Mono-diets: advantages and disadvantages of weight loss techniques. The principles of building the diet of the most effective mono-diets


Monodiet is an effective method of losing weight, the main principle of which is the use of the same product during the day.

Follow the diet without harm to the body is allowed no longer than 3 days. If a person lasts, the result will pleasantly surprise him.

A mono-diet guarantees disposal of at least 3 kg, it all depends on the initial weight.

Advantages and disadvantages of one-component diets

Main advantages

1. Simplicity and accessibility

One-component diets are good for those that do not require large expenses. Within 3-5 days you need to eat only apples, only buckwheat, for example, or only cottage cheese. There are a lot of options for food system products.

2. Effective result

Guaranteed fast weight loss - it inspires everyone. If you urgently need to lose 3 kg - a mono-diet will be a great choice.

3. The body is cleansed

A one-component diet in other words can be called purifying. During the period of following the method, toxins and toxins are removed from the body.

Some disadvantages

1. Not everyone can sustain a monotonous diet; it is likely to break.

2. Lack of calories. Due to the low energy value of the consumed products, slight dizziness and malaise are possible.

3. If after three days of dieting again begin to eat in the usual mode, there is a possibility that excess weight will return.

Mono diet on steamed buckwheat

Buckwheat is an amazing product. It gives a long feeling of fullness, while it has a minimal calorie content. For this reason, it is perfect for a mono diet. In the evening, it is necessary to steam a glass of cereal with hot water, eat the resulting dish during the day on the next day.

The principles of diet

1. In no case should you boil buckwheat for weight loss - only steam in the evening. Such a dish can be consumed in any quantities, it does not harm the figure.

2. Spices and salt are not allowed to be added, as they provoke appetite.

3. During the day, it is important to drink at least 1.5 liters of pure water.

4. Do not eat only buckwheat for longer than 7 days.

5. Drinking tea, coffee and other drinks is prohibited.

6. Going on a diet is allowed once a month.

results. A seven-day mono-diet on buckwheat guarantees getting rid of 7-10 kg, if you follow the rules of building a daily diet.

Mono diet on kefir

One-component weight loss on kefir is designed for 2 days. A fermented milk product can provoke mild diarrhea, but you should not be scared, then everything will pass.

The principles of diet

1. During the day you need to drink 1.5 liters of kefir. You can’t eat anything else.

2. Tea and coffee are prohibited, you can drink only clean water.

3. Repeat the method of losing weight once again allowed no earlier than a month.

4. Add cinnamon and other sweeteners to kefir is prohibited.

Result. If you hold out on kefir for two days, a person will lose at least 2 kg. In some cases, the result will be more effective. It all depends on the initial weight losing weight.

Mono diet on rice

Rice groats - this is one of the most popular products for weight loss. Porridge effectively removes toxins from the body, gives a feeling of satiety for a long time and is practically not high in calories. A mono diet on rice is a great way to lose weight in a short time.

The essence of the technique. About 250 grams of cereal is boiled per day without salt and other spices. Eating porridge is allowed in any quantities. If you overcome the feeling of hunger, you can eat 2 green apples per day. The method of losing weight is very strict, it is contraindicated for people who have frequent constipation.

The principles of diet

1. Nothing is added to boiled rice - no salt, no oil, no other spices. You need to eat clean porridge.

2. Since rice absorbs liquid, it is important to observe the drinking regimen - at least 2 liters of water per day.

3. The duration of the one-component weight loss technique is 3 days.

4. Repeat rice mono diet is allowed again after two months.

5. In the period following the methods of losing weight, you need to drink calcium additionally.

Result. For 3 days it takes 4 kg.

Mono diet on vegetables

Everything is as simple as possible. It is allowed to eat any vegetables, most importantly - raw. Particular preference is given to cucumbers, green young peas, carrots, cabbage.

Monodiet Principles

1. You can cook a vegetable salad, but you can not add salt and vegetable oil to it.

2. During the day, 1.5 liters of drinking water are drunk, in the morning green tea.

3. The duration of the diet - 5-7 days (if possible).

4. Repeat the course of weight loss is allowed no earlier than two weeks.

Result. Vegetables, especially seasonal ones, are rich in minerals and vitamins that are beneficial for the body. For a week following the procedure, a person can lose 5 kg.

By the same principle, you can build a mono-diet on fruits. The effect is also great. The main rule is not more than a kilogram of fruit during the day.

Mono-diet on apples

Apples contain many healthy vitamins that the body needs to function properly. The only drawback of the regime is that only a person with willpower can sustain it. Eating apples does not give a strong feeling of fullness, so during the period of losing weight you will feel a slight dizziness and weakness. In order to avoid these consequences, it is recommended to additionally take vitamin complexes.

The principles of nutrition

1. During the day you can eat only green apples, not more than 1 kg.

2. As with any diet, you must follow the drinking regime - at least 1.5 liters of water per day. Sweet tea, alcohol and other drinks are prohibited.

3. The duration of following the method of losing weight is no longer than 3 days.

4. Repeat mono-diet is allowed no earlier than with an interval of three weeks.

Result. Three-day weight loss on apples will save 3 kilograms. People who are overweight should expect a better result.

Mono diet on chocolate

Everyone knows that if he decided to lose weight, you need to forget about chocolate and any sweets. However, nutritionists have developed a very interesting weight loss system that will appeal to the sweet tooth. The main product for mono-diet is dark chocolate. Surprisingly, if you use it correctly, the excess weight will really go away. The best part is that due to the high calorie content and rich composition, people will not feel hunger.

The principles of diet

1. During the day it is allowed to eat one bar of dark chocolate (86% cocoa), nothing else can be done.

2. In the morning on an empty stomach, a spoonful of sunflower oil is drunk, after 15 minutes a glass of water with lemon.

3. During the day you need to drink 2 liters of clean water. Tea, juices and any other drinks are not recommended.

4. The duration of following the procedure is no longer than 3 days.

Result. It has been proven that if you eat only dark chocolate for three days, you can lose from 2 kg or more.

Cucumber mono-diet

Cucumbers are another product that is ideally suited to a one-component diet. It has many vitamins that are beneficial to humans. Also, the use of cucumbers helps to eliminate fluid, along with which the body is cleaned of toxins and toxins.

The principles of diet

1. During the day you need to eat at least 1.5 kilograms of cucumbers.

2. Since the use of cucumbers leads to a large loss of fluid, you need to replenish it and drink 2 liters of water.

3. It is recommended to additionally take multivitamin complexes so as not to feel weakness and dizziness.

4. Eating only cucumbers is allowed no longer than 4 days.

Result. Cucumber mono-diet gives an amazing effect. Of course, it is very tough, but after getting up on the scales after 4 days, the person will be pleasantly surprised - at least he will see minus 4 kg.

Boiled potato mono diet

It is believed that potatoes are empty calories, for this reason the product is excluded from almost all diets. However, if you urgently need to get rid of excess weight, such a mono diet is perfect. The only caveat is that you can only use boiled potatoes without salt and sunflower oil. It is enough to lose weight. Potato gives a feeling of satiety, so a person will not be tempted to eat "something tasty."

The principles of diet

1. It is allowed to eat no more than 1 kg of boiled potatoes during the day.

2. It is necessary to eat every 2-3 hours in small portions in order to constantly suppress hunger.

3. Drinking regimen - not less than 2 liters of liquid.

4. The duration of the potato diet is 5-7 days.

5. Repeat the course of weight loss is allowed after two weeks.

Result. For a week of nutrition, one boiled potato takes 3-4 kilograms. This is an excellent mono-diet for those who find it difficult to suppress a feeling of hunger.

Mono diet on watermelons

Summer is the time for fruits and vegetables. A great opportunity to cleanse your body and lose a few extra pounds. Especially good is the time when watermelons appear. It is known that they remove toxins and toxins from the body, are useful for the immune system and satisfy hunger and thirst in the heat.

The principles of diet

1. During the day, you can afford no more than 2 kg of watermelon.

2. Since watermelon stimulates the bladder, the body loses a lot of fluid. It is important to constantly replenish its balance by drinking 1.5 water per day.

3. One cannot eat watermelons for longer than 3 days, because after this time, along with toxins and slags, useful substances will also begin to wash out of the body.

Result. Just three days on watermelons give an excellent effect - you can lose from 4 kilograms.

Monodiet there is a huge amount. Everyone chooses the best option for themselves, based on the individual characteristics of the body and the desired result.


Watch the video: How to Be on the Keto Diet the Healthy Way (June 2024).