The seven pillars of happy motherhood


It just so happened that children are treated as a mandatory attribute of adulthood. If you turned 30, however, you still haven’t had the chance to change diapers and wipe your snotty nose, behind your back they begin to whisper a little. And if, in addition to everything, you do not express emotion at the sight of some little peanut, then there is a risk of falling into world disgrace. Because, if you were born a woman, be so kind as to multiply and in every possible way to propagate this action. Do you have a desire to reproduce your own kind - nobody cares. You must, for it is so. That's it, point. Although, it’s more correct to put an ellipsis, because inexorable statistics indicate a growing number of abandoned children, as well as an increase in the percentage of crimes against young citizens. So what to do so that the words "happy childhood" become a reality for every baby, and so that motherhood is always happy too?

First of all…

... you shouldn’t follow your relatives and acquaintances and collect things at the hospital only for the reason that my mother wanted grandchildren. Your life is your responsibility. And in the event of the appearance of the child, one will have to take care of him too - it is unlikely that all the "well-wishers" will help you as eagerly as they give advice and recommendations.


... you don’t have to think that the child will be what you imagine him to be. Angelic images - they are only in pictures on the Internet, and the reality is completely different. Yes, you will have to face broken vases and spilled jam. But this is in the order of things, a man learns the world and it is unlikely that he will see it kind and good if he constantly encounters aggression on your part.


... who said it would be easy? Sleepless nights are likely to become a rule, and the rhythm of life in general will be adjusted to the baby. Perhaps the need will force you to give up a lot in the name of the child, but this circumstance does not give you the right in the future to utter the phrase "I gave birth to you and raised you, so you owe me one." After all, the appearance of a new family member was your idea, not his.

Fourth ...

... do not try to pay off a child with a bunch of toys and a chocolate factory. A child cannot boil in his own juice, and if he succeeds, the result is unpredictable. In the best case, you get a hermit genius, in the worst - a psycho maniac. This is because a child who is deprived of maternal warmth and attention experiences much more negative emotions than parents are used to thinking.

Fifth ...

... do not get to the point of absurdity. You can often see how an annoyed mother punishes her child for the crooked letter "A" and goes to drink valerian. Remember, does your happiness and prosperity depend on handwriting? And this applies not only to study.

At sixth…

... do not ignore the opinion of the child. If he wants to wear a blue T-shirt, not a green one, why not let him? Or do you want to grow up a weak limp creature, which will have to lead hand in hand through life, indicating what to do and how, and at the same time complaining to a neighbor about an “impossible idler sitting on his neck”?

Seventh ...

... be happy yourself, and the child will take from you the best - knowledge, skills, habits. Because a gloomy and always dissatisfied mother will never become an authority, and, especially, a friend. Learn to have fun with the child, and not look at him condescendingly, get into his world, and this will be rewarded to you a hundredfold in the form of loving son or daughter.

Text: Matrena Barabanova


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