The ranking of the most non-influential celebrities published


The list of the most influential artists, among others, included such celebrities as Paula Dean, Will Smith, Miley Cyrus, Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber, Zack Snyder, Ryan Reynolds. The US President, Barack Obama, is also on this list. GQ noted that the outgoing year has become unfavorable for people suffering from megalomania.

At the head of the list is former basketball player Dennis Rodman, known for all his creativity. For the “signature” recipe - 4 pieces of butter and a pinch of racism - the second place went to the unrestrained owner of the culinary show, Gardon Ramsay.

Justin Bieber, who has long been no longer a cute young boy, took 4th place. GQ's attention was not spared and Miley Cyrus - 6th place. Closes the top ten Will Smith. Getting on the list of Ryan Reynolds came as a surprise to everyone.

Also on this list are President Obama, John King, Edward Snowden and Howard Kurtz.


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