Ginseng - medicinal properties and applications in medicine


Ginseng - General Description

Ginseng (Pánax, root of life) is a perennial herbaceous plant from the Aralian family. It has a spindle-shaped rod, branching root, up to 25 cm long, often fragile with large branches. At the top of the root body, thickenings are clearly expressed, which have an annular cylindrical shape. The “neck” of the rhizome is narrowed and has several scars. The head of the root is formed at the top of the expanded remainder of the stem and apical bud. The root has a white color in a fracture or yellow-white in a section. The leaf is long-leaved, converges into a whorl, the stem is 30-70 cm long. The flowers are small, pale green in color, similar to the stars collected in an umbrella. The fruit is a drupe of bright red color with 2 seeds.

Ginseng - types and places of growth

In total, 11 varieties of ginseng (spotted, five-leafed, Vietnamese and others) are known that grow in Asia, the Far East and North America. Most of the Vietnamese ginseng grows in China and the central mountainous regions of Vietnam and is listed in the Red Book, since uncontrolled harvesting of plants for medicinal purposes can lead to the extinction of the species. Some Asian countries widely cultivate ginseng. Insam (such a name bears this species in Korea) is widely included in the culture in this country and provides most of the global consumption of this medicinal root.

Ginseng - healing properties

The tonic and restorative properties of this famous drug are familiar from ancient times. From the ginseng root, preparations are made that are able to actively influence the state of the central nervous system and increase performance, as well as reduce physical and mental fatigue, improve appetite and stimulate sexual function in men. Scientific studies have confirmed its positive effect in a number of diseases of the nervous system in the case of depressive disorders and neurasthenia.

"The root of life" favorably affects the heart and blood vessels, maintains an optimal level of blood pressure. Ginseng preparations are used in rehabilitation after serious illnesses in order to restore the body after surgery, stress, neurosis, prolonged physical and mental overwork. Ginseng can treat insomnia and enhance reparative processes in the body.

Ginseng - dosage forms

As you know, for the purpose of traditional medicinal raw materials, ginseng uses its root. However, according to scientists, the aerial parts of the plant contain no less glycosides than its rhizomes. Chinese and Korean traditional medicine use leaves and stems. The tincture of the leaves has a healing pharmacological effect, which is used in the treatment of diabetes, necrosis and trophic ulcers. Together with leaves, flowers and seeds are used to make medicines for malnutrition, chronic fatigue syndrome, and also to restore the body after stress.

Ginseng Recipes

- Tincture using dry root: dry root powder is poured with vodka or 40 degree alcohol in a volume of 1 liter, left to infuse for 3-4 weeks. After this, the solution must be filtered and taken 20 drops 1-2 times a day for the prevention and strengthening of the body 1-1.5 months. In the treatment of diseases, the dose is increased and established by the doctor.

- Tincture using fresh root: washed with cold water and dried root (100g), grind and pour 1 liter of alcohol solution (40 degrees), insist occasionally shaking. Take before meals 15-20 drops for prevention. In the treatment of diseases, a doctor's consultation is necessary.

- Honey-ginseng jelly: mix the crushed ginseng root with honey, at the rate of 25 grams of powder per 700 g. honey. Insist for 10 days. The course of treatment is 2 months, taken half an hour before meals.

Ginseng - contraindications

When treated with drugs from this plant, no side effects occur, but they should be taken only in the morning. Among the contraindications for taking medication from ginseng, acute infectious and inflammatory processes, bleeding and pregnancy must be mentioned. With a slight increase in pressure or the appearance of a headache, you should consult your doctor.


Kalinka 04/21/2016
Ginseng is generally a panacea for many diseases. If you take it regularly, then you will forget what it is - a disease and poor health! And for men with potency problems, this is generally an irreplaceable thing !! No Viagra is needed!)))

Anna 04/21/2016
Taking ginseng can completely change your life !! Yes Yes!! This is not an allegation. Ginseng stimulates the very desire to live, to do something. Efficiency increases at times. Vitality surges. Diseases recede.

Sasha 04/21/2016
These people are ready to exterminate everything. I understand what a therapeutic, and sometimes just a necessary plant is needed by everyone. Yes, and it costs a lot of money. But, after all, you still need to think about tomorrow !! Tomorrow, there may not be such medicines, we will destroy everything.

Aldina 04/21/2016
Thank you very much for the article, and most of all - for the picture. I have never seen ginseng, except in the dosage form. This is not an ordinary plant, nor did I expect it to look that way! I didn’t even imagine that he had any fruits at all!


Watch the video: 15 HEALTH BENEFITS OF GINSENG : Anticancer,Neuroprotective,Anti-Inflammatory (July 2024).