Cosmetics during pregnancy: which one is needed and how to choose


This article is for women who want to look attractive during pregnancy. It will be about changes in the condition of the skin, nails during this period, and cosmetics that future mothers should use while in an interesting position.

Why change the usual cosmetics during pregnancy

Hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy in a woman’s body often lead to a change in skin type, a change in the condition of the hair, the appearance of stretch marks, and age spots. Allergic reactions can occur to certain substances. To eliminate these problems, cosmetic products designed specifically for pregnant women are aimed.

Some habitual jars and tubes will have to be abandoned for this time, replacing them with more natural and gentle means. When choosing cosmetics, preference should be given to one that contains a minimum of fragrances and dyes, and a maximum of natural components. It is advisable that the package says that these cosmetics are hypoallergenic and have been clinically tested. Then you can be sure of their safety and harmlessness.

Your skin may become more sensitive, and regular cosmetics will cause irritation, showing redness or rashes on the face. Do not be afraid of this condition, during pregnancy this is an ordinary case. It’s just time to change the cream by buying a special product for sensitive skin.

Cosmetics for stretch marks during pregnancy

During pregnancy, every second woman experiences stretch marks on her body. They are formed, most often, on the stomach and chest. Their appearance brings its owners a lot of grief. This is understandable, because the stripes will remain ugly marks on the woman’s body for life. It is very difficult, almost impossible to get rid of them non-surgically. Therefore, it is better to prevent their appearance than to fight them after.

There are many cosmetics that prevent the appearance of stretch marks. You need to start using them from the first months of pregnancy. The main thing is to choose the right cream. It should be noted that it is based on natural ingredients and dermatologically tested. It is better if it contains vitamin E and natural oils, which perfectly soften the skin, making it more elastic.

Cosmetics for age spots during pregnancy

Few women do during pregnancy without these large, dark red markings. Some do not pay attention to them, but most women are very upset when they see their reflection in the mirror. If the pigmented areas on the body can be hidden under clothing, then the spots on the face are in plain sight. Do not worry too much and get upset, console yourself with the fact that this phenomenon is temporary, and after birth the marks will disappear without a trace.

Do not fight them using bleaching creams. This will not bring any noticeable effect, and the chemicals and acids contained in them will greatly dry out the skin and may cause redness and irritation. It is better to limit the time spent in direct sunlight and use folk remedies - make masks from parsley, cucumbers, yogurt or sour cream. In the summer, you need to use a day cream with UV protection. It is better to use products with medium or high degree of protection - not lower than SPF25 - SPF30.

Masking age spots on the face will help decorative cosmetics. Again, it is worth using the most natural means. Mineral friable powder has an excellent camouflage effect, which, moreover, does not contain preservatives or other chemicals.

Cosmetics for nails during pregnancy

So you want and during pregnancy to shine to the tips of the nails. But it is during this period that they will not be able to boast of their natural beauty. After all, the body of the future mother requires a high content of calcium to form the bone tissue of the child. With insufficient intake of food, nature takes calcium on its own from the body of the woman herself. Therefore, nails in this period often do not look the best way - they lose strength, tarnish, exfoliate and often break.

To improve the situation, it is necessary to monitor nutrition - take multivitamins, consume cottage cheese and dairy products, as well as call for help cosmetics. There are special tools for strengthening nails - creams, lotions, decorative and colorless varnishes. To remove the varnish, use acetone-free liquid.

Should I use makeup during pregnancy?

What could be more beautiful women in an interesting position? Only a pregnant woman who takes care of herself. Therefore, even expecting a baby, you can use decorative cosmetics without harm to your health, only introduce small restrictions. It is worth more carefully monitoring the expiration date and quality. You should discard the waterproof mascara, because its removal requires more concentrated and aggressive means. In order not to irritate the mucous membrane of the eye, it is better to change the liquid eyeliner to a pencil.

To ensure that cosmetics do not cause discomfort on the face, it must be hypoallergenic, made on the basis of natural components, without the presence of hormonal and aggressive chemicals. The presence in the composition of the chemistry, which can harm the health of the pregnant woman, may indicate too bright color and persistent fragrance. Well-known Russian and European manufacturers produce cosmetic products using only mineral dyes.

That's all the tips that will help you navigate the selection of cosmetics. Visit hairdressing salons, manicure and pedicure rooms, take care of yourself. This will cheer you up and bring peace of mind. Be beautiful, happy and prosperous to you!


Alena 03/25/2016
Well, I do not! If you don’t follow yourself immediately, in the process, then you don’t have to get in proper shape. It is much easier to maintain beauty, and then only slightly correct it. So I try to prevent stretch marks right away, with creams.

Faina 03/25/2016
And I generally abandoned all the cosmetics. For me now, practically nothing is of such importance as a child. And if you take into account how many all kinds of poisonous drugs are everywhere filled, then you should not even buy and use all this. Here’s a mug, I’ll feed and take care of myself.

Ksenia 03/25/2016
I basically didn’t change anything from cosmetics, the only thing I bought other creams was, and I began to pay attention to the expiration date, which I had never done before. And I bought myself a cream to prevent stretch marks, as you look at mommies with blue stripes ...

Maroussia 03/25/2016
Now almost all my nails have broken, and even short ones are flaking off (((And I kind of eat different, calcium-rich foods ... but I don’t want to use cosmetics, it seems to me that this will affect the baby badly. I prefer everything natural, natural.

Barbara 03/25/2016
I generally had a huge number of age spots during pregnancy! I was just in shock! I have never encountered this before. And what masks I just did not do, and sour cream, and cucumbers, and everything else. It helped a little. Lemon juice still bleached.


Watch the video: I Got a Pregnancy Facial, Here's What I Learned (July 2024).