Knuckle in foil in the oven - yes, it will be delicious! Recipe shank in foil in the oven with mustard, mayonnaise, tkemali, vegetables


Baked shank - delicious dish.

Most often, pork is used for it, as it is best suited for baking.

Behind fried skin hides the most delicate meat soaked in fat and aromas of fragrant spices.

The process of cooking the shank is quite lengthy, but simple, and even the youngest housewife will cope with it. And so that the meat does not dry out, it is better to cook it in foil.

The knob in the foil in the oven - the general principles of preparation

To make the shank juicy, you must marinate it before cooking. To do this, use: ready-made sauces, mayonnaise, mustard, garlic, spices, honey or sour cream. Sometimes they lay the product in brine or beer. For a good effect, marinating is done within 10-24 hours. But if the piglet is young or there is no time, you can limit yourself to 1-2 hours. Then the leg is packed in foil and baked for at least 2 hours.

Cooking pork shank in the oven may consist of two stages: preliminary cooking and subsequent roasting. In this case, the leg can not be pickled in advance and add spices to the pan: bay leaf, peppercorns, you can also put onions, carrots, roots.

Pre-cooking does not bring the meat to readiness, it must remain tight. And so that the piece retains its shape, you can wrap the leg with thread or pull it with twine. Then the leg is removed, the threads are removed, dried, greased with spices and sauces, packed in foil and baked for 30-50 minutes.

Recipe 1: Knuckle in foil in the oven with mustard and honey

Spicy sauces go wonderfully with fatty pork. To prepare the shank in foil in the oven, it is better to use real mustard. It should be sharp, burning.


• 1 shank for 1.5-2 kg;

• 2 tablespoons of honey;

• 2 tablespoons of mustard;

• 6 cloves of garlic;

• 1 tablespoon of salt;

• 1 tablespoon of hops-suneli.

Instead of hop-suneli, you can take seasoning for meat, barbecue or any universal mixture.


1. The skin of the shank must be well cleaned. You can just scrape with a knife or use a metal washcloth. Then wash the leg well, wipe.

2. Now on the shank you need to make circular cuts of the skin. This is necessary so that when cooking it does not tighten the meat. Three cuts are enough.

3. Peel the garlic cloves, cut in half and weighed a piece. You can simply put the pieces into the meat through previously made cuts.

4. If the honey is thick, then melt. Add mustard and all other spices to it. Stir.

5. Rub the knuckle with the cooked sauce.

6. We take the foil, wrap our blank. It is necessary to leave it like this for 2 hours, but it is better to remove it all night.

7. We shift the package onto a baking sheet and send it to cook in the oven for 100-120 minutes at 180 degrees.

Recipe 2: Knuckle in foil in the oven with potatoes

A feature of cooking shank in the oven in foil according to this recipe is the addition of potatoes. Since the leg is cooked long enough, the potatoes can be baked whole. From young tubers you can even not remove the skin, just wash well enough.


• 1 shank;

• 200 grams of onions;

• 1 kg of potatoes;

• 1 bay leaf;

• 2-4 tablespoons of oil;

• 6 peas of pepper;

• salt;

• seasonings for pork or barbecue.


1. Prepare the shank. How to do this correctly is described in detail in the previous recipe.

2. Mix seasonings with salt, add vegetable oil. It is necessary so that the spices do not crumble from a piece.

3. Rub the pork on all sides with the prepared mixture. Cover with cling film, let it marinate for 2-3 hours.

4. We clean the onion, cut into thick rings of 5 mm.

5. Wash the potatoes, peel them. Large tubers can be cut into 2 parts.

6. We put a piece in foil, in a circle of potato tubers, stick the onion rings and sprinkle everything on top with spices, salt. Do not forget to put pepper peas, a bay leaf.

7. Pack the package and bake for 2-2.5 hours at 170 degrees.

Recipe 3: Shank in foil in the oven with mayonnaise

One of the easiest ways to cook pork shank in foil in the oven. A minimum set of spices and additional ingredients.


• 1 shank;

• 100 grams of mayonnaise;

• 1 tablespoon of salt;

• 0.5 tsp black pepper;

• 1 head of garlic.


1. Grind the garlic, add salt and pepper. Put mayonnaise and mix.

2. Prepare the knuckle: wash, clean, cut. How all this is best done is described in detail in the first recipe.

3. Rub a piece of mayonnaise, put in a bag, tie and remove for 12 hours in a cold place.

4. After a while, we remove the pork from the refrigerator, remove the bag. Rub the spices again on the surface with your hands.

5. Expand the foil, lay out a piece, pack.

6. Put in the oven. We cook the shank for about two hours at 170 degrees. Then we turn off the oven, let the meat lie down for another half an hour, do not unfold the foil.

Recipe 4: Knuckle in a foil in the oven with sauerkraut

The traditional Russian dish. Previously, it was cooked in an oven, but today everything is much simpler thanks to the foil. The knuckle turns juicy, aromatic, goes well with sauerkraut. And do not try to replace it with a fresh vegetable, it will turn out completely wrong. The dish is prepared in two stages with preliminary cooking.


• 1 shank;

• 700 grams of sauerkraut;

• 7 cloves of garlic;

• 1 tablespoon of salt;

• 5 peas of pepper;

• 2 bay leaves;

• ¼ tablespoons of black pepper;

• 50 grams of oil;

• 3 tablespoons sour cream;

• ½ tablespoon mustard;

• 2 onions.


1. Wash the leg, wipe the skin dry.

2. Peel the garlic cloves, moisten and dip in salt. We make cuts in the skin and meat, stick the prepared slices. We do not use all of the salt, half are left to lubricate the piece.

3. Now the knuckle needs to be wrapped with threads so that the skin does not come off during cooking.

4. Put the billet in the pan, add one peeled onion, bay leaves, pour in the remaining salt, pour water and cook for 1.5 hours. If desired, peppers, cloves and stars can be added to the broth.

5. Chop the remaining onion finely, fry in a pan until transparent.

6. Add cabbage and fry with onions for about 10 minutes.

7. We take out the finished knuckle, cool, remove the threads, rub with black pepper and sour cream.

8. Put the cabbage on a piece of foil. On top of the prepared piece, seal and put in the oven for 40 minutes.

9. If you need to fry the pork leg until golden brown, then 15 minutes before the end of cooking, remove the foil and bring to the desired color.

Recipe 5: Stuffed Foil Shank in the Oven

Another recipe for pork shank with sauerkraut. In it, the pork leg is stuffed, so choose a piece with intact skin.


• 1 shank;

• 2 eggs;

• 150 grams of cabbage;

• 1 bay leaf;

• 1 onion;

• some oil;

• salt pepper;

• 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise.


1. Cut the onion, fry in a pan. Once the slices become transparent, add the cabbage. Fry together for 10 minutes.

2. Boil the eggs. Grind and mix with cabbage.

3. Wash the knuckle, clean the skin and gently separate it from the pulp. But do not delete, it should remain in place.

4. Fill the resulting hole with cabbage filling.

5. Wrap a piece of thread several times so that the skin does not move out.

6. Mix mayonnaise with salt and pepper.

7. Lubricate the entire shank, directly with the thread and pack in a piece of foil.

8. Bake for 2.5 hours. First we set 180 degrees, after an hour we lower the temperature to 160.

Recipe 6: Shank in foil in the oven with tkemali sauce

A very fragrant and delicious recipe for cooking pork shank in foil in the oven. If there is no tkemali, then you can try replacing the sauce with a mixture of ketchup with plum or apple puree, which will also work out quite well.


• 1 shank;

• 4 tablespoons of tkemali;

• 5 cloves of garlic;

• 1 spoon of mustard;

• 0.5 tablespoons of salt;

• 2 tablespoons of oil.


1. The washed and dried leg must be cut nicely. To do this, take a sharp knife and make a mesh on the skin, with a depth of about 4 millimeters. Due to the structure of the leg, the depth in some places will be only the thickness of the skin.

2. Peel the garlic. We cut the cloves into 4 pieces in length so that the pieces are sharp. We stuff the flesh.

3. Rub the shank with salt, carefully working through the cuts.

4. Mix tkemali with mustard, add oil.

5. We rub a piece of the prepared mixture, transfer to a sealed container or bag, pour over the rest of the sauce and remove the pickle for 12 hours.

6. We take out our preparation, once again we well rub the tkemali sauce on the surface, we pack the leg in foil.

7. Cook for 2 hours at 160 ° C. Then we take it out, remove the upper part of the foil, add the temperature to 190-200 ° C and fry until golden brown.

Recipe 7: Shank roll in foil in the oven with apples

A recipe for an amazing shank roll that will decorate any festive table. It can also be consumed hot, but sliced ​​slices from a chilled dish look especially beautiful. Apples can be used any, but better green.


• 1 shank;

• 2 onions;

• 2 apples;

• 2 bay leaves;

• 5 peas of pepper;

• 70 grams of cheese;

• 1 tablespoon of salt;

• 2 cloves of garlic;

• 2 tablespoons of ketchup;

• pepper.


1. We rinse the knuckle, make a side incision and carefully release the meat from the bone. Where you need to trim with a knife. We try not to damage the canvas.

2. The resulting piece of salt, pepper.

3. Peel the apples and cut into cubes. Also chop the onion. Garlic cloves pass through a press.

4. Three cheese and send to the filling. It will be a binder.

5. Put the filling on a piece, roll the roll, wrap it several times with thread so that it takes an even shape of log and does not unwind when baking.

6. Lubricate the roll on top and on the sides with ketchup, pack in foil.

7. We send for an hour to the oven. Fry at 170 degrees. We get out, cool, without unfolding the foil, and put it in the refrigerator for freezing.

8. Remove from the foil, cut into transverse pieces of 1.5 cm and can be served!

Foil knob in the oven - useful tips and tricks

• Juniper berries, added to the pan when cooking shanks, give the meat a light aroma of game. Marjoram has the same property. You can add a little to the foil, but not to the leg itself.

• If you need to grease the knuckle with hot sauce, and you do not want to get your hands dirty, you can use a silicone brush. It applies the mass in an even layer and easily penetrates into all difficult places.

• If you want to get a crispy and rosy skin, the foil at the end of cooking must be removed, grease the leg with butter and fry at high temperature (from 210 degrees). Instead of oil, you can also use juice that has melted from the leg itself.

• The knuckle will be especially aromatic if it is marinated for a day in dark beer. By the way, you can also bake pork in it. On the basis of beer, many traditional Bavarian recipes were created not only for shanks, but also for other parts of pork carcasses.


Watch the video: How To Make A Chuck Roast In The Oven (July 2024).