Diet Larisa Dolina - a detailed description and useful tips. Reviews on the diet of Larisa Dolina and examples of recipes.


Diet Larisa Dolina - description and general principles

Thanks to her diet, the popular singer Larisa Dolina lost 25 kilograms of excess weight. For a long time, the basis of her nutrition was a kefir diet, which is observed every other day, that is, one day is a diet, one day is a normal diet. Only need less to eat carbohydrates and calories. The Valley advises everyone who also wants to experience the magical effects of her diet, to increase their stay in the fresh air.

Diet Larisa Valley - what foods can I eat

The basis of this diet is fat-free kefir. More allowed:

- meat (preferably chicken breast);
- dairy products (low-fat sour cream and cottage cheese);
- vegetables (carrots and potatoes);
- non-carbonated sparkling water;
- any fresh fruit (completely eliminate bananas and grapes);
- dried fruits (prunes, raisins, dried apricots).

You can also drink a cup of green tea or coffee a day. Water - up to 2 liters.

Diet Larisa Dolina - what foods can not be eaten

Sugar, salt, and nutritional supplements are completely prohibited during the diet. You can not eat those foods that are not included in the diet.

Diet Larisa Dolina - menu examples

Diet Larisa Dolina (first)

Monday: 0.5 liters of kefir, three potatoes, boiled in their uniforms.
Tuesday: 0.5 liters of kefir, a glass of sour cream.
Wednesday: 0.5 liters, a small cup of cottage cheese.
Thursday: 0.5 liters of kefir, chicken (boiled and without skin).
Friday: 0.5 liters of kefir, carrots or fresh apples.
Saturday: one liter of kefir;
Sunday: two liters of water (structured).

For every day you need to drink about 2 liters of water. After 18.00 do not eat.

Up to six kilograms are dumped per week.

Larisa Valley Diet (second)

It is designed for two weeks, the menu for each of them is repeated. When the first seven days pass, it is imperative to take a week break with the usual diet, limiting yourself to fatty, sweet, spicy and starchy foods. During this time, those results that were achieved in the first seven days of dieting will be fixed.

A couple of kg may return, but this is not scary, since in the second week of the diet all the results will be fixed for a long time. With an insufficient loss of kilograms, you can alternate a week of diet with a week of a normal diet until then, until you reach the desired weight.

Before starting the diet, you need to arrange one fasting day, and then, during the course, put a cleansing enema daily. Before eating, you need to drink herbal infusion (50 ml) each time, for the preparation of which a tablespoon of the mixture consisting of chamomile, calendula and St. John's wort should be poured with boiling water and insisted until it cools.

1 day: 0.5 liters of kefir (1%), 0.4 kg of potatoes (baked).
2 day: 0.4 kg of cottage cheese (nonfat), 0.5 l of kefir.
3 day: 0.4 kg of all kinds of fruits and 0.5 liters of kefir.
4th day: 0.4 kg of chicken fillet (boiled) and 0.5 l of kefir.
5 day: 0.4 kg of all kinds of fruits, 0.5 l of kefir.
6 day: one and a half liters of still mineral water.
7 day: 0.4 kg of all kinds of fruits, 0.5 l of kefir.

This diet allows, with strict adherence, already from the first seven days to throw from 3 to 5 kilograms, and over the next seven days - even to 4 kilograms.

Eat only strictly in the allotted time:

- breakfast - 8.00;
- 2nd breakfast - 10.00;
- 3rd breakfast - 12.00;
- lunch - 14.00;
- afternoon tea - 16.00;
- dinner - 18.00.

Distribute the quantity of products indicated in the menu evenly.

Diet Larisa Dolina (third option)

1 day: a liter of mineral water, 0.5 l of kefir and 0.3 kg of dried fruit.
2 day: a liter of mineral water, 0.5 l of kefir and 10 potatoes, boiled in their uniforms.
3 day: a liter of mineral water, 0.5 liters of kefir and ten apples.
4 day: a liter of mineral water, 0.5 l of kefir and one kilogram of boiled chicken fillet (without skin).
5 day: a liter of mineral water, 0.5 l of kefir and one kilogram of cottage cheese (nonfat).
6 day: a liter of mineral water, 0.5 liters of kefir and 1 liter of sour cream (nonfat).
7 day: a liter of mineral water, 0.5 l of kefir.
8 day: about 2 liters of mineral water.

The daily rate should be divided for the whole day. After 18.00 - do not eat. For 14 days, up to 9 kg of excess weight is dumped.

Diet Larisa Dolina (fourth option)

It lasts 7-8 days. The first two days you need to observe a mono-diet, that is, drink a liter and a half of kefir (nonfat), which is divided into five doses.

Breakfast: muesli drenched in kefir (without honey and raisins).
Lunch: boiled tender veal, beef, chicken, steam fish, raw or boiled vegetables (120 g).
Snack: one apple or kefir.
Dinner: leftover vegetables or meat, tea without sugar.

You can skip breakfast or drink fruit fresh (fresh) with two tablespoons of rye or oat bran instead. With such a diet, you can not eat bread and season salads with vegetable oil.

Diet Larisa Valley (fifth option)

You should not adhere to this diet for more than three days, and you can repeat it no more than once a month. Kilograms melt according to the individual characteristics of each organism.
For breakfast: salad with sauerkraut, scrambled eggs and coffee with milk, or semolina porridge, egg and tea with honey.
For lunch: 250 g of kefir or one apple or a slice of hard cheese.
For lunch: chicken soup, oil-free vinaigrette and carrot stew, or - mushroom soup and meat with cabbage (stewed in water without oil).
For an afternoon snack: kefir cocktail (250 g) or baked apples.
For dinner: steamed fish, baked potatoes and tea, or - casserole (carrot with prunes) and tea with honey.
Before going to bed: 250 g of kefir.

Diet Larisa Dolina - useful tips and reviews

Olga, 36 years old:
"When I sat on one of these kefir diets, I initially felt very discomfort in my stomach. No, not pain, but rather rumbling. All the time I wanted to eat something" forbidden "- sweet or sour, because salt was strictly forbidden. There were "I simply could not resist the impulses just to pour a little salt on my tongue. After all the upheavals, I still managed to lose five kilograms in five days, which I’m extremely happy about."

Maria, 28 years old:
“I was helped by pears and apples. I tried to eat them“ from the belly ”so that there was no despair from hunger urges. I lost 4 kg in 5 days, and my girlfriend lost 3. I didn’t return weight in six months. The diet is really effective "


olesya 03/29/2016
super diet! weight really doesn’t return, well, if you don’t endlessly gobble up to a pulse, your skin becomes better, waist sizes melt every day and everything else too, your normal chest doesn’t sag! twisted hula hoop!

Lida 03/24/2016
I am afraid in advance that I will not be able to observe all the subtleties. Particularly worried about a strictly defined time for eating. Maybe I can do this for three days, but throughout the diet - no. Firstly, my work schedule will not allow me to eat like that, and in the morning, I don’t want to eat at all ...

Katerina 03/24/2016
I think this is a regular kefir diet, and I want to use it. Probably the third option is more suitable. There, the amount of food is enough to not feel hungry all day. All by kilograms. We’re sure we are)) And, of course, I’ll be sure to lose weight, because the right attitude is very important ?!)))

Svetik-semitsvetik 03/24/2016
I also had impulses to pour salt on my tongue))) I really wanted at least something salty. Tolerated with all my strength, now I enjoy the result. Dropped 6 kilograms in 8 days! Of course, the summer is still far away, and most likely you will have to repeat the diet, but that's okay.

Larisabel 03/24/2016
To me, as a namesake, it would simply not be excusable to use some other diet))) Yes, and the successes of the Valley are amazing. After all, she was always such a lady in the body, and here ... she’s just as slender as cypress))) So, we will lose weight with Larisa Dolina!


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