Gold jewelry negatively affects the female body


In recent innovative studies, doctors have found that gold jewelry has a pronounced stimulating effect, affecting the nervous system in a very negative way. The constant wearing of gold products can provoke metabolic disorders. The human nervous system is depleted, and as a result, the case ends in severe stress and depression.

In fairness, it is worth saying that not all fans of precious metal are at risk. Doctors do not recommend regularly wearing gold to overly emotional people who are characterized by an unstable psyche. Gold jewelry should not be worn by patients with epilepsy, since scientists believe that the flickering and shine of metal can cause an attack of the disease.

Residents of big cities should be very careful with gold. In large cities, the risk of stress and depression is already quite high. Scientists advise wearing silver jewelry, which have an extremely positive effect on the body. It has been verified that silver helps smooth wrinkles, has a positive effect on the intestines, normalizes blood pressure, relieves headaches and strengthens the heart.

Silver jewelry perfectly balances the nervous system of restless, irritable and suspicious people. It is useful to wear silver jewelry for chronic fever, diseases of the digestive tract, for heavy menstrual bleeding, heartburn, and for malfunctioning of the spleen and liver.


Watch the video: Negative effects of wearing a gold ring, a silver necklace and a watch with battery (July 2024).