Hair grow poorly in an adult or in a child. What to do to grow hair faster: care tips and recipes


Healthy and magnificent hair not only transform the appearance, but also reflect the state of the body.

The reasons why the hair of an adult or child does not grow well can be different, and, therefore, approaches to prevention and treatment are different.

Because of what hair in a child can grow poorly

In newborns, the first soft hairs fall out after about two months - this is a natural process and resembles changing a gun to real wool or plumage in animals and birds. Hair growing later may vary in color, and its final formation occurs after 10 years. Therefore, it is very important to provide children's hair with proper care and the necessary nutrients, as this will lay the foundation for their health in the future.

The most common causes of stunted growth or loss are:

1. Unbalanced diet.

Vitamins A, B, C and PP are responsible for healthy hair. Nursing mother can get them from products such as carrots, parsley, green buckwheat, natural butter, eggs, bell peppers and green apples. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the diet is varied and balanced, includes all the necessary vitamins and minerals, eat more vegetables and fruits, and consume non-natural products less.

If you are feeding a baby with a mixture, it may be worth switching to vitamin-enriched analogues. However, before this, you need to consult a pediatrician who has a baby.

Older children can take special vitamin-mineral complexes, especially in winter and spring, when the body needs vitamins most of all.

2. Calcium deficiencyif hair grows poorly in a child older than eight months.

At the same time, problems with the appearance and health of milk teeth can also occur. Calcium-rich foods should be added to the diet: cottage cheese, vegetable puree with white cabbage and fish puree, since the fish contains phosphorus, which helps the absorption of calcium.

3. Rickets, or vitamin D deficiency.

Symptoms include sweating, sleep disturbance, and anxiety. If you suspect a child has rickets, consult a doctor immediately. Prevention of the disease - a balanced diet and a solution of vitamin D.

4. Gneiss.

This is a type of dermatitis that affects the scalp in children. Oily scales appear on the skin that prevent hair from growing. To remove this crust, heated sunflower or burdock oil is rubbed into the affected areas, then the head is insulated with a scarf or towel. After an hour, the scales must be combed out with a soft brush and wash your hair.

5. Stress.

Stress can negatively affect the health and growth of hair, as well as the body as a whole. If a child behaves too restlessly and cries a lot, it is necessary that a neurologist examine him.

6. Heredity.

Not only the color of the hair is laid at the genetic level, but also the growth rate, density. In this case, it is necessary to provide good care, to strengthen and stimulate hair growth with the help of additional funds.

7. Wrong shampoo selection.

To keep the baby's hair healthy, it is recommended to wash it using a baby shampoo with a neutral environment (pH 6) or baby soap, not more than once a week.

Does hair grow poorly? Care Secrets

So what to do to grow hair faster? What preventive measures should parents take?

• Stimulate hair growth with a light massage.

• Use warm boiled water.

• Wash off shampoo residue well.

• Carefully wipe your hair with a towel so as not to damage its fragile and incompletely formed structure.

• Comb dry hair, use combs with soft natural bristles or wooden combs with wide teeth.

• Do not pull the hair, otherwise you can damage not only the hair itself, but also its bulb.

• Do not use a hair dryer, since thermal exposure can adversely affect the formation of the hair structure.

• Extra care will be provided by a mask with kefir (not more than once a week for 30 minutes) and rinsing with infusions of nettle, yarrow, chamomile or burdock root.

Why does adult hair grow poorly

Everyone can face the problem of slow growth or hair loss, there are a variety of reasons.

1. Split ends.

Even with insufficient nutrition, hair grows by about 3-5 mm per month. However, due to split ends, they become fragile, constantly breaking, and this monthly increase remains unnoticed.

2. Alopecia.

If you find symptoms such as active hair loss and impaired hair growth, you should consult a trichologist, since only qualified treatment will bring positive and long-term results.

3. Hormonal disruptions and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Problems can be caused by taking antibiotics or other drugs, stress, various diseases. Perhaps slow growth and hair loss signal a visit to the doctor.

4. Stress.

Stressful situations and nervous breakdowns affect the human body, including the hairline. In addition, hair can also be stressed, for example, due to sudden changes in ambient temperature, prolonged exposure to the sun, or inadequate water quality.

5. Lack of vitamins and minerals.

Due to unbalanced nutrition, lack of necessary vitamins and minerals, hair grows not only in a child, but also in an adult. In this case, the hair follicles do not receive a sufficient amount of useful substances and cannot nourish the hair, which affects its growth and health.

6. Heredity.

What to do to make hair grow faster and be healthy

If slow growth and hair loss are not associated with serious diseases, there are a number of preventive and therapeutic measures to combat these problems.

Choose a shampoo according to your hair type, always use a rinse conditioner, you can rinse your hair with herbal infusions. It is not recommended to use combs with metal cloves; instead, it is better to opt for natural bristles or a wooden comb. Avoid the thermal effects of hair dryers, irons or tongs, and if necessary, apply a special protective spray to your hair.

Use cosmetics with natural ingredients, without parabens, artificial colors and sulfates. Do not purchase products of brands unfamiliar to you and always read reviews before buying - there are many one-day firms that produce cheap and low-quality products under various names.

Dye your hair in well-established salons and hairdressers. If you still decide to resort to home dyeing, use only high-quality paints.

Apply sunscreen to your hair in summer.

Strengthening hair with oils

Strengthen brittle or split ends will help masks made from burdock or castor oil. Apply oil to the roots and spread it over the entire length with a comb, put on a hat and wrap a towel around your head. After an hour, rinse your hair with warm water using a mild shampoo. This procedure is recommended to be performed once a week.

Pepper tincture mask

You can activate hair growth by improving blood circulation. This will help pepper tincture from the pharmacy: apply it to the roots of the hair, leave for half an hour and rinse with cool water. If you feel a strong burning sensation, rinse your head with plenty of cool water and refuse to use the mask.

A nicotinic acid

Hair follicles can be nourished with a solution of nicotinic acid containing vitamin PP, which is necessary for hair growth. Before use, read the contraindications on the package, as nicotinic acid can cause an allergic reaction. It is rubbed into the scalp in its pure form or with the addition of infusions of herbs or aloe juice, and washed off after an hour or two. The procedure is recommended to be carried out every other day for 10 days, and then take a break for a month.


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