Useful qualities of burdock oil for eyelashes. The basics of safe and effective application of burdock oil for eyelashes


Nature has always been able to take care of the beauty of the human body. Natural remedies do not contain chemistry, they are only natural benefits for the body, so plant oils are so actively used in cosmetology. Burdock oil for eyelashes significantly strengthens them, accelerates growth, makes eyelashes thicker and fluffier.

The rich chemical composition of burdock oil for eyelashes

Burdock oil is extracted from a plant familiar to everyone since childhood - burdock. Its roots are an excellent tool that can restore the damaged structure of the eyelashes, as well as the follicles themselves. The burdock oil extracted from the plant has many beneficial properties due to the composition saturated with biologically active substances and vitamins. It includes such substances:

1. Vitamins:

• Vitamin A or retinol prevents the loss of eyelashes, while strengthening the hair follicles;

• Vitamin E tocopherol enhances blood circulation, thereby stimulating delayed or stopped eyelash growth, and also promotes active cell renewal;

• Vitamin PP niacin has a therapeutic effect on the internal state of the eyelashes, improves cellular immunity, blocks aggressive external attacks of various factors, hindering the subsequent development of various diseases;

• Vitamin C or ascorbic acid retains its natural color and its saturation, eliminates brittleness and makes eyelashes thicker and stronger.

2. Microelements:

• iron helps saturate the cells with oxygen and all the necessary nutrients, prevents the development of vitamin deficiency, the consequences of which may be the loss of eyelashes, the appearance of their fragility;

• zinc stimulates the growth of hairs, makes them thicker, strengthening their outer borders, so eyelashes become thicker and more voluminous, and look like this even without using mascara;

• Manganese acts in such a set of useful components as a disinfectant that protects the eyelids and eyelashes from existing unpleasant and even dangerous diseases.

3. Organic acids include:

• oleic acid, which has an active moisturizing effect, providing the ciliary bulbs with a lack of moisture;

• linoleic acid, which has an anti-inflammatory effect on the eyelashes, also protecting them from external irritants and the development of diseases;

• palmitic acid, which gives the oil the strongest firming effect on the eyelashes;

• stearic acid - it is a natural reducing agent for weakened and thinned eyelashes, gives the hairs softness and velvety;

• ricinoleic acid, which is responsible for the activation of growth, as a result of which long and thick eyelashes grow.

The many useful components in burdock oil make the drug medicinal. It is able not only to accelerate growth and saturate eyelashes with health, but also to eliminate many different problems, it is also suitable for their prevention.

The use of burdock oil for eyelashes at home

To use burdock oil for maximum effectiveness, you need to use it correctly. A simple and affordable step-by-step instruction will help with this:

1. First of all, it is necessary to pour a small amount of liquid into a convenient cup or saucer, since using oil from the container in which it is sold (usually a 250 ml bottle) is not very convenient.

2. To enhance the beneficial qualities of the composition can be slightly warmed up. This can be done in a water bath, or in the usual way in a microwave, for example.

3. To apply oil to the eyelashes, you need to prepare cotton buds or cotton pads. The consistency of the oil is liquid, so you need to apply it from the middle of the eyelashes to their tips, it will be evenly distributed along the entire length on its own. Avoid areas of contact with the skin and do not apply oil to the eyelid itself.

4. To facilitate the daily use of oil, you can use the old brasmatik. An empty bottle and a brush will need to be thoroughly washed from the remaining carcasses and filled with a syringe with burdock oil. Using a brush to apply oil on the eyelashes is much easier and more familiar than any other improvised means, and the composition will not spread.

5. Oil should be on eyelashes for about 40 minutes, after they expire, the product will need to be removed. You can do this with a cotton pad or napkin. To avoid the appearance of puffiness, you need to thoroughly wet your eyelids, completely rid them of oil and prevent it from being on them all night.

6. The duration of treatment for eyelashes with burdock oil is a maximum of 30 days of daily procedures.

Effective mixes based on burdock oil for eyelashes

To enhance the beneficial effect on the cilia of a burdock, you can create various combinations using other natural ingredients.

1. A mixture of burdock with olive oil will help rejuvenate the skin of the eyelids.

2. The combination with almond oil will help strengthen the structure of eyelashes and eliminate existing damage, brittleness.

3. The combination of burdock and fish oil is a powerful nutrient for eyelashes, which also moisturizes the follicles.

4. When vitamins A and E are added to the oil, the product will become a natural antioxidant, which will become an activator of hair growth. Only 3 drops of each vitamin can provide this effect.

5. To restore damaged and weakened eyelash extensions, you can use a mixture of castor and burdock oils in equal proportions. The addition of aloe juice and vitamin E improves the effectiveness.

Precautions While Using Burdock Oil For Eyelashes

Those people who have vision problems and wear contact lenses need to remove these accessories during the procedure. Do not forget about it, otherwise, otherwise the lens can be permanently damaged due to accidental contact with the liquid mass of oil.

When applied to the eyelashes, one should be extremely careful, because when it gets into the eyes, any oil provokes the appearance of unpleasant sensations and visibility, as if through a film. In this case, rinse thoroughly with clean water.

When using, it is advisable to prevent the penetration of burdock oil on the mucous membranes and the skin near the eyes. This can cause swelling in the morning. But this phenomenon is only a matter of aesthetics, from the point of view of health it is not at all scary, because in the composition of the oil there are only natural components that do no harm. You can quickly remove swelling with the help of cosmetic ice or a special lifting cream.

You can use burdock oil for those people who do not have allergies or individual intolerance to its components. Burdock is not the most harmless plant and can cause swelling, itching, sneezing, redness of the skin, rash and other consequences.

With burdock oil, you can safely experiment. It goes well with other oils, for example, almond or castor, individual vitamins, but not with essential oils.


Watch the video: How to Use Castor Oil for Beard Growth (June 2024).