Cauliflower Casserole - Best Recipes


Cauliflower casserole - general principles and methods of preparation

Since the time when cauliflower came to our country from the Mediterranean countries, the housewives have been able to diversify their homemade menu with delicious and healthy dishes. Cauliflower boiled and seasoned with oil is very tasty in itself, and if you put a little effort and use additional ingredients, you can get completely new rich dishes. For example, add cream with white bechamel sauce, fried mushrooms, vegetables. If you put minced meat at the bottom of the form, and put cauliflower on top and bake, you get a full dinner. Cauliflower casserole can be prepared with many ingredients, this is a wonderful dish that adults and children love. It is simply impossible to spoil it - for example, baked vegetables with herbs and spices under cheese. Choose your recipe!

Cauliflower casserole - product preparation

For several centuries of adaptation of cauliflower in the colder regions of the country, new cold-resistant varieties were developed. All varieties of cabbage belong to the same species and are useful in nutrition. Mainly used in cooking white cabbage, although they call it colored. The high taste and dietary properties of cabbage are appreciated by people who want to reduce weight and cleanse the body. Modified inflorescences are used. In order to prepare cauliflower for cooking, it is better to boil it for several minutes in salted water, so it is easier to disassemble into parts.

Cauliflower Casserole - Best Recipes

Recipe 1: Cauliflower Casserole with Eggplant

Very tasty, tender and juicy vegetable casserole is obtained with the addition of eggplant. Baked under a mixture of sour cream and eggs, it turns out to be very tasty.

Ingredients: eggplant (2 pieces, 400 grams), cauliflower (600 grams), onions (100 grams), sweet pepper (3 pieces), olive oil for frying (4 tablespoons), eggs (3 pieces), cheese (200 grams) ), sour cream (250 grams), salt, ground pepper.

Cooking method

Washed eggplant, cut into cubes, put in a bowl and add a tablespoon of water.
Leave for 30-40 minutes to get rid of bitterness. Boil the cabbage until half ready in salted water, cool and parse into inflorescences. Peel the seeds and cut them into cubes. Mix well and put in a mold. Salt and pepper to taste.
Prepare the fill: mix the grated cheese, eggs and sour cream. Salt, pepper to taste. Pour vegetables with the resulting mixture and straighten the form with the contents into the oven preheated to 200 degrees for 30-35 minutes.

Recipe 3: Ham and Cauliflower Casserole

This dish can rightfully be called quick. Ready ham does not even need to be fried, it can immediately be laid out in the dough.

Ingredients: cauliflower (500 grams), onions (1 pc), hard cheese (150 grams), dill, vegetable oil, salt, ground pepper, milk (300 grams), garlic (1-2 cloves), salt,

Cooking method

We disassemble the cabbage for inflorescences, for this we boil it in water with salt and cool it a little. Try not to boil cabbage, so that it remains elastic and dense.

Finely chop the onion and julienne ham. In a frying pan with melted butter, spread the onion, top with vegetable oil, fry until soft. Add the ham and fry for a couple of minutes. Next we will send cauliflower to the pan, fry everything over medium heat. We shift the mixture into the baking dish, salt, pepper and sprinkle with chopped dill. To prepare the fill, let the garlic pass through the garlic, beat the eggs with a whisk and pour the milk. Pour the cabbage mixture and sprinkle with grated cheese. Bake for 30-40 minutes at 180 degrees until thickened and browned. A great side dish or a stand-alone dish should stand for a while. Serve the casserole hot, sprinkle with herbs.

Recipe 3: Microwave Cauliflower Casserole

For the density of the casserole we use crackers. Remember that for baking in the microwave, special dishes without metal inclusions are necessary. Perfectly obtained casserole in clay pots or molds.

Ingredients: cauliflower (250 grams), grated cheese (50 grams), breadcrumbs (2 tablespoons), origano (1/2 tablespoon), ground pepper, salt.

Cooking method

Prepare the cabbage - boil it, sort it into inflorescences and remove the excess liquid. Separately, rub the cheese on a coarse grater, mix it with breadcrumbs, milk, spices and melted butter. Put the boiled cabbage in a form with high sides and bake in the microwave at medium power. Leave the finished dish in the oven for 10 minutes.

Recipe 4: Cauliflower Casserole with Mushrooms

You will enjoy the healthy and tasty combination of cauliflower and mushrooms. Store champignons are quite suitable for these purposes. Safe mushrooms practically do not boil, have a great taste and, in combination with cabbage, are easily absorbed by the body.

Ingredients: cauliflower (1 head), champignons (8-10 pieces), onions (23 pieces), black pepper and salt, hard cheese (150 grams), a little flour, eggs (3 pieces).

Cooking method

Boil the cabbage inflorescences in salted water and put in a colander to let the glass water. Chop the onion finely and fry the vegetable oil. Add chopped mushrooms and stew a little. In a greased form, spread the cabbage and on top mushrooms with onions. Salt and sprinkle with grated cheese. Pour the cabbage with mushrooms with a mixture of milk, flour and eggs. Preheat the oven in advance, up to 200 degrees. Bake for 20-30 minutes, until crusty.

Cauliflower casserole - tips from experienced cooks

- If you intend to fry the cabbage, then it should be boiled for 7 minutes. So it will be solid and not digested. Frozen inflorescences are boiled for 10-15 minutes without defrosting. Cabbage will be fully prepared if fresh it is boiled for 15 minutes.

- You can give cooked cabbage the color of milk - for this, it is boiled in an open bowl with milk (300 ml per 2 liters of water), or citric acid at the tip of a knife (you can replace it with a teaspoon of acetic acid). Enamel cookware is best for cooking.


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