Fruit diseases: how to identify scab on a pear. All methods for treating scab: chemical and folk remedies


Scab is a fungal disease that affects fruit trees. In a pear, the damage extends to the flowers, fruits, shoots and leaves of the plant. It causes great damage to the crop, in order to cope with the disease, it is necessary to know the first symptoms of its manifestation.

Signs of the disease - pear scab

To correctly diagnose a disease, you need to know all its symptoms. Scab on pear is more pronounced than on other plants and it is easier to determine.

• One of the signs of the disease is brown spots on the fruits of the pear. They are immediately evident, it is impossible not to notice them.

• With the development of the disease, brown spots appear with an oily coating on the surface of the pear leaves.

• In an affected tree, the fruits become ugly, cease to develop normally.

• A diseased tree sheds ovaries, flowers, leaves.

• On the affected shoots of young trees, the parasite is manifested by cracking of the bark and swelling. In these places, mycelium of the fungus develops, which begins to multiply in the spring. Therefore, all damaged pear shoots must be destroyed.

Photo scab at various stages

Why do pears get scab

Spores of scab wake up only under favorable conditions, starting to multiply actively.

The development of the disease favors damp and cold weather in the spring. With high humidity in the summer days, an outbreak of the disease can also be observed. Moreover, environmental humidity is affected not only by rain, but also by the abundance of abundant growths.

The most effective ways to treat scab on pear

The disease can be cured only by complex measures. Scab is developing rapidly and requires a peculiar approach to treatment.

Among all the methods, the most effective are highlighted:

1. Spraying a tree. This is one of the effective methods that are used in the fight against scab. It is necessary to carry out processing several times a season.

2. Regular inspection and destruction of affected parts of the tree. Especially carefully inspect the young shoots of the plant.

3. Disposal of infected fruit.

The combination of these methods with preventive measures helps not only to contain, but also prevent the spread of the disease.

How and when to spray pears

Wood processing must be carried out at least five times. How to do it right?

• The first treatment is carried out in early spring, when the buds swell.

• The second is sprayed with a pear during the laying of flower buds, shortly before flowering.

• Subsequent treatment falls on the period immediately after flowering, until the fruit is formed.

• The fourth time the pear is sprayed two weeks after flowering.

• Final processing is carried out only for winter pear varieties, which are intended for long-term storage. It is carried out in late summer or early fall.

Important! Preparations for treatments must be changed regularly. It is impossible to spray with the same drug.

Prevention of scab on pear

Scab is common in almost all regions, so the prevention of the disease must begin long before the seedling is planted.

1. The landing site must be selected according to all the rules. It should be well lit.

2. When laying the garden, you must observe the density of tree planting. The less often the plants are planted, the better for the gardener. Thickened plantings lead to an increased risk of disease. Regular pruning promotes quick blowing of the crown after rains.

3. Cleaning fallen leaves. Every gardener should know that the causative agent of scab winter in the leaves, so a thorough cleaning of the garden in the fall will help to avoid an outbreak of the disease. Dig the soil under the trees.

4. Regular spraying of trees.

5. Proper soil enrichment with nutrients.

You need to start the fight against the disease since the fall, when the last crop is harvested. During this period, preventive spraying is carried out. If the weather is rainy, then spraying is repeated on drier and wetter days.

Scab on pear is very dangerous, it covers large areas in a short time, which harms the gardener. The entire crop may die from the disease. The combination of therapeutic and prophylactic methods gives good results in the fight against the disease.

How to spray a pear against scab

You need to start processing with preventive autumn spraying. It is carried out after the leaves fall. 50 g of urea are dissolved in a liter of water and the garden is sprayed.

Experienced gardeners are advised to carry out early spring spraying with copper sulfate. For 1 liter of water use 30 g of the drug with the addition of 40 g of lime. And in the fall, treat the tree with iron sulfate, dissolve 30 g of the drug in a liter of water.

The following drugs also cope well with scab:

• copper chloride;

• polycarbocin;

• polychom;

• colloidal sulfur.

At the first signs of a lesion, good indicators were noticed after treatment with zircon.

How to use systemic tools to combat scab

Good results were shown by the drug "Skor", which sprayed the plant at least four times. About 2 ml of the drug is dissolved in a bucket of water.

The drug "Strobi" used to combat scab and powdery mildew on pear and apple. For one growing season, no more than three treatments with this drug are carried out. The interval between sprayings is at least two weeks. The effect of the drug lasts up to one month. It is allowed to use Storbi in a mixture with other fungicides.

Chorus - An effective preparation for scab, which acts in conditions of low temperatures, is not washed off by rain. Processing is carried out until buds open, then repeat at the end of flowering. The effect of the drug lasts up to one month.

How to treat scab on pear with mineral fertilizers

Experienced gardeners advise no less effective methods of treating scab with mineral fertilizers. At the same time, not only therapeutic spraying is carried out, but also foliar top dressing of the tree, which positively affects its condition.

Pears are sprayed with solutions of the following drugs:

• ammonium nitrate, the concentration of the working solution is not more than 10%;

• ammonium sulfate, concentration up to 10%;

• potassium chloride, the concentration of the drug from 3 to 8%;

• potassium nitrate, working solution from 5 to 15%;

• potassium salt, solution concentration up to 10%.

Treatments are carried out throughout the season.

During one growing season, there are up to five outbreaks of the disease. Young plants are the first to suffer, which are more prone to fungal diseases. Older plants are resistant to scab. For stable crops, it is necessary to carry out all measures to combat the disease.

Experienced gardeners advise cultivating pear varieties that are more resistant to scab, which will save labor costs and will allow you to get good crops. These varieties include:

• Klapp's favorite;

• Study;

• Tavrian;

• Trembita;

• Margarita Mariglia;

• Bere Hardy.

Important! Scab affects pears, as well as apple trees. But it does not pass from one tree to another, since the pathogens of the disease are different fungi. However, the methods for controlling scab are the same on all fruit trees.


Watch the video: How to Treat Disease with Citrus Trees. Ask This Old House (June 2024).