Stickers with cartoon characters will help to accustom a child to healthy eating


Researchers suggest that cartoon stickers on vegetables and fruits can significantly affect a child’s choice in favor of healthy food.

After a simple experiment, they found that when elementary school students were offered apples and cookies at lunch, most children chose sweet cookies. However, if a sticker with a cartoon hero was pasted on apples, the percentage of children choosing a healthy apple instead of useless cookies increased sharply (from 9% to 31%).

In the event that the alternative to the apple is absolutely tempting sweets, for example sweets, the effect of the stickers is less pronounced, because the children have long been familiar with their pleasant taste. However, to teach a child to healthy food, this method is still recommended for use.

“Cartoon characters and other colorful advertising presets are often printed on cookie and candy packaging,” said David Just, director of the Center for Behavioral Economics at the Nursery School. Cornella. “And if we fight for a healthy diet, then we need to use the same methods as companies that sell less healthy foods,” he said. As they say, hit the enemy with the same weapon.

Using stickers on fruits and vegetables featuring cartoon characters is one of the cheapest ways that can help improve children's nutrition, pediatricians say. So parents can try using this trick at home.

It is a good idea to create positive associations for your child, especially if you are struggling to get them to eat healthy foods.


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