them soon.

The health status of the mother and the kittens themselves. If the cubs are born healthy, eat well and the cat carefully and for a long time takes care of their eyes, they will open when the time comes.

The reasons for opening the eye can be specific mother viruses, as well as developmental disorders and diseases in the kittens themselves.

When kittens do not open their eyes: what are the problems

If the pussies have not yet turned 3 weeks old, then there is no reason for concern. Identify developmental abnormalities will help close observation. Cases for concern when the eyes of kittens do not open are as follows:

Eyelid fusion. If the matter is overgrown eyelids, the eye area swells, and purulent formations appear on the edges. With a partially manifested ailment, light massage movements can help. Before starting the procedure, the eye area should be moistened with tea brewing, and then wiped with a cotton swab slightly moistened with half diluted boric alcohol (not to be confused with boric acid!). If the eyes are joined together too tightly, an operation cannot be dispensed with.

Conjunctivitis. The disease most often appears if an infection is entered into the orbits or the eyes are damaged. The eyelids in this case also swell. Only, unlike the previous ailment, stick together as a result of drying of dark brown purulent secretions. To soften such accretion can a weak solution of tea. It is recommended to wash the eyelids several times a day. Instead of tea, special solutions that a veterinarian can prescribe can help. After 2-3 days, the problem with the eyes begins to pass. If no improvement is found, experts advise conducting laboratory tests and analysis of secretions to detect the causes of the disease. The results help to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Congenital blindness. When the eyes of a kitten do not open for a long time, this circumstance may also become a cause. However, fluffy blind from birth is rare. If the reason is this, the baby under these circumstances is well developed other sensory organs (smell, hearing, etc.). When four-legged friends with this ailment grow up, they are no different from healthy individuals, because perfectly navigate in space due to other important qualities.

If there are no pronounced signs of inflammation, and the eyes are still not open, this is not a reason to worry. Perhaps the kitten has a late development and “insight” of the four-legged pets ahead. All that remains is to be patient and wait a bit.

What to do when the eyes of the kittens did not open

Each kitten develops differently. Twins born at the same time are very individual in this regard. Some quickly become active and independent, others are slower and do not leave their mother for a long time. The latter are often lazy and smaller in size.

There have been cases when the first born kitten opens its eyes before the rest. This fact is not a regularity at all, but frequent enough to take it into service.

If the eyes are closed for a long time, you can only sound the alarm after 10 days. Preliminary should be a good look at the kitten. If mucus or suppuration is present on the eyes (as well as other secretions), it is recommended to consult a veterinarian.

In the absence of the above signs of inflammation, experts advise to be patient and wait a little longer. Perhaps in a couple of days the kitten will open its eyes and look at the outside world.


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