The meaning of the name Marina


Name Marina - This is a female version of the rare ancient name Marin, which occurs the word "marinus" (lat.) - "marine".

Marina Tsvetaeva very early felt her rock, her destiny and felt the "stigma of the poet." From an early age, she did not want to accept reality as it is. All of her poetry is strewn with many brilliant aphorisms, paradoxes, winged expressions and good thoughts. Marina Tsvetaeva wrote 17 poems, more than 800 poems, 50 works in prose, 8 plays and over 1000 letters.

Marina - character traits

Marina usually has a very high self-conceit, and not in vain, the owners of this name have a certain magnetism and a mysterious charm, which is difficult for men to resist. Marina is bold, relaxed and smart. She has a highly developed self-esteem. This woman will not tolerate inattention to herself. She feels lonely, isolated, even surrendering to her lover.

Marina - a woman with imagination, free; she herself does not fully understand what will happen in a moment. These are “women-children”, which all the time I want to protect. If life becomes very difficult for the receptive nature of Marina, then it simply closes in itself.

She does not always keep her word and can retreat in the face of impending danger, but is still able to subordinate emotions to reason. The advantages of Marina are hidden and not visible to everyone. She is good-natured and even with others, but units manage to achieve emotional closeness with her.

Marina - name compatibility

Marina may have a happy marriage with Denis, Mikhail, Sergey, Anton, Valentin and Vladimir. Unsuccessful - with Nikolai, Stanislav, Anatoly, Boris and George.

Marina - famous people who bore this name

The name Marina has such celebrities as Popovich, Raskova, Sabinin, Alekseev (Alexander Marinin), Saakyants, Mogilev, Nazarov, Neyelov, Ignatov, Kachalov, Ladynin and Vladi.

Marina - interesting facts about the name

The name Marina is very popular in the countryside, while in cities it is less common.

The character of the marinas with their patronymic Matveevna, Adrianovna and Vladimirovna is particularly difficult.


Inna 09/11/2016
I know one Marina. Very strong personality! Many women are afraid of loneliness, and she seems to enjoy it. All so independent. No, of course she has enough admirers, but she’s all to her a bulb. She does not pursue quantity, she needs the quality of the highest standard, in her heart she cherishes the only one. And how much charm, charm, mystery is in it. All this is just rushing with her. But how she behaves! It’s as if there’s nothing! This is composure. In short, if I were a man, I would definitely suffer from unrequited love.

Marina 08/22/2016
That's right ... I’m Marina myself and my best friend from school, also Marina ... for many years, as family, and in different cities ,,, for me she is my second "I"

Lika 04/10/2016
Charm is undoubtedly present both in the name itself and in the marinas, as such. They attract with their independence, diversity of life. A little spontaneous decisions do not spoil the overall impression at all, on the contrary, add mystery.

Irinka 04/10/2016
Yes, I had a friend, Marina, and she was always in the spotlight. Both women and men. True, the female opinion, she is not very interested. She is often envied, her ability to twist a strong floor. Therefore - women do not really feel sorry for Marin.

Marishka 04/10/2016
ABOUT! Marina's real heartbreakers! There are always a lot of men around them, but not all of them are supportive. In a man, Marina is attracted by authority; she needs to respect her chosen one. She herself is quite capable of matching her man.


Watch the video: What is MARINA? What does MARINA mean? MARINA meaning, definition & explanation (July 2024).