First birth after 40 years


Does it exist - the ideal time for the first birth? After all, preparation for motherhood consists of many components - this is health, the material base of the family, and psychological readiness. An equally important aspect is the desire of the woman herself to become a mother. What to do if at 25 there is a family and housing, but the need for the birth of a baby does not want to wake up? But what about those who met their chosen one only on the threshold of their fortieth birthday? And if the couple was ready for motherhood, but the sperm did not want to merge with the egg, and the news of the pregnancy came only when the family stopped dreaming about having a baby?

Pregnant women of the same age are supported, who decide to give birth to second and third children with a large interval. They have already walked the path of pregnancy, childbirth and education, and they do not consider the number of years lived a serious obstacle to childbirth.

Pros of late motherhood:

  • Conscious motherhood. Complete readiness of the family for the birth of a child is a definite plus. Late children are most often the result of thoughtful planning, and most importantly, expectant mothers undergo a thorough medical examination, including all kinds of tests and consultations with geneticists.
  • Psychological readiness. Not every girl loves to play mother’s daughters, and she visits the desire to become a mother of many at a more mature age. It is no secret that some young women do not fully understand the importance and responsibility of motherhood, reluctantly sacrificing their personal lives in the name of the newborn. Moms ages happily agree to provide every second of their time to the baby. After all, they have fully tasted the entertainment and freedom, but the birth of a baby only opens its endless fields for activity.
  • Anti-aging ability of childbirth. Late pregnancy makes it easier to survive the impending menopause, and the fact of motherhood at a time when their peers are preparing to become grandmothers is in full swing, keeps the young mother in good shape. One can argue who looks more attractive - a young lady who has ceased to take care of herself after childbirth, has waved her hand at an extra ten kilograms, or a forty-year-old mother inspired by the birth of her baby. For many, late births also return youth, forcing them to laugh loudly, actively move and sculpt cakes along with the baby.

When is late pregnancy undesirable?

The health status of everyone is different, some suffer from chronic sores from early adolescence, while others approach the 40-year milestone vigorous and full of energy. On the one hand, this age is still very far from old age - many are experiencing the peak of their beauty and prosperity after 35 years. On the other hand, bad habits, chronic diseases, and negative environmental impacts have a cumulative effect.

  • The negative impact of lifestyle, environment and disease on late pregnancy. The eggs take the brunt on themselves, because smoking, alcohol, and transmitted infections leave a mark on the female body forever. And health often fails - despite the fact that post-Soviet women have learned to take care of themselves and meet maturity fully armed, hypertension, diabetes, problems with the endocrine system remain a scourge among the mature population.
  • Genetic abnormalities. In this case, statistics is inexorable - although genetic abnormalities are also found in children of very young parents, adulthood remains an aggravating circumstance. After 35 years, the probability of having a baby with abnormalities increases sharply.
  • Severe pregnancy. This factor is not necessary at all, but every woman in labor after 40 years needs more careful monitoring. Hormonal insufficiency, cardiovascular disorders, loss of tissue elasticity - unfortunately, all these conditions are frequent companions of late pregnancy.

Our society is still difficult to call tolerant. The first thing that older pregnant women hear about them is surprise or even condemnation. "Aren't you afraid you will be mistaken for a grandmother?" - in a hurry to smack evil tongues. "Want to leave a child an orphan?" ill-wishers prophesy gloomily. And the future mother herself is wondering if she will look ridiculous among young women in labor. Do not forget that society is ready to discuss and condemn everyone who does not fit into the usual framework. Therefore, only the health of the expectant mother will play a key role in decision-making.


Watch the video: Women's Wellness: Do I still need birth control? (July 2024).