Meat snacks for every taste: salad, roll, aspic, boiled pork, baked tenderloin. Meat appetizer recipes for the festive table


Sausage slices will not surprise anyone, and finding quality sausage products is now more difficult than preparing meat for snacks. If you need to complement your culinary notebook with interesting and new dishes, read the recipes provided by experienced chefs.

Meat snacks - basic technological principles

Meat is a product from which you can cook anything from sausage and salad to cake for a snack table. It is difficult to spoil a meat dish if the meat is fresh. True, some rules for its preparation, nevertheless, you need to learn and remember:

Before cooking, it is advisable to soak the meat in cold water, especially if there is no confidence in its quality. Unfortunately, often sellers resort to various tricks to extend the shelf life of the product, improve its presentation or increase the mass in order to sell water at the price of meat. Soaking helps to return the meat to its original properties, remove unwanted additives. It is necessary to withstand meat in cold water, completely immersing the product, and put the container while soaking in the refrigerator.

If boiled meat is intended for the preparation of salads, then when boiling it must be lowered into boiling water - so the meat will be more juicy.

Add spicy roots and spices to boiling water after removing the foam. To always make the broth transparent, cook the meat in the simmering mode - this will allow time to remove the foam with a slotted spoon. Carrots, onions, celery roots or parsley not only add flavor to the broth, but also ensure its transparency, beautiful color.

Add pepper, coriander, other spices, and also leafy spicy greens to the broth twice: together with the roots and 7-10 minutes before the end of cooking. These spices contain essential oils that quickly evaporate, and since the meat is cooked for a long time, the first portion of the flavor will be absorbed by the meat, and the second is for broth.

Garlic has not only a very pungent smell, but also has the ability to change it depending on the temperature and method of cooking. To ensure that its smell is present in the dish, but does not leave an aftertaste, combine it with lemon, parsley or dairy products.

Meat is a product difficult for digestion, therefore vegetables, sour and spicy sauces should be served with meat appetizers, contributing to its quick digestion.

Meat snacks are usually served with strong drinks. White meat (chicken breast, rabbit meat) is served with dry white wines, and red wine is combined with beef, duck, lamb.

1. Meat appetizer - roll with liver and mushrooms


Pork tenderloin 600 g

Lemon 1 pc.

Black pepper

Ground nutmeg


Beef liver 1.5 kg

Garlic to taste

Onion 0.5 kg

Carrot 300 g

Mushrooms (champignons) 1 kg

Butter 70 g

4 eggs

Honey 80 g

Mustard 50 g

Hard cheese 350 g

Vegetable oil 150 ml

Milk 200 ml

Nuts (to taste) 100 g


Wash the tenderloin, prepare the layer by making longitudinal cuts in the form of the letter Z. The thickness of the layer is 1.0-1.5 cm. Put it on a cutting board, sprinkle with lemon juice, sprinkle with ground spices, but do not salt. Leave for half an hour, covering with a film. After a good hit.

Wash the liver, clean it from the film, remove the bile ducts, cut into bars, season with pepper. Put in a bowl and fill with milk for half an hour, Cover and put in the refrigerator.

Thoroughly chop peeled onions and carrots, then passer separately, until soft, warming the pan and adding a little oil to it. Transfer to prepared dishes.

Add a little oil to the same pan, heat it, and fry the prepared mushrooms. When the mushrooms are browned, add spices to taste and butter. If using mushrooms, then to enhance the mushroom aroma, add the powder from dried porcini mushrooms.

Mushrooms also put in a separate bowl. Fry the liver, also seasoning it lightly with spices. Put it in the pan along with the milk in which it has been steeped.

Grate the cheese.

Now proceed to build the roll:

Transfer the liver and carrots to a blender, add half of the onion, 2 eggs and garlic. Thoroughly beat the mass to a puree state.

Chop the beaten meat with grated cheese (1/2 part), lay the liver paste on top of the cheese layer. Cover the layer with the rest of the cheese.

Kill the mushrooms with a blender, adding to them the remaining sautéed onions and eggs. Spread the mushrooms on a layer of cheese.

All components of the roll should have a fairly dense consistency, so form a roll, after cooling the liver and mushroom paste.

Roll the roll. Fix the edge with skewers or toothpicks. Wrap in foil and bake in the oven at 200 ° C for about an hour.

10-15 minutes before ready, remove the pan, unfold the foil. Lubricate the surface of the roll with a mixture of mustard and honey, sprinkle with chopped nuts. Return the roll to the oven to brown.

When it cools down, cut into plates 1.5 cm thick. Serve with sour cream sauce, garnished with boiled carrots, slices of boiled eggs, herbs.

2. Meat appetizer - baked beef tenderloin with bacon


Beef or veal fillet (tenderloin or neck) 1.5 kg

Carrots, red 350-400 g

Salted salted pork fat 500 g



Red pepper

Mustard seeds

Maple Syrup (can be replaced with honey)

Red wine, dry 300 ml

Bay leaf



Choose young meat for baking, the ideal option is veal, it will cook faster. Wash the meat, strip a piece of the film, dry with a napkin. Make deep cuts in the pulp at the same distance.

Cut the peeled carrots and bacon with long but thin bars, about 1x4 cm in size. Stuff the meat with prepared ingredients. Transfer the meat to a baking sheet lined with foil.

In a stewpan, heat the wine to 35-40 ° C, put the prepared spices in it. Pour the meat with marinade, cover with a second sheet of foil, first place the pan in the cold for 2-3 hours or at night. After, preheat the oven to 180 ° C, move the pan, bake for 1.5 hours. A few minutes before readiness, remove the top sheet of foil, brown the meat. To enhance the effect of a golden crust, grease the surface with honey, sprinkle with seeds of coriander, mustard and caraway seeds.

After cooling, cut into portions, serve with tomato-garlic sauce or with hot ketchup, tkemali sauce.

3. Meat appetizer - aspic in glasses


Gelatin 30 g

Meat broth 2 l

Garlic 50 g

Sugar, canned 150 g

Green peas, frozen 200 g

Salt 10 g

Sugar 20 g

Table vinegar 70 ml

Water 0.5 L

Boiled carrots 250 g

Boiled Chicken Breast 600 g

Boiled beef and pork - 1 kg each

Parsley, dill - for serving


Wet the gelatin. Heat the prepared broth to 40 ° C, add garlic to it, dissolve the gelatin, strain after cooling. Dip the peas in boiling water, add salt and sugar, vinegar, blanch for 5 minutes. Throw through a colander, let the marinade drain.

Cooked meat and chicken breast, carrots cut into cubes (1x1 cm). Combine the components, adding corn and peas to them, mix. Spread the mixture in plastic cups or other forms, filling them in ¾ volume. Pour in chilled broth, transfer the filler in the molds to the refrigerator for solidification.

When serving, lower the mold for a few seconds in boiling water, turn upside down to shift the filler onto a snack plate. Garnish with sprigs of fresh dill or parsley.

4. Festive meat appetizer - jellied tongue


Beef tongue 1.2 kg

Parsley and celery roots 120 g

Onion 90 g

Bay leaf 6 g

Peas and peas 10 g (allspice and black)

Garlic 30 g

Coriander 5 g

Boiled eggs 4 pcs.

Fresh greens 90 g

Gelatin 30 g

Boiled carrots 200 g

Broth 1 L


Rinse your tongue thoroughly under a stream of cold water. Put in a pan, fill with cold water, bring to a boil. Pour in water and rinse the tongue again. Again, fill with water, add the spicy roots of parsley, celery, put bay leaf, onion, carrots. Before cooking, add spicy spices.

When the pulp is easily pierced with a fork, remove the tongue from boiling water, put in ice water for a few minutes, and cleanse the skin.

With a sharp knife, cut across the fibers, thin plates.

Strain the broth, dissolve the gelatin in it. Take a large serving dish with a high side. Roll the sliced ​​tongue into a bag, slice each of them with a decorative skewer. Place on a dish, a short distance from each other. Inside the "kulechki" put a slice of boiled egg.

Garnish the dish with curly slices of carrots: cut in the form of stars or flowers, using the notches. Pour in half the cooked broth. Transfer the dish to the cold. When the broth hardens, put sprigs of parsley or celery, again fill with the remaining broth and set to harden. Before serving, cut the filler with diamonds.

5. Meat appetizer - baked ham in the oven


Pork ham (with skin) 2.5 kg

Garlic 200 g

Mixture of herbs: thyme, rosemary, oregano

Vegetable oil 50 ml

A mixture of peppers and salt

Sugar 100 g

Lime 1 pc.

Sun-dried paprika (pieces) 70 g

Mustard Seeds 60 g

Sodium nitrite 2.5 mg

Cooking Technology:

Wash the meat, dry it with a napkin, carefully scrape off the skin with a knife. If bristles are present, grind above the burner flame.

Put the prepared ham on the shiny side of the foil, skin down. Make deep but short longitudinal incisions in the pulp. Please note that if the cuts are made across the fibers, then when cutting the finished boiled pork will have an ugly appearance on the cut. So that the meat does not deform during baking, it is also necessary to make transverse incisions on the inner surface of the pulp, with a depth of not more than one centimeter.

Prepare a curing mixture: combine herbs (dry or fresh), a mixture of peppers, salt, sugar, mustard and sodium nitrite. Grind the garlic with a blender, add vegetable oil, a dry spicy mixture to it. Squeeze lime juice.

Carefully rub the surface of the meat, trying to get the marinade into the cuts. Wrap the prepared piece tightly in foil, in two layers. Hold the workpiece for a couple of hours on a table, at room temperature, to begin the fermentation process, and then put it in the refrigerator for the night. Bake for 2 hours at 180 ° C. At the end of baking, expand the meat, increase the temperature to 200 ° C, and lightly brown the surface.

Cut after cooling.

6. Meat appetizer - beef and boiled beet salad

The snack table does not do without salads, and nutritionists recommend eating meat with vegetables. Beets in combination with meat are an ideal option for a healthy and balanced diet, as this root crop is valued, among other things, for its high fiber content. For holidays and weekdays, the recipe for a meat salad appetizer is quick and very simple.


Boiled beets


Lemon ½ pcs.

Black pepper

Boiled beef or veal (fillet)



This salad will require beets and beef in equal proportions by weight, the rest of the ingredients to taste.

Hands divide the meat into fibers, cut them across. Length - 4-5 cm. Cut beets with the same straw. Combine the ingredients in a salad bowl, mix, season with salt, pepper and lemon juice. Lay out a slide and decorate with mayonnaise.

Meat snacks - tips and tricks

Salt draws juice from meat, making it dry and hard. Therefore, try to salt any dish at the final stage of cooking.

Do not forget that when using foil for baking, it must be laid with the shiny side up, and the matte side should remain outside.

It is better to grind black pepper and other spices immediately before cooking, because the aroma of freshly ground spices is the brightest and most saturated. No matter how hard the housewives try to seal jars with ground peppers, the essential oils from them instantly disappear.


Watch the video: List of foods named after people. Wikipedia audio article (June 2024).