Useful properties of hibiscus: indications for the use of hibiscus tea. Hibiscus harm in a number of diseases - who should not drink hibiscus?


A sprawling plant with bright red flowers of various shades from the family of malvaceae has taken root in our apartments for a long time. With its flowering and delicate green foliage, it can please the owners for 20 years.

This is a tropical shrub hibiscus, which is known as Sudanese or Chinese rose. The plant not only decorated our apartments, it was useful in treating a number of ailments.

Hibiscus composition

Hibiscus is a thick tea drink made from dried hibiscus petals. It is popular in the Arab countries, where it has already begun to displace coffee. India is considered the birthplace of Hibiscus, and it is grown and sold in large markets in Egypt and Sudan, where it has another name - "Pharaohs drink."

Useful properties depend on the composition, which is rich in flower petals.

The benefits of hibiscus in content

• organic acids,

• anthocyanins,

• phytosterols,

• pectins,

• amino acids,

• polysaccharides,

• vitamins

• macro- and microelements.

Flower tea has a sour taste and a reddish tint, it relieves thirst and refreshes on a hot summer day. And it is pleasant to drink it both hot and cold. You can add ice, honey, sugar and other components to your taste.

Note: The easy laxative, diuretic, choleretic and bactericidal effect of "red tea" has long been known. The opinion on the effect of the drink on pressure remains controversial. It is believed that in hot form it increases pressure, and in cold - it lowers. But some dietitogists disprove this statement.

What is the use of hibiscus?

There are lovers who use a drink of dried flowers as a refreshing tea. But some take it for a specific purpose, trying to get rid of health problems. Tea helps:

1. Strengthen the walls of blood vessels due to the presence of anthocyanins (PP-vitamin activity), which the drink owes its unusual color.

2. Defeat the common cold with citric acid, which gives sour taste to tea. It is used as a prophylactic or taken for a disease that has already begun, so we can talk about it as an immune stimulant.

3. Save edema due to diuretic properties.

4. Cleanse of toxins, salts of heavy metals, helping the liver. It is useful to drink it in case of poisoning or after prolonged feasts.

5. Get rid of excess cholesterol and reduce weight due to linoleic acid, which perfectly dissolves fats. Improve metabolism (metabolic processes) in the body.

6. To increase resistance to stress, not only due to the vitamin composition, but also with the help of elegant bright colors that can cheer up.

7. Maintain acid-base balance by using potassium and sodium.

8. Strengthen bones, teeth and hair due to the presence of calcium and phosphorus.

9. Prevent anemia, as the drink contains iron.

This is interesting: According to Feng Shui, not only tea is useful, but also the presence of culture itself in the house. Where Sudanese rose grows, you can feel the atmosphere of comfort, vivacity and understanding. In the workplace, this culture is simply indispensable for creating a business atmosphere and a successful business.

The benefits of hibiscus in medicinal teas

Brew flower tea using different recipes depending on the disease. There are recipes and just healthy drinks.

There is a "classic recipe for health" to tone and mood. To prepare it, brew 2 tsp. dry leaves in 150ml. boiling water and let it brew for 5-10 minutes. The water should be purified, and the dishes for brewing - glass or porcelain. The drink is brightly colored, fragrant and sour.

With a cold, a red drink is an aid in a quick recovery. A composition of equal proportions of hibiscus and dried raspberry berries (you can take 1 tablespoon each), which is poured with boiling water and insist, will support health. Hot tea before going to bed will help to survive a cold.

Hypertensive tea from Hibiscus tea will help reduce blood pressure. It would be good to adhere to a reasonable diet. 1 tsp dry inflorescences pour 200 ml of boiling water. After it is infused for 20-30 minutes and becomes cool, it is taken three times a day. In the composition, you can add linden blossom, chokeberry or blueberry.

It is interesting: In cosmetology, red flower petals also did not go unnoticed: they are part of face and body skin care products and are used to combat cellulite. According to some reports, Queen Cleopatra took baths from the hibiscus petals. And she had elastic and velvety skin with a touch of tan.

Is hibiscus good for weight loss?

For obese people, the benefits of hibiscus are reduced to reducing excess weight. In this case, it is brewed like ordinary tea. Due to what properties of the drink does excess weight leave? The process of losing weight is affected by several of its properties:

1. The ability to restore metabolic processes by absorbing excess complex carbohydrates and fats. Muscle mass does not change, but weight drops.

2. Diuretic and laxative effect also help to reduce body weight.

3. Plant antioxidants have a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, while simultaneously regulating the fat content.

4. Flavonoids are able to "work" at the cellular level, restoring metabolic processes.

To make you feel wonderful, and a slim figure, 1 tablespoon is poured into the teapot dry petals and pour boiling water for 10 minutes. The next day, the procedure is repeated. Recall that tea is low-calorie and has the property of reducing appetite.

But one should not flatter oneself, it is not possible to lose weight strongly due to this tea. In parallel, you need to change the diet, do exercises and move a lot. You can lose weight on this tea by consuming it in incredible quantities. And in this case, hibiscus will harm, because the use of any drinks should be moderate.

Note: Nutritionists believe that the visible effect can be achieved faster with a different method of welding: hibiscus is poured with water at room temperature and allowed to infuse for 3 hours. This method allows you to save the maximum amount of nutrients.

Hibiscus and harmful health effects

If a person is healthy, then hibiscus like any other herbal drink will give mood, vitality and strength. It can be taken as tea anytime you want.

But with a number of diseases, doctors categorically do not recommend its use, speaking about the dangers of hibiscus:

• for diseases of the gallbladder and urolithiasis,

• with gastritis or a stomach ulcer, since tea is sour,

• children under 1 year old

• during pregnancy, since the substances contained in the hibiscus can cause menstruation and increase the tone of the uterus,

• with an allergic reaction to tea, which is not so common.

This is interesting: In ancient medical treatises, tea from hibiscus flowers was called a cure for all diseases. Today, some countries with a tropical climate have huge plantations of this plant, from the flowers of which tea is prepared. But it is more correct to call it not tea, but an herbal drink.

Dietitians do not recommend drinking tea from hibiscus flowers often. Yes, this is not necessary, because there are many equally useful and more delicious drinks: tea and herbal. Therefore, brew and drink it for treatment or just for raising the mood, strengthening the body's defenses, which is very important in our busy life.


Watch the video: Amazing health benefits of hibiscus tea (July 2024).