Chicory - for weight loss and treatment


Chicory - General Description

Chicory - herbaceous perennial plant of the aster family. In the first year of plant development, only a rosette of elongated leaves appears with a clearly defined central core. But in the second and subsequent years, an upright stalk grows, which can reach a height of one and a half meters.

The stem is often branched. The branches of chicory are slightly bristly or suck bare. The leaves of the plant are green, oblong, jagged at the edges. Chicory blooms with blue flowers, which are collected in single or numerous baskets. Occasionally, a plant variety with white or pinkish flowers is found. Flowering chicory continues from June to September.

Chicory fruits appear in September. This achene is light brown in color. The length of the fetus is only 3 mm. Chicory has a long (up to 1.5 m) fleshy root.

Leaves of common and lettuce chicory are used as food. They make excellent salads and side dishes. Chicory root is a great substitute for coffee. When dried and roasted, it is used as an additive to natural coffee.
Chicory is an excellent honey plant. It is added to the fodder. Wild animals and birds also eat chicory.

Chicory - types and places of growth

In the cultivated species of chicory there are only two: ordinary and lettuce. Six more varieties of chicory grow wildly.

The homeland of chicory is considered to be the Mediterranean. This plant is widespread in the zone of temperate climate and, despite the dislike of high humidity, in the tropics. It is found in Eurasia, North Africa, South America, Australia, North America and New Zealand.

This plant is specially grown, taking away whole fields under its planting. In the wild, chicory is found on forest edges, in meadows, vacant lots, along the edge of fields and along country roads, near various settlements. In the mountains, chicory does not rise above the middle belt.

Chicory - healing properties

Avicenna also used the unique medicinal qualities of chicory.

Chicory is able to normalize metabolism, remove excess cholesterol, improve digestion, relieve inflammation, calm, lower blood sugar and facilitate heart function.

Therefore, it is used for: obesity, atherosclerosis, metabolic disorders, kidney and liver stones, diseases of the joints and spine, diseases of the nervous system, diabetes, other diseases of the liver and gall bladder.

It is believed that chicory is able to prevent the development of tumors. Helps with the bites of bees and wasps, snakes and scorpions. Heals various skin diseases.

Chicory - dosage forms

For medicinal purposes, chicory roots are used mainly, although the herb is considered medicinal. In autumn, the roots of an adult plant are carefully dug up. They are dried both in the open air and in dryers. In the latter case, the drying temperature should not exceed 50 ° C.

Chicory grass must be collected when the plant is in bloom. The purpose of the collection is tops with a length of not more than 30 cm. Dry the raw materials either under a canopy or in a dryer. The optimum temperature for drying the grass is 40 ° C.

Harvested chicory roots are stored for 2 years, and grass for only a year. From the herbs and roots of chicory prepare a decoction, infusion and teas.

Chicory - for weight loss

Since chicory helps regulate the metabolism, it is not surprising that it is used to reduce weight. You can lose weight with the help of chicory if you drink a decoction, which is easy to prepare yourself. One teaspoon of dried and chopped chicory roots pour 0.5 liters of water. Cook for 8-12 minutes. Strained broth to drink at 0.5 tbsp. before meals in 30 minutes.

Another option for preparing the drink: pour 150 grams of root into 500 ml of water and cook for 20-25 minutes. Drink a third of an hour before meals. The volume for one dose is 150 ml.

By the way, you can buy ready-made chicory root in a pharmacy or in a grocery store.

Chicory - recipes

An infusion of chopped chicory root will help get rid of sinusitis. On the fourth part of a glass of hot water, you need to fill 5 grams of raw material. Boil and insist 2 days. Infusion add boiled water to ¼ cup. The resulting product is instilled into the nostrils 2 drops 5 times a day. The duration of the procedure is 12 days.

The root of the plant will also help against neurasthenia. To do this, take 1 tsp. In a glass of boiling water. raw materials. Boil for 10 minutes and insist an hour, wrapping the container with a decoction. Drink a tablespoon after eating.

As a general strengthening agent, you need to take a tablespoon of the roots and grass of the plant, fall asleep in 1 tbsp. hot water, boil in a sealed container for half an hour, then cool. A filtered broth to drink a day in three doses before meals.

Chicory - contraindications

Chicory can be individually intolerable. Allergy sufferers should take this warning especially seriously. You can use chicory only after consulting with your doctor. It is contraindicated in patients with hemorrhoids, varicose veins and other vascular diseases.


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