What to do if back muscles hurt: possible causes and treatment. Why back muscles hurt and how to solve this problem: doctor's advice


If you believe the information presented in the framework of medical statistics, every third person on the planet suffers from one or another pathology of the musculoskeletal system.

The most common are arthritis of various origins, as well as arthrosis.

The “honorable” third place in the structure of the described diseases is occupied by muscle pain - myalgia. The most common pain in the muscles of the back. Despite the prevalence of this problem, the disease does not become less dangerous.

Myositis (muscle inflammation) accompanied by pain is a potentially disabling condition.

What you need to know about this misfortune? Let's try to figure it out.

What are the pains in the muscles of the back, and what are the complications

Back pain is a common symptom of a disease such as myositis. At first glance, the pathology seems harmless: it seems that apart from discomfort, nothing is observed, moreover, over time, the pathology comes to naught by itself. This is a profound error. The danger of myositis lies in the development of complications. Among the most common is muscle calcification. In fact, the disease does not go away, it subsides and unnoticed by the patient continues to flow gradually, in a chronic form.

Calcification leads to the formation of static elements in the muscles, and also interferes with the normal contraction of muscle fibers. This is a direct path to circulatory disturbance: ossified muscles simply compress blood vessels. Especially dangerous is a similar condition localized in the neck: muscles compress the arteries that feed the brain. It is fraught with a stroke. No less dangerous are myositis in the thoracic and lumbosacral spine. In this case, the danger lies in squeezing the nerve roots: this condition can easily lead to paresis and even severe paralysis. That’s why it is so important to get medical attention in a timely manner.

Reasons why back muscles hurt

There are many possible reasons why back muscles hurt.

• The first and most common is a recent illness of an infectious-inflammatory nature. This is exactly what is called "pout." The effect of low temperatures on the muscle area leads to a local decrease in immunity and the development of inflammation. Hence the pain and discomfort.

• Autoimmune diseases. In this case, immunity takes its own muscle cells for dangerous pathogens and initiates a protective reaction. This is the most complex type of disease, requiring a thorough approach to treatment. This includes collagenoses, etc.

• The presence of a focus of chronic inflammation. The reason why back muscles are sore can be even bad teeth, as well as diseases of the throat and nasopharynx.

• A rare, however, common cause among dog lovers is helminthiasis, in particular echinococcosis. With the flow of blood, representatives of this helminth are spread throughout the body and can "settle" in the eyes, brain, liver, and also in the muscles. In this case, a cystic capsule with echinococcus is formed in the structure of muscle fibers. It is difficult to diagnose this type of myositis. Moreover, not only echinococci infect the human body.

• Alcohol abuse. It leads to intoxication, as well as muscle soreness.

• Exercise stress. Surely anyone who has at least once engaged in intense physical activity knows what muscle pain is. In this case, the reason is simple: due to the heavy load, the muscles are torn and covered with microcracks. Then over time, muscle tissue grows again. It is not dangerous, but unpleasant.

• History of injuries. In this situation, the cause of the pain is clear.

• Constantly in an uncomfortable position.

If your back muscles hurt, you need to look for the causes among the above factors.

Concomitant symptoms

With any myositis, the symptomatology manifests itself brightly (except for the chronic form). Among the most common manifestations:

• Pain syndrome. The main source of discomfort in inflammation of muscle tissue. The pains are intense, aching or pulling. Strengthen after physical exertion, a change in body position and in general after an attempt to tighten sore muscles. Spontaneously subsides in the morning, intensifies in the evening. The pain syndrome can be extremely intense, radiating to the chest, lower back, head, ears, lower jaw. May mask under an attack of angina pectoris, heart attack. It is not possible to distinguish myalgia from heart problems "by eye".

• A feeling of stiffness in the muscles. It feels as though a tight corset was wrapped around his back. Discomfort intensifies after physical exertion.

• Decreased functional activity of the spine. It manifests itself due to intense pain.

• Feeling of a foreign object in the back.

As a rule, in the clinical picture all the symptoms appear at once, but options are also possible. This is especially true for chronic myositis of the spinal muscles. In the case of a chronic form of the disease, in addition to mild pain, the patient does not feel anything.

Who is at risk?

At risk include:

• Persons engaged in work in the air. More often exposed to low temperatures.

• Professional athletes. They have myalgia associated with overstrain of muscle structures.

• People professionally engaged in manual labor.

• Older people.

Diagnosis of back muscle pain

From the point of view of diagnosis, myalgia can be difficult, since it is important to distinguish between myositis from diseases of the heart, lungs, and stomach. Only a doctor can do this. As a rule, surgeons in tandem with therapists are involved in the diagnosis and treatment of myositis. At the initial examination, the specialist asks questions and fixes all complaints. Then comes the turn of physical research (palpation) and functional tests designed to assess the capabilities of the back and spine as a whole. The main role is given to instrumental research. With their help, the doctor verifies the diagnosis.

Among the studies:

• Radiography. Allows you to fix problems with bone structures of the spine. This is an important step in differential diagnosis. The main disadvantage is the lack of visualization of muscle structures, which belong to the soft tissues.

• MRI diagnostics. Gives detailed pictures of affected muscle areas. Suitable for identifying cyst-like formations, including echinococcosis.

• Puncture. It is used in the presence of cystic cavities in the muscles. It is necessary to detect parasitic lesions.

For the purposes of differential diagnosis, other examination methods can be prescribed:

• ECG. A cardiogram reveals heart problems.

• FVD. The function of external respiration is necessary to assess the functional state of the lungs.

• Chest x-ray.

In some cases, laboratory tests are also informative. In particular, a general blood test is prescribed. In the blood picture - leukocytosis, increased ESR, a low number of red blood cells. These are direct signs of inflammation.

In the complex of these examinations, it is enough to make an accurate diagnosis.

Back muscles ache: treatment

Treatment, if back muscles are sore, mainly medication. In the case of therapy use:

• Antispasmodic drugs (to relieve muscle spasm).

• Analgesics. They are used to relieve pain.

• Anti-inflammatory drugs. Necessary to eliminate inflammation in the affected muscles.

• Antibiotics. They are prescribed for purulent infectious myositis.

• muscle relaxants. Allow to remove pathological muscle tension.

Medicines are the first step towards a complete cure. Then comes the turn of physiotherapeutic procedures and massage. They can be prescribed both during the period of exacerbation, and in the phase of remission. The specific names of the procedures, as well as drugs, are determined only by the doctor. Self-medication is strictly prohibited.

In extreme cases, when there is a purulent process or echinococcosis, surgery is indicated. Fortunately, this rarely happens.

Back muscles hurt: prevention

Prevention, if back muscles are sore, is not difficult. Among the recommendations:

• Do not overcool. This is fraught with the appearance of myositis.

• All sources of chronic inflammation should be sanitized on time.

• If there is an incomprehensible pain, it is necessary to consult a therapist or surgeon.

• It is important to quit smoking and alcohol abuse.

So the patient will be able to maintain health for as long as possible.

Myositis is by no means harmless. The launched pathological process is quite capable of leading to disability. Therefore, do not risk it. Vigilance is the main companion of a healthy person.
