Hazelnuts: benefits and harms, calories, what is the secret of the product? Hazelnuts - the most healthy product from the family of walnuts


Hazelnuts is perhaps the most high-calorie product from the walnut family.

In addition, its core contains many nutrients and nutrients.

People from ancient times knew about the benefits of hazelnuts.

In ancient times, it was believed that he was even able to save a life.

People believed that the presence of large stocks of this product in the bins helped them to encourage a fruitful year.

Hazelnuts, like most other nut fruits, are a rather controversial product in terms of healthy eating.

Hazelnuts are good for health, because it contains many vitamins that help to form and strengthen the immune system, however, it is difficult enough for digestion.

Chemical composition

The composition of the product contains bioactive substances that are very useful and necessary for the full functioning of the human body.

Hazelnuts contain:

  • protein - 22%;

  • fat - 79%;

  • carbohydrates - 4%;

  • B1, B2, C vitamins and more.

In addition, fiber, carotene, amino acids and flavonoids, chemical elements iron, magnesium, potassium and others are present in the product, which also have a positive effect on health.

Hazelnuts: calories

Hazelnuts are a very high-calorie product, and by this indicator it bypasses almost all nut-bearing fruit (704 Kcal per 100 g).

For comparison with other products:

  • bread (3 times less calories than hazelnuts);

  • milk (7 times less calories than hazelnuts);

  • chocolate (1.5 times less calories than hazelnuts).

Also, hazelnuts are more caloric than meat and fish, the only difference is that it contains much less carbon. Therefore, the conclusion is that the calorie content of hazelnuts was achieved primarily due to the high concentration of proteins and fats, and only 200 g of the product will be enough to obtain a daily calorie intake.

Hazelnuts: benefit

Hazelnuts are useful people with problems with cardiovascular disease, due to the presence of calcium and potassium in the composition, which have a positive effect on the walls of blood vessels and heart muscles and make them strong and elastic. Hazelnuts are useful for anemia and other blood diseases, as well as for varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, problems with capillaries and other venous and vascular diseases.

Hazelnuts are good for the body. with reduced immunity. He is able to qualitatively cleanse the body, in particular the liver from harmful substances and prevent the occurrence of worms. The product is also known for its useful properties in the fight against oncology due to the presence of paclitaxel, known for its strong effect on cancerous tumors, it is also good for prevention. The presence of protein and vitamin E helps build and develop muscle tissue.

The benefits of hazelnuts are also described in folk medicine, since ancient times it was used in such cases:

  • an increase in the amount of breast milk in a nursing mother;

  • prevention of bloating in the body in children;

  • dissolution of kidney stones;

  • with bronchitis - rubbed this nut with water;

  • with rheumatism and anemia - rubbed hazelnuts with honey;

  • with epilepsy and roundworms, walnut oil was used.

It is worth noting that walnut oil is widely used both in cooking and in the manufacture of confectionery. Such an oil is convenient in that it does not tend to dry for a long time, which allows it to remain fresh for a long time, and besides, it is perfectly absorbed by the body.

Walnut oil is also known for its healing properties, for example, for burns, for this you need to mix it with egg protein in a ratio of 1 to 1. For girls and women who have hair problems, it is recommended to rub the oil into the scalp, this will give them strength. health and beauty.

Hazelnuts: benefits for men

What determines the benefits of hazelnuts for the male body? The reason here is the high protein content, which is a fundamental element in the structure and muscle building. Many men dream of achieving a relief torso, and just this nut will be able to help with this, contributing to the most important reproductive hormone in the body - testosterone.

In addition, hazelnuts have other beneficial properties for the male body, such as:

1) an excellent prophylactic for the prostate;

2) a tonic for the body in regular exercise;

3) stimulation of the production of sex hormones;

4) a positive effect on sexual function.

Man consuming 30-50 g of this product every dayhas an increased likelihood of staying strong and strong in the genital area even after 50 years.

Hazelnuts: benefits for women

Hazelnuts are a very useful product for women, it is able to influence the following points:

1) the hair becomes thicker, healthy and shiny, the maximum effect can be achieved thanks to masks and egg yolk and nut oil;

2) the production of breast milk in the mother is activated, which also becomes more nutritious and useful, therefore the presence of this product in the diet of young mothers is mandatory;

3) peanut butter has excellent cleansing properties. It copes with acne, abscesses and other skin problems;

4) hazelnuts have a positive effect in the treatment of infertility;

5) the product can also be used to lose weight if used as a light snack instead of a normal meal.

Women in pregnancy period This product will also be very useful because it contains folic acid and tocopherol (vitamin E), which are simply indispensable for them. Tocopherol helps a future mother's weakened body fight various infections, and also significantly reduces the likelihood of a miscarriage.

Hazelnuts: benefits for children

These nuts for children can be not only a treat, but also help strengthen their immunity and prevent many childhood diseases. Hazelnuts also contribute to the growth and development of muscle and bone tissue and help to accelerate the metabolism of fats in the body.

Of hazelnuts also makes peanut butterwhich children love very much. This oil, like nuts, is very nutritious and perfectly absorbed by the children's body.

Since ancient times, hazelnuts have been used for preventive measures against the occurrence of gas in the intestines of the child. To do this, the following recipe peanut milk:

In 100 g, to the extent of fried and chopped products, 0.5 l of milk is poured, vanillin is also added to add the taste of the mixture.

The daily norm of consumption of a product for a child is 10-12 pieces.

Hazelnuts: harm

Even taking into account the fact that hazelnuts are useful in most diseases, it is forbidden for children to eat. in advanced stages of diabetes and having chronic liver disease.

The standard consumption rate of this product for humans is 50 grams. With its abuse, a person can get a headache instead of benefit because the excess of this nut provokes a spasm of the cerebral vessels in the front of the head.

Important! Hazelnuts should be purchased without shells. The thing is that with the loss of the shell in the nuclei, the decomposition of vitamins and minerals occurs, because the product loses most of its useful properties.

You also need to remember that hazelnuts are useful only in a fresh state, after 5-6 months it loses its useful qualities, therefore take care of timely replenishment of stocks and do not use stale food.

Rules for choosing the right nut

As we have already noted, hazelnuts are perishable products, so you need to buy them fresh and always in the shell. We offer you some simple rules on how to choose hazelnut nuts.

1. When choosing nuts, pay attention to the absence of cracks, dark spots, and other defects on it.

2. Type in a hand a number of fruits and evaluate their weight. If they are very light, or do not have weight at all, this means that the nuts have dried out from the inside due to prolonged or incorrect storage.

3. Shake the fruits in your hand. If they are booming, it means that the product is selected quality.

4. A high-quality peeled core should have a uniform shape, light brown color and not emit any odors.

5. The shelf life of hazelnuts is not more than 2 months in a cool, dry place.


Hazelnut, despite its many advantages, has contraindications for the following groups of people:

  • people diagnosed with atopic dermatitis;

  • children and adults with a complex form of diabetes;

  • people who have problems with obesity, diseases of the liver, stomach and intestines;

  • persons with individual intolerance to the components of the product.

Walnut oil: beneficial properties

Hazelnut oil is quite palatable, very aromatic and has a bright amber hue. In addition, it is very useful, as it contains a lot of vitamins and minerals useful to the human body.

Its composition is formed due to polyunsaturated fatty acids, which make the product really valuable, since their increased concentration is very important for the human body, especially with low immunity.

High-quality nut oil transfers almost all of the same beneficial properties as hazelnuts themselves. Oil can be stored at home, it does not need any special conditions for this and is perfectly absorbed by the body.

Thanks to its many beneficial properties, hazelnuts, including its oil, can be used in many areas of human life, such as treatment, prevention, cooking or cosmetology.


Watch the video: Brain Foods for Brain Health - UC Davis Health (July 2024).