How to wash a newborn baby girl? All about the intimate hygiene of newborn girls: how, what and when to wash the baby


Regardless of which gender the baby is born, it is very important to constantly monitor how its intimate hygiene is respected. Caring for a newborn baby requires certain skills from young parents. Not every mom (and even more so dad) is aware of how to wash a newborn - a girl.

This knowledge is simply necessary, because it determines a close relationship with the health of the baby's reproductive system afterwards.

Features of the intimate sphere of newborns

Women's health of the reproductive system is in direct connection with its intimate hygiene. It is necessary to take care of this from the very first days, staying in the maternity hospital. Immediately after the baby came into this world (you need to know this, because it is very important), she has not yet fully formed the hymen, which is a faithful protector of the vagina.

In addition, at this moment useful microflora has not yet settled in oragnism. That is why the remains of bowel movements, care products and other factors can lead to damage and disease of the baby's genitals.

Parents just need to learn as soon as possible to conduct proper care for the intimate places of their newborn daughter.

Some difficulties of the first days

Many parents are afraid that the newborn baby has some discharge. In most cases, this is not a big deal, and even vice versa - this is quite normal for the baby who just came into the world.

Isolation of white mucus is completely normal for girls. Mom, remember that this secret protects the internal environment from foreign infections. Therefore, you do not need to clean it too carefully and often. Intimate folds can serve as a drive for excess cream and powder, which must be removed with cotton buds, moistened before using sterile oil (do this no more than twice).

In the body of a little girl who just saw the light, there are too many hormones. Bottom line - swelling of the labia may occur. This is normal, usually all this disappears after a couple of weeks.

Hormonal background and hypersecretion of mucus can lead to the fact that the labia minora are fused. To minimize this, they need to be moved apart and wiped from time to time. This problem is aggravated in newborn girls, because their labia minora protrude slightly, which serves as an additional factor for their fusion.

The occurrence of bloody vaginal discharge in young girls. This can happen in the first days after birth. You should not be afraid, because this is the result of the fact that the children's body is gradually being rebuilt.

Parents should sound the alarm when they notice redness or discharge of pus from a tiny daughter. In this case, you should immediately rush to an appointment with a pediatric gynecologist.

How to wash a newborn girl: the right tools and necessary measures

When a girl is bathed in her first days of life, it is better to use boiled water for this, after two weeks you can use ordinary tap water.

Try to use wet wipes less often. Yes, they are used, they are very convenient. However, even if they are soaked in a very mild lotion, preservatives and other chemicals can be found in them, which will cause allergies, dermatitis and diaper rash.

When to wash a newborn - a girl? It is better to wash her at the moment when mom changes the diaper. And already as a baby wash, it’s useful to arrange an air bath for her - let her lie down naked for several minutes, only on condition that the room is warm.

It is very correct to monitor the temperature of the water: do not use very cold and very hot. If it happened that the bowel movements of the child dried out a little on the skin, you should moisten a cotton wool in water and apply it to the skin of the girl for a few seconds, after which it is easy to remove all impurities. You can wash the girl with an infusion of herbs. As a rule, this is chamomile or calendula. Most often, mothers do this when a girl has some health problems - redness, inflammation, and the like.

It is necessary to protect the little girl from having the intimate area contaminated with synthetic detergents. Diapers and baby clothes should be very well rinsed. Only soap and baby powders should be selected for washing.

Pediatricians do not prohibit the use of powders and cream. They just warn that with any actions of parents it is necessary to know the measure. A healthy child does not need to be coated with creams and oil. All this is useful only if the skin is dry (you need oil), redness and diaper rash appear (you need cream or powder - under the diaper).

Attention! Decide: either cream (oil), or powder. A common mistake: a powder is sprinkled on the cream, it all rolls into lumps, rubs and prevents the child’s skin from functioning normally.

How to properly hold a newborn baby during washing?

Before you understand the question of how to wash a newborn girl, you need to understand how to keep it at the same time. The main feature of this process is that all necessary actions with the hand should be performed correctly (wash from the genitals to the anus). There are two ways to raise a newborn baby to wash over her bath or under the tap.

The first. The girl should be placed with her back on the mother’s palm of her left hand. In the area of ​​the elbow of the mother will be the head, neck and shoulders of the daughter. With the same hand you can hold the girl’s left thigh, and with the right hand, when washing, make movements directed from front to back. It is recommended to choose this option, because thanks to it you can provide a better overview and remove all dirt not only more conveniently, but also more correctly.

Second. In the first weeks and months, you can bathe a newborn baby with the back up. Her tummy will lie on her mother’s left palm, and her head, neck and shoulders will lie on her elbow. The same hand will hold the girl by the hip.

The rules of intimate hygiene of the newborn

How to wash a newborn baby girl? When performing hygienic procedures for caring for a newborn baby, certain rules must be observed.

All procedures should be performed only with clean hands: mom should wash her hands very well.

It is necessary to wash the girl with water after defecation from the pubis to the pope, so that the stool does not get into the vagina. If there is no feces in the diaper, then you can wipe the baby with a damp cloth.

The procedure itself should be performed with warm, but not hot water, so for a start it is necessary to adjust the temperature of the water, and then take the baby.

Be sure to wash the girl twice a day - morning and evening.

Pediatricians advise washing the crumbs without using detergents - with ordinary water or chamomile decoction. A baby soap is best used only if the priest is too polluted.

The girl should have her own clean towel. First of all, they should wipe the sexual gap and folds of the groin, and only then the anus. And do not rub the delicate skin of a girl, just gently get wet.

After the ablution procedure, you need to look at the labia to see that they are completely washed. If necessary, you can wipe with a cotton swab dipped in warm water that you have missed.

After the baby is washed and wiped dry, you can apply oil or a protective cream to the skin and put on a diaper.

Pampers must be changed after each bowel movement. And if the baby didn’t poop, then every three hours.

Try to arrange more often for the girl air baths.

For all their quality, one should not use any cosmetic products too often. It is better to apply them as needed.


Much useful is said in this article on how to wash a newborn girl. To summarize all of the above:

- do not abuse soap and other means when washing a child, the permissible amount of their use is twice or thrice a week;

- the girl should be washed only with clean hands, moving from the tummy to the pope;

- the best means for washing is running water (with the exception of boiled water in the first days after birth);

- use hygiene products only to rinse outside and it is better to choose liquid;

- after the procedure, do not rub the intimate area with a towel, but get wet;

- every year - once - bring the baby to an appointment with a gynecologist;

- over time, as a girl grows up, you should teach her how to properly perform the bathing procedures.

It is important for parents to protect their daughters, taking care of their intimate health. Because these are future mothers who someday will surely give us grandchildren and granddaughters!


Watch the video: Bathing a Newborn Baby with Umbilical Cord: Step-by-step Video (June 2024).