Female thief had an orgasm every time she was caught


A resident of Dresden (Germany), 40-year-old Barbel Bushehr, police officers have repeatedly arrested for petty theft in supermarkets. In total, a professional shoplifter spent a year and a half in prison. Preparing to hear the judge’s verdict for the 21st time, Barbel unexpectedly stated that she was “experiencing unforgettable sexual satisfaction” at the time of exposure.

It turns out that a woman gets a strong orgasm when she feels the heavy hand of a guard or controller on her shoulder. The surprised judge went into position and decided to help Barbel by sending her for compulsory psychiatric treatment, and not in the prison cell.

No less interesting is the story of African-American Kim Ramsey. A nurse from a New Jersey hospital suffers from sudden uncontrolled orgasms that catch a 44-year-old woman every fifteen minutes. Many women who want to feel an orgasm at least once will be envious of Kim, however, because of the constantly obtained sexual pleasure, the nurse experiences certain difficulties at work and in her personal life.

Such a strange deviation appeared in Kim after a banal fall from the stairs. As a result, a woman developed a cyst of the spinal cord, with enviable constancy pinching the nerve endings that control the process of orgasm. It's funny that the hospital’s leadership is not even trying to fire the hostage of endless orgasms, because Kim is in some way a landmark of the entire institution.


Watch the video: Women Thief Caught On CC TV Camera Stealing In Shop. (July 2024).