April 30: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on April 30th.


Holidays April 30

Fire Day

On the day we are considering, a professional holiday is celebrated by the fire brigade, one of the most vital quick response services. He received his institution in the Russian Federation in 1999.

Absolutely everything - people and animals - are afraid of fire, its hellish flames "escaping to freedom". Only people know how to use it and get huge benefits from it. Fire helps humanity survive, but in inept hands it can turn into a real natural disaster, devouring everything in its path. Entire forests and settlements may become its victims. Fortunately, there is such a profession in the world as firefighters. They are brave and strong guys, at the cost of their own life they fight with fire, curbing it. Entering a battle with him, firefighters save dozens of lives every day and a huge amount of valuable things.

There is even a legend associated with this brave profession. She talks about a dog that really helped firefighters. During the fire, the dog, not afraid of the burning building, ran into it and saved the little girl. The baby cried, no one could understand what was the matter. And only one dog seemed to understand the child, she again rushed into the fire and carried out of the building ... a plastic doll. The girl immediately perked up.

Fire service is present in almost every locality. In order to call the guys, you just need to dial number 01 and name the desired address. In the shortest minutes, the team will certainly arrive at the scene.

International Jazz Day

The International (World) Jazz Day is established in 2011 by a UNESCO directive. The purpose of the celebration of this event is to increase awareness of the educational role of jazz as a direction that promotes unity and the strengthening of world peace. Many public organizations, as well as educational institutions, authorities and private individuals who assist in the promotion of the jazz industry, organize various contests and events dedicated to Jazz Day on this day.

April 30 on the folk calendar

Zosima the Apiary

On April 30, people commemorate the Monk Zosim Solovetsky - the saint of the Russian church, a jealous executor of the Law of God.

In Russia he was called the Apiary, because St. Zosim was considered the protector of bees and beekeepers. On this day, beekeeper peasants took beehives to apiaries, saying: "The swarm is swarming - to know, Zosima is having fun." And the behavior of the bees was judged about the upcoming harvest. If insects are active, there are a lot of loaves of bread today. But their excessive passivity testified to a rainy summer and, accordingly, a poor harvest. On Zosimov’s day, it was a sin not to taste the honey bee. However, they ate honey today, not only in its pure form, but also prepared all sorts of sweets from it - for example, the famous honey cake and sweet-sour sauces for baked duck. A variety of ointments and other medicinal warming and restorative drugs were also made from honey.

Historical events of April 30

April 30, 311 - The signing by the Gallery of an edict authorizing the practice of Christianity

Galerius Maximian has been the ruler of the Roman Empire since 305. On April 30, 311, after reconsidering his views, he allowed the people to openly profess Christianity, as well as to promote its spread throughout the land. An edict was signed in sign of this consent. Researchers claim that at the beginning of his reign Maximian was an ardent opponent of this religion and in every possible way suppressed it, taking part in all persecutions of believers. However, he was soon struck by a serious illness, as a result of which Galery fell ill. No one knows for sure what caused the ruler to change his worldview, but a few days before his death, he officially allowed the population to propagate Christianity. Perhaps he hoped for "reciprocal gratitude" from the Almighty.

April 30, 1789 - The inauguration of the first president of the United States of America took place in New York

The first American president was Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army George Washington. To get from Virginia to New York, he had to borrow a lot of money. Upon arrival on the Hudson River, the future president was waiting for a specially equipped barge. She took Washington to its destination. It is known that Washington’s policy was more conservative than democratic, but his persona became so authoritative in the USA that the people elected him for a second term. For the third time, Washington itself refused to run for president.

April 30, 1918 - Foundation of the film studio "Lenfilm"

On the day of our study, the resolution of the People's Commissar of Education organized the film studio "Lenfilm", originally called the Petrograd Film Committee. Subsequently, this name was repeatedly changed, until in 1934 it took root completely. Since then, the film studio has been called “Lenfilm”. She gave Russian viewers more than a dozen masterpieces of films. In 2001, the film studio underwent a major reconstruction, during which the entire sound complex was replaced, and a transition to modern editing and sound recording technologies was made.

Born on April 30

Casimir the Third (1310 - 1370 gg.) - Polish king, the last of the Piast dynasty. Entered into world history as Casimir the Great. When, as a young man, he first came to the throne, complete chaos reigned in the country: the people oppressed by the rude nobility, economic stagnation and the almost complete absence of enlightenment. During the forty-year rule, Casimir managed to maximize the consolidation of royal power, reanimate management, the financial system, as well as ease the situation of peasants. He introduced a number of laws, known as the "Vaslitsky status". Casimir paid special attention to education. He is the founder of the University of Krakow.

Karl Friedrich Gauss (1777 - 1855) - an outstanding German physicist-astronomer. Already at the age of three he was able to make elementary calculations. Once he really helped his father, who was a plumber and once made a mistake in the calculations. The boy immediately noticed her and corrected her parent. In modern physics (and not only), there are several terms endowed with his last name (Gaussian unit, Gaussian algorithm, Gaussian method, Gaussian direct, etc.). The works of the scientist had a key influence on the development of modern algebra, geometry, number theories, attraction, magnetism, electricity, geodesy and many others.

Philip Kirkorov(born in 1967) - singer, Russian pop star. In 1984 he entered the muses. College of them. Gnesins, and four years later he graduated with honors. Today he is a People’s Artist of the Russian Federation, multiple owner of the Ovation, the World Music Awards, the Golden Gramophone, and the laureate of the Song of the Year festival.

April 30th

April 30th is celebrated: Akaki, Maria, Agapit, Adrian, Mikhail, Fedor, Alexander, Ivan, Semyon, Thomas, Peter, Ananias.


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