Amazing facts about the benefits and harms of black cumin. Everything you wanted to know about the benefits of black cumin and how to take it


The famous prophet Muhammad once said that the seeds of black cumin can cure everything except death itself.

Indeed, cumin has wonderful healing and healthy properties, which makes it the most powerful medicinal plant known to man.

Black caraway seeds: composition, calories, as used, useful properties

This plant is part of the ranunculaceae family. Its seeds are dark, thin, crescent-shaped. Grown for many centuries in the Middle East, the Mediterranean and India. Today, black cumin seeds are used as seasoning, a spice in different cuisines around the world because of their mixed aroma and taste of black pepper and walnut. In addition to its culinary goals, black cumin seeds also have many important benefits that are beneficial to the body. They are one of the most treasured medicinal seeds in history.

Kalingi, Chernushka sowing, Roman coriander contain more than a hundred chemical compounds. They are considered the primary active ingredient and contain:

• beta-sitosterol (reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood);

• myristic acid (actively used in cosmetology);

• palmitic acid (necessary in the manufacture of detergents and cosmetics);

• palmitoleic acid (has protective, regenerative and soothing properties);

• stearic acid (widely used in the cosmetology industry);

• oleic acid (part of cosmetics);

• linoleic and linolenic acids (these are essential fatty acids for normal functioning of the human body);

• arachidonic acid (necessary for the development and growth of skeletal muscles),

• protein (material for building human cells, their normal functioning; provides immunity to infections; participates in the metabolic process);

• vitamin B1 (thiamine - vitamin optimism);

• vitamin B2 (riboflavin, supports the smooth functioning of the metabolism);

• Vitamin B3 (niacin has a very positive effect on the human nervous system);

• folic acid, calcium, iron, copper, zinc, and phosphorus.

Use black cumin in the form of seeds and oil.

Take into account its high calorie content (375 kcal per 100 grams) is not worth it. In large quantities, it is not recommended to be consumed.


- carbohydrates - 44.2 grams

- fats - 22.2 grams

- protein - 17.8 grams

- fiber and sugar - 10.5 grams

- a small amount of water.

This aromatic seasoning is used in preservation, added to bakery and confectionery products, as well as to meat delicacies.

The technology for producing black caraway seed oil is as follows: use the method of cold pressing from raw seeds. With this procedure, all healing properties are preserved. The oil is a dark brown liquid with a sharp spicy tart aroma and astringent taste. It is recommended to use 1 teaspoon daily before or after meals, depending on the purpose of use. Black cumin oil does not belong to medicines, but its useful properties help the human body fight various diseases.

Black caraway seeds: amazing beneficial properties for the body

1. Type 2 diabetes. Studies show that just two grams per day of fasting black seed can lead to a decrease in blood sugar, along with a decrease in insulin resistance and an increase in the function of beta cells in the pancreas.

2. The fight against cancer. Black cumin seed extract can help people with autoimmune disorders. It has anti-cancer properties, inhibiting the growth of cancer cells. In particular, it can help with cancer of the colon, pancreas, reducing the growth of breast tumors. Black cumin can be beneficial for the body by causing cell death in glioblastoma - this is the most aggressive brain tumor. They induce apoptosis (the process of death) in leukemia cells, as well as in the oral cavity.

3. Treatment of diseases of the respiratory system: including asthma, bronchitis, rheumatism of the symptoms of the common cold. Add 1 tsp. cumin oil in hot drink (no more than 2 tablespoons per day)

4. Protection against a heart attack. The acids and phytosterols included in the composition help strengthen and increase the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, reduce the fragility of capillaries and permeability, prevent the formation of blood clots, and also have an effect on lowering blood pressure. Black cumin benefits health by helping to lower blood cholesterol. It also prevents the development of inflammatory elements in the general cardiovascular system. In addition, it is used for tachycardia, bradycardia, hypotension, hypertension. Add 10 drops of oil to a mint hot drink and drink on an empty stomach once a day.

5. Seeds of black caraway seeds with their useful properties can help increase body tone, stimulate menstruation, and increase the amount of breast milk in nursing mothers.

6. Seed compounds can help fight disease by boosting the production of bone marrow, natural interferon, and immune cells. Even inhaling cumin essential oils helps prevent atherosclerosis.

7. Black cumin oil helps calm the nervous system, suppresses colic, is a diuretic, helps treat acute infectious diseases, improves digestion and helps lower high blood pressure.

8. Cumin seeds are very healthy and effective in treating abscesses and tumors of the eyes, stomach and liver.

9. Increases energy levels and helps in recovering from fatigue and bad mood, the best assistant in the fight against insomnia. Take a warm drink at night, which contains a tablespoon of cumin oil and honey. This will only be of benefit.

10. It is an effective remedy for skin diseases such as allergies, eczema, acne, psoriasis. For treatment with health benefits, take black cumin oil for 1 tsp. twice a day. But do not swallow it immediately, but hold it under the tongue for a while. It is also effective to use it externally. Rub the body, lubricate the problem areas and take inhalations (per tablespoon of oil per liter of water). Carrying out complex procedures, you will receive great benefits for the body.

11. Treats flatulence, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, constipation and dysentery.

12. Seed compounds can help fight disease by increasing bone marrow production by 250%, natural interferon, and immune cells.

13. Epilepsy. It has an anti-inflammatory effect on convulsive properties.

Each time you use black cumin, you benefit by stimulating the immune system to fight.

14. Black cumin oil has been shown to be an effective beneficial agent against certain types of bacteria, including those that are most resistant to antibiotics.

15. Is an anesthetic. In case of headache, drink 1 tbsp of caraway seed oil and lubricate whiskey and forehead. For toothache, rinse your mouth with a solution with a few drops of oil.

Cumin oil is also used in cosmetology. First of all, with its antibacterial and antiseptic properties, it helps cleanse our skin of possible contaminants. And as a result, skin inflammations and acne are removed. Also, oil is part of many cosmetics for the care of the decollete, as well as for anti-cellulite wrap.

The so-called Kaliningi diet, in which fast carbohydrates and animal fats are excluded from the diet. The composition of the usual drinks is added 30 ml of oil, which will help reduce appetite. You can also make a special drink. To do this, pour 2 tbsp. seeds of 50 ml of boiling water and let it brew for 10 minutes. Drink twice a day for half an hour before meals (you can add honey).

Black caraway seeds: is there any harm?

Despite the universality of black caraway seeds, there is still harm that it brings. It is not recommended for use with:

- acute forms of gastritis, especially with high acidity;

- coronary heart disease, heart attack;

- thrombosis;

- pregnancy. Caraway seeds can cause uterine muscle contraction and lead to miscarriage or premature birth;

- with an organ transplant. This is due to the fact that caraway is a very strong protective agent that can cause rejection of the implant (foreign body in the body).

Also, if there is intolerance to this spice or allergic reactions, the use of black cumin can also be harmful.

Black cumin for children: useful or harmful

Children are special consumers of all kinds of spices. Their body is not yet prepared for this. Therefore, as a general rule, introduce any kind of aromatic spices into the child’s diet no earlier than three years. Also keep in mind that a child’s norm should be half that of an adult. That is, children from 3 to 12 years old are recommended to take 0.5 tsp. morning and evening before meals. You can drink it with warm water and honey.

The main benefit of black cumin for the body is that it strengthens the immune system, thanks to which you will forget about all kinds of diseases for a long time.

The above benefits of Kaliningi are just the tip of the iceberg. There are many more factors indicating that caraway seeds are a powerful healer and provide only health benefits.


Watch the video: 30 Miracle Healing Benefits of Black Seed Oil - Dr. Alan Mandell, . (July 2024).