Is tea useful for immunity, what tea to drink for colds? What to make tea, really strengthening immunity


Health and longevity depend on many factors. Not all of them are subject to man, but we are able to do much to maintain the body in the necessary balance. Immunity is on guard and ready to repel any danger, be it a serious infection or an ordinary cold. Our task is to help him with this. If necessary, give impetus and provide with the substances necessary for building strong internal protection.

It might seem like that is difficult. But what could be simpler than a cup of tea, traditionally drunk every day? Tea enhancing immunity can be very simple or from many components, but your body will definitely appreciate such daily care.

Tea for immunity is just

Drinking a cup of your favorite tea several times a day, we maintain strength, restore efficiency and at the same time take care of our immunity. Due to its rich chemical composition, ordinary tea for immunity is just a gift.

Different types of tea (black, red, yellow, green) are obtained from one plant. They differ only in the degree of leaf treatment after collection. Green tea is considered the most useful, as the least fermented, preserving the original healing substances:

• vitamins A, C, P, PP, a wide range of group B;

• trace elements, including iodine, fluorine, magnesium, zinc;

• an analogue of caffeine - thein, due to concomitant substances, acts softer than coffee;

• phenols, catechins, tannins suppress pathogens and are powerful antioxidants.

Only about 100 biologically active substances are present in the composition. Their complex effect accelerates the metabolism, stimulates the brain, helps fight infections, and therefore strengthens the body's defense.

To get a tea that really boosts immunity, you should properly prepare it. Do not fill the leaves with boiling water. For better dissolution of nutrients need a lower temperature:

• 90 ° С - for black;

• 80-85 ° С - for green.

It is recommended to insist black tea for up to 30 minutes, 2 minutes is enough for green and you can brew it several times.

You can enhance the healing effect by adding lemon and honey to tea. Do this when the drink has cooled slightly. Then the nutrients will not be damaged by temperature, and vitamin C will not be destroyed.

Immune Ginger Tea

Adding ginger to the finished tea is tasty and healthy. The root activates metabolic processes, strengthens defense mechanisms, saturates with vitamins and minerals. But to achieve the full effect of the burning spices can only be prepared separately.

Making ginger tea:

1. The root for tea is suitable ground or fresh (grated on a fine grater). For one cup of drink you need 1 tsp. Ginger When dry, the spice is sharper, you can take it half as much.

2. Insist crushed root for at least 15 minutes, it is best left overnight and used the next day.

3. Honey and lemon juice are traditionally added to tea with ginger for immunity, in this combination it acts especially strongly.

4. Add a little cinnamon to the drink: the taste will soften and the healing effect will increase.

Be careful! During illness, at elevated body temperature, tea with ginger can aggravate the condition. Use it only if the temperature is not higher than 38 °.

Immunity Tea with Echinacea

Echinacea is one of the strongest herbs-immunostimulants that increase the body's resistance and restore the balance of power during illness. Taking Echinacea drugs increases the number of leukocytes, stimulates the production of hormones, which directly affects the immune processes.

Herbal tea is approved for use from 2 years of age. For its preparation, the best raw material is a mixture of root, grass and plant flowers, taken in equal amounts. One tablespoon of the mixture is poured into 300 ml of hot water and allowed to stand for about an hour. All of the resulting drink can be drunk in portions throughout the day.

Attention! With frequent or prolonged use, tea, which strengthens the immune system, begins to inhibit it. Treatment with echinacea for longer than 20 days is dangerous.

Ginseng, Eleutherococcus, Rhodiola rosea are traditional and powerful agents that strengthen the body's defenses. Their pharmacy tinctures can be added to any tea, according to the instructions. Most often, the dose does not exceed 30 drops of tincture per day. All of these drugs excite the nervous system, you need to drink them before lunch, otherwise sleep disturbances cannot be avoided.

Immune Tea Recipes

There are many remedies, but many recipes do not exist. The ingredients are not always available, the taste is annoying, or some strong component does not affect you. And sometimes you have to choose a recipe that the child will favorably treat.

Sea buckthorn tea with honey

Tea from sea buckthorn berries is one of the favorite folk recipes for improving health. Here is a modern version of such a medicine with green tea and honey:

• grind a glass of berries into a homogeneous slurry;

• separately brew green tea (for 0.5 l of water - 1 tbsp. L.);

• combine tea and sea buckthorn, add honey (to taste),

• let it brew for another 10 minutes, strain.

Rosehip drink

By the content of vitamin C, rose hips have no equal. Brewed all night in a thermos, with the addition of honey, it is drunk as tea for the prevention of colds and viral infections. A large number of minerals, trace elements, vitamins, helps to keep the body in good shape and not to get sick in the cold, wet season.

To preserve valuable components, fill the rosehip with hot, but not boiling water, in a ratio of 1:10. The finished infusion can be added to regular tea or consumed as a separate drink.

Conifer tea

An unusual tea that strengthens the immune system is obtained from the needles collected in a forest or park: 1 tbsp. l needles pour a glass of boiling water and insist. The best thing is to collect young, still soft shoots of conifers in spring. Such an agent additionally has an expectorant and antiseptic effect.

Tea-balm for children (enhancing immunity)

Tea does not have a strict composition. It includes leaves of fruit trees and berry bushes. Any which are available. Black and red currants, raspberries, apple trees, cherries, plums, it is very useful to add strawberry leaves and mint. The more components, the more aromatic and healthy. Balsam is brewed like regular tea, or added to black.

Children willingly drink such tea, if they were entrusted with its preparation. In the summer in the village, in the country, collect several leaves from any tree and bush on which berries or tasty fruits grow. Of course, you will have to follow the composition of such a collection, but in winter you will be happy to drink a fragrant drink with the smell of summer.

Mint tea

Mix together one tablespoon of these herbs:

• linden flowers;

• mint;

• lemon balm;

• St. John's wort.

Pour the mixture with a liter of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. Such tea not only strengthens the body, but also calms the nervous system. A good mood is an additional plus for strong immunity.

The power of honey for a strong immune system

Honey is present in almost every recipe for medicinal infusions and teas. You can add it to any drink, both to add taste and to enhance the action of the components. Any beekeeping product can be used to increase immunity, but honey is the most convenient and delicious of them.

The honey contains 22 trace elements from the 24 necessary for hematopoiesis, so honey quickly improves blood composition, increases hemoglobin. This property plays an important role in restoring and strengthening the immune system.

Honey cannot be overheated. To assimilate all active substances and vitamins, it is added to warm tea just before taking it.


The above recipes are just tea. But some components have an effect comparable in strength to pharmaceuticals, therefore caution will not be superfluous. A few tips:

1. Use only those components for which you are aware of the reaction. Before using new ingredients, check their tolerance in small doses, and then increase the amount.

2. Strengthen the immune system in advance, the body responds better to prevention than to emergency intervention during the disease.

3. Teas to strengthen immunity should be alternated. Having several favorite recipes, periodically replace one with another, saving the most powerful compounds for the "cold" season.

4. Strong immunostimulants (ginseng, echinacea) can not be used for longer than 1 month.

A single dose of even the most miraculous tea will not have the desired effect. It is advisable to use one recipe for 10-14 days, after which other components should be used.

Providing all possible assistance to the body in time, you can count on its gratitude in the form of good health, when damp, frost or another terrible virus is walking on the street.


Watch the video: Flu & Cold Wellness Tea - Immune Boosting Turmeric Tea (July 2024).