35 week of pregnancy. Fetal development and sensations at 35 weeks of gestation.


At 35 weeks, the expectant mother and baby enter the most difficult period of pregnancy. Mom finds it difficult to sleep, walk, she has digestive problems. In this difficult time, her main assistant is patience and the realization that in a week or two the child will go down the pelvis, and she will feel better, and there it is not far until the day when her baby is born.

Changes in the body at 35 weeks of gestation

By the 35th week, the bottom of the uterus reaches the highest point in the entire pregnancy, and now the distance from the navel is 15 cm. The expectant mother is getting more trouble with her growing belly. She suffers from sleep disturbances, lower back pain. The so-called vena cava syndrome may occur, in which, due to compression of the vein, a pregnant woman lying on her back faints.

The condition of the fetus at 35 weeks of gestation

The growth of the baby at 35 weeks is about 46-47 cm, weight reaches from 2.4 to 2.6 kg. At this time, preparation for an extrauterine existence is being completed in his body. Now, small nails almost reach the fingertips, and after birth, they may even have to be cut.

At week 35, the baby's adrenal glands are intensively developing, responsible for the production of hormones that regulate the mineral and water-salt metabolism in his body. Now the baby is already getting crowded in her mother’s womb, he will soon begin to sink. In the meantime, fatty tissue is being actively deposited, especially in the peri-brachial region. Due to the increase in the subcutaneous layer of adipose tissue, the baby's skin becomes smooth and pink. Also this week, the lanugo, the fluff that covered the baby’s body, disappears. Its internal organs continue to develop and improve. Starting from the 35th week, the weekly weight gain of the baby will be about 220 grams.

Possible sensations at 35 weeks of gestation

The uterus, in which the two-kilogram fetus is located, with all its weight presses on the diaphragm, lungs and stomach of a woman. Due to pressure on the digestive organs, food often causes heartburn and heaviness in the stomach. A baby who is hustling in his stomach does not allow him to walk for a long time, since his weight already exceeds two kilograms. And this is not counting the weight of the uterus, placenta and amniotic fluid.

Necessary medical supervision

If a planned ultrasound scan was performed at week 34, now the doctor has already discussed the method of delivery with the expectant mother. It is determined, first of all, by the health of the mother and baby, his position in the uterus, the state of the placenta, metabolic processes between the baby and mother, the structure of her body and the weight of the child. To assess the development of the baby at 35 weeks, the doctor takes all the basic measurements and compares their results with those obtained earlier and with the data of normal growth tables. Such an assessment is needed in order to understand how large the baby is. The doctor is also interested in the position of the placenta, namely, the proximity of its lower edge to the cervix. Also important is the position of the fetus, which should have a head presentation. If this is not observed, mother should undergo an X-ray examination. It will help determine the position of the child, which can be transverse or pelvic. Placenta previa, as a rule, determines the pelvic position of the fetus, which is an indication for a cesarean section.

General recommendations

If the expectant mother is not yet on maternity leave, then it is time for her to resolve this issue now in order to provide herself and her baby with the necessary treatment and sufficient rest.

If a woman is having trouble sleeping, sleeping pills should not be taken. It is better to give preference to safe methods of relaxation for the baby. For lower back pain, pelvic inclinations can be done before bedtime. To wake up less often due to urination, you should limit your intake of fluid at bedtime.

Given that during this period, the baby’s body actively consumes calcium from the mother’s body, she should increase the amount of dairy products in her diet.

Another important point is the fear of childbirth. Almost all women, even giving birth not for the first time, go through this condition. The future mother should remember that the course of childbirth largely depends on her mood, therefore she should not allow negative thoughts, often talk with the baby so that he too is calm and sure that they will be waiting for him and that everything will be wonderful.

Weekly Pregnancy Calendar:


Marina 08/25/2016
In order to prescribe effective treatment for bacterial vaginosis, it is not enough to establish a diagnosis with a smear from the vagina - it is necessary to pass the seeding of the vaginal discharge with sensitivity to antibiotics. The results of the analysis will show which drugs are susceptible to strains of gardnerella that causes bacterial vaginosis, as well as the presence of joined or latent infections. According to the results of the tank. seeding and taking into account the existing contraindications, such effective drugs for vaginosis as metronidazole (metrogil vaginal gel), clindamycin (dalacin suppositories) or others are prescribed.

Anna 08/02/2016
What can be an x-ray for a pregnant woman to determine a presentation, and even after an ultrasound? After all, all this is visible on ultrasound, and the x-ray is very harmful.

Taya 04/06/2016
On TV showed a girl who for two months can not stop hiccuping! So I'm afraid that this did not happen to me!)) True - hiccups do not allow live directly. Otherwise, everything is fine, tolerant. Or maybe this is due to hiccups, I do not notice any difficulties at 35 weeks?))

Marishka 04/06/2016
I began to get tired more, and - from everything. I get tired of movements, I get tired of communication, I get tired of the TV. Yes, what can I say - my husband just walks from the kitchen to the hall - I get tired of his fuss!))) And I get annoyed. I would like to either be alone, or that everyone would sit quietly in the corner, and not move)))

Vikusya 04/06/2016
Fear of giving birth is something at all! As much as those giving birth explained to me, my mother is constantly comforting - I can not calm down. Yes, and probably not only me. Everyone who will give birth for the first time is very worried. I would rather be unconscious)))


Watch the video: Normal Fetal Movement and Growth. Kaiser Permanente (June 2024).