How many calories are in a chicken, pork, beef, fish cutlet? How the number of calories in a fried and steam cutlet changes


Love for meatballs arises in childhood and lasts a lifetime.

Pieces of tender, melting meat tongue give great pleasure. Happy people who do not need to constantly take care of maintaining weight can eat meatballs prepared in any way and from any meat.

Those who constantly track the calorie content of food, you need to know for sure: how many calories in the cutlet of chicken, pork, beef, fish minced.

How many calories are in a chicken cutlet

There are several ways to cook ready-made cutlets: frying, baking and steaming. If the meat is fried in oil, the calorie content of the dish increases by almost 30%. Afford fried cutlets in unlimited quantities can not only very slim, but also very healthy people. Those who suffer from high cholesterol, heart and vascular diseases, have problems with the stomach and pancreas, this dish will not work.

Steaming cutlets is the most healthy way for health, besides practically not changing the calorie content of raw minced meat. In turn, cutlets made from any meat or fish can also have different calories. It depends on what kind of meat was used (fatty or lean), what additional ingredients the hostess added to the minced meat.

Take, for example, valuable, tasty and low-calorie chicken. This is a real gift for losing weight people: it is dietary, that is, completely not greasy, easy to digest, it turns out delicious in almost any form. But if you make cutlets from different parts of chicken, then their calorie content initially (that is, before cooking) will be different:

• meat cut off from all parts of the carcass (together with the skin) will produce 190 kcal;

• cutlet only from skinless chicken breast - 115 kcal.

How many calories are in the cutlet will depend on the composition of the meat. If we add additional ingredients to the meat (white bread, semolina, onion, flour), then the calorie content will change. And sometimes it can be changed both in the direction of increase (for example, adding high-calorie semolina), and in the direction of decrease. In the latter case, mince can be diluted with low-calorie vegetables, for example, onions and carrots, as well as add water or milk.

The highest calorie content of fried meat in oil. In order to somehow reduce it, you can fry the patties on a small fire, under a tightly closed lid, adding a teaspoon of oil to the pan. Of course, if the frying is ordinary, then the cutlet should deliciously grind on a generous portion of oil. Very tasty, but high in calories.

Steaming is an ideal solution for people who monitor their health and weight. Formed cutlets will be left to send to a double boiler or slow cooker. No oil or flour is needed for roasting. Of course, a crisp will not work, but there will be no blow to the liver and blood vessels.

So how many calories are in a chicken cutlet? Depending on the composition of the meat and the method of preparation, the data will vary slightly:

• fried cutlet contains from 120 to 250 kcal per 100 g;

• steamed cutlet contains from 85 to 130 kcal per 100 g.

Dietary chicken meat is very beneficial for the heart and nervous system. It gives the body strength, normalizes cholesterol, provides essential amino acids, trace elements and vitamins, reduces the acidity of gastric juice, alleviating the condition of patients with gastritis and ulcers.

Indispensable chicken for losing weight people. It gives the body a complete protein, without overloading calories. Steamed chicken cutlets are good for kids and weakened or elderly people. For greater benefit, you need to serve them with fresh or grilled vegetables. For those who are not afraid of excess calories, mashed potatoes, rice, buckwheat can become a side dish to a fried chicken cutlet.

How many calories in a pork cutlet

Pork is one of the most controversial types of meat of all, which are included in the constant diet of modern man. Some consider it tasty and healthy, despite the fat content, while others try to avoid eating pork meat in every way.

Done to abandon him is unreasonable. Pork meat and fat contain a lot of useful substances, the most valuable of which are arachidonic acid and selenium. The first regulates hormonal balance, has a beneficial effect on the brain, and has a positive effect on blood coagulation. As for selenium, it is a powerful substance in its healing properties. It prolongs the youthfulness of the body, renewing cells, increases efficiency, relieves depression, strengthens nerves.

In addition, pork meat, like chicken, contains many vitamins (the presence of all B vitamins is especially valuable) and a powerful mineral complex. Pork is very good for pregnant and lactating women, as it helps to saturate the body with proteins and nutrients, and also enhances lactation.

Most nutritionists do not see anything wrong with eating pork if its amount does not exceed 200 grams per day. Contrary to popular belief, pork is perfectly absorbed by the body, especially if it is not in the form of barbecue paired with strong drinks, but in the form of a tender cutlet.

Another question is that you can cook pork in different ways. If in addition to the caloric content (rather high) that a piece of brisket possesses, add caloric content of oil when frying in a pan, then under the guise of a fried, juicy cutlet, you can get a real calorie bomb.

How many calories are in a pork cutlet also depends on three factors: what part of the carcass the minced meat is made of, what additional ingredients it contains and what the method of cooking the cutlets is. Average calorie values ​​are as follows:

• cutlet fried in oil “weighs” in calorie content from 345 to 360 kcal;

• steamed cutlet has about 290 kcal per 100 g of the finished dish.

If you consider that more than 200 g of pork meat is not recommended, then one cutlet weighing 80 g is enough to get the right amount of zinc, magnesium, selenium, arachidonic acid, vitamins PP, B and other useful substances.

How many calories in a beef patty

It is believed that beef is healthier and safer than pork, as it has less fat and, therefore, calories. This is partly true: beef is actually a lean product compared to white and pink greasy pork. Before you figure out how many calories are in a beef cutlet, you need to make sure the benefits of this product.

Red beef meat contains complete protein, it contains a lot of iron, so beef cutlets should be included in the diet of people with reduced hemoglobin. In addition, in beef there is a lot of collagen that is most valuable for the human body, which prolongs the health of ligaments, as well as zinc - a trace element that is very useful for the immune system. Young beef is easily absorbed by the body. In a beef cutlet there are amino acids, vitamins of group B, as in pork meat, it will perfectly satisfy hunger and give a long saturation.

We must not forget that any fried meat contains carcinogens, therefore, has a potential cancer hazard. High beef cholesterol threatens the development of cardiovascular disease. In addition, frying increases the calorie content of beef cutlets, despite their undoubted dietary benefits.

It is no coincidence that most often pork and beef are mixed in the proportion that seems most delicious to prepare the meat that is perfect in taste and calorie content.

How many calories are in a pure beef cutlet? If we take the average indicators without taking into account additional ingredients, the approximate numbers are as follows:

beef cutlet fried in oil - 240-250 kcal;

steamed cutlet - from 140 to 170 kcal.

Pretty quick compared to pork and quite comparable to chicken. This means that beef patties are preferred when dieting, especially steam. One cutlet will not damage the figure, but will saturate for a long time. You can serve beef with a salad of fresh vegetables (this is the most useful option for the body) or any other side dish.

How many calories in a fishcake

Fish meat is a valuable food product. It has a lot of complete, and most importantly, easily digestible protein, as well as trace elements (phosphorus, iodine, magnesium, zinc), vitamins (D, B12, B6), unsaturated omega acids. Using fish cakes, you can saturate the body with useful substances, strengthen bones, improve the functioning of the nervous system. Fish meat can lower cholesterol, and most importantly, prevent aging.

How many calories in a fish cutlet depends on its (fish) variety. The calorie content of different varieties varies from 68 (navaga) to 150 (salmon, salmon) calories. An egg is added to the fish fillet, bread soaked in milk, onions and other components, which changes the calorie content up or down.

It is clear that cutlets made from pollock will be less fatty and high-calorie than cutlets from pink salmon, for example. And yet they will remain a light, well-digestible, healthy dish.

How many calories are in a patty fried in vegetable oil? From 110 to 190 kcal on average:

• pollock - 105-110 kcal;

• cod - 115 kcal;

• pike - 275 kcal;

• hake - 145 kcal;

• pink salmon - 188 kcal.

Steam fish cutlet will favorably differ from fried meat in calories: it will contain only from 90 to 130 kcal.

Of course, a fried cutlet is more tasty (mainly due to a fried crust). But if you take into account the great benefits of steam dishes, you can enjoy the taste of steam cutlets.

Thus, it is necessary to include meat patties in the diet, it is unreasonable to refuse them. However, it should be borne in mind that the processing method and composition of minced meat significantly affect the calorie content of the finished dish.


Watch the video: 3 Healthy Fish Recipes. Dinner Made Easy (July 2024).