The solar plexus hurts - how to relieve pain, do I need to go to the hospital? Can the pain in the solar plexus pose a threat to life


When a person hits the solar plexus, one can be deprived of consciousness for a while.

Pain of any nature in this area is not the norm, so if it occurs, you must visit a medical institution.

The solar plexus hurts: causes

The solar plexus is the largest clot of nerve cells in our body, all of which are located in one place. A cluster of nerve endings located in the upper abdominal cavity. Surprisingly, it is here that absolutely all pain comes. For example, if a person has a stomachache, the pain will be transferred to the solar plexus, and he simply will not be able to determine the exact location of the pain. But can the solar plexus hurt for other reasons?

There are two types of pain:

• as a result of mechanical damage;

• as a result of malfunctioning of other organs or the presence of diseases.

Pain in this area is always difficult to bear, because it manifests itself in the form of tingling sensations. The attack may go away after a few minutes or bother for a long time.


In 99% of cases, after getting injured in the solar plexus, a person experiences severe pain. Most often, such injuries are people involved in sports. Many of them know how to eliminate pain in a short time.

Injury to nerve endings can be a strong tug of the belt. Compression of all nerve endings occurs, and the person experiences pain, which is accompanied by the following symptoms:

• it is difficult to fully breathe;

• vomiting and nausea;

• there is a burning sensation in the abdomen.

Pain can pass to the heart or the entire chest. In this case, the person is trying to lie comfortably and relax.


If at least one nerve ending in the solar plexus becomes inflamed, then the person will experience severe pain. This disease is called neuritis. There are many reasons for its occurrence:

• intestinal infections;

• any infectious or inflammatory disease of the internal organs;

• sedentary lifestyle.

Initially, the pain is localized around the navel, after which it begins to spread to the entire abdominal cavity. Only a neurologist can treat the disease.


Pain arises as a result of exposure to a nervous tissue of any irritant - traumatic, helminthic, infectious. Along with the solar plexus, the gastrointestinal tract also suffers.

Anxiety disorder

Pain in the solar plexus can cause not only illness or injury, but also a mental disorder. Anxiety disorders are often causes of pain in different parts of the body. Many people suffering from a nervous breakdown always change their behavior - interest in previous hobbies is lost, self-closure occurs, alcohol abuse is not ruled out. You can cope with this condition yourself, and then, most likely, the pain will go away, but it is better to turn to your specialist with your problem.


Inflammation in the duodenum can provoke severe pain in the solar plexus, especially if a person is hungry.


In the event of an inflammatory process in the pancreas, pain can be given to the solar plexus. At the time of the attack, many patients report severe pain, diarrhea, and vomiting.

The solar plexus hurts: first aid

If there is pain in the solar plexus, you need to lie on your side, there should be enough air in the room. It is advisable that someone be nearby and be able to track the condition of the patient. When cardiac arrest, an indirect massage is performed. Sometimes it is enough that the victim will straighten the body. If the patient can move independently, then you need to put him in such a position that the body is slightly tilted forward, and his hands rested on something.

In the event that the symptoms described below are observed, you must call an ambulance:

• the patient loses consciousness;

• there is severe pain in the abdomen;

• cramps.

If the pain has arisen as a result of an injury or shock, internal organs may be affected, so help should be given as soon as possible.

The solar plexus hurts: diagnosis

The solar plexus can be sick due to the presence of many diseases. Some of them are safe, and do not pose any threat to life, but others can often lead to serious consequences. The following methods are used to diagnose diseases:

1. Examination of the abdominal cavity by ultrasound.

2. Computed tomography.

3. X-ray, using a special contrast agent.

4. Laparoscopy.

5. Delivery of necessary tests - urine, feces, blood.

6. The study of the esophagus and duodenum.

In order to avoid the development of serious complications, it is recommended not to endure the pain and not to wait for it to pass, but to be examined by a specialist.

The solar plexus hurts: treatment

Pain in the solar plexus can occur in both an adult and a child. Regardless of the patient's age, pathology requires immediate medical attention. The first thing to do is to conduct a complete diagnosis of the patient so that in the future it is possible to determine the treatment regimen.

So, for example, if the pain arose as a result of the blow, you do not need to take medications, but to take a horizontal position for some time is necessary.

In cases where other pathogenic factors occur, the doctor prescribes treatment in accordance with the results of the study.

With neuralgia, patients need to consult a neurologist who will develop a comprehensive treatment therapy. In this case, you also need to determine the cause of the condition. With the help of medications, specialists will eliminate the initial diagnosis.

A further course of treatment will include the following:

• massage;

• special gymnastics;

• physiotherapy;

• breathing exercises;

• taking anti-inflammatory drugs.

A disease such as neuritis requires careful attention. If this is a bacterial disease, then, unfortunately, you cannot do without taking antibiotics, otherwise the attacks of the disease will increasingly remind you of yourself. When the disease arose as a result of myocardial infarction, specialists prescribe vasoconstrictors. After the main diagnosis is cured, additional therapy will be required:

• physiotherapy;

• massotherapy;

• breathing exercises.

If the underlying disease is completely cured, bouts of pain will cease to bother.

If you are concerned about frequent pain in the solar plexus, in addition to painkillers, you can use traditional medicine. Many recipes can relieve inflammation, have a bacterial effect, relieve pain.

1. Pharmacy chamomile. You can buy chamomile in a pharmacy. Take a small amount of the plant, put in a container and pour boiling water. After it is infused, strain. Every day, a few minutes before a meal, drink one glass of chamomile. The general course of treatment is two weeks. Chamomile destroys all microbes, heals the mucous membrane.

2. Dogrose. These small berries have a high content of vitamin C, as well as other, equally useful substances. In order to prepare the medicine yourself, take five rosehip berries and pour a glass of boiling water. For some time, the remedy is infused. Between meals, it is recommended to take a little received medicine. Under the influence of rose hips, immunity rises, pain and pain are relieved.

3. Tea with mint. A good analgesic is mint tea. Brew black or green tea, and then add a few mint leaves to it. After 20-30 minutes, the pain should subside.

4. Air. The plant has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and wound healing effects. Under its influence, blood vessels strengthen, the heart tones. Calamus tincture can be bought at any pharmacy. Take strictly according to the instructions.

As you can see, the solar plexus often suffers. In no case do you need to endure severe pain, because it can lead to disastrous consequences. Be sure to consult with specialists.


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