Oven baked duck - the best recipes. How to cook duck in the oven correctly and tasty.


Oven baked duck - general principles and methods of cooking

Duck meat tastes more interesting than chicken, although it is cooked much less often. It is usually stewed or baked. Duck baked in the oven - this is one of the most successful options for its preparation. Moreover, it is better to bake a whole carcass, it looks so much more attractive, and it is easier to divide into soft ready-made meat than raw. It is considered that feeding the bird with a whole carcass is a festive option.

Not necessarily, in this form it can be prepared for a family dinner. Most often the bird is baked, pre-stuffing the abdomen. Usually it is porridge, cabbage, dried fruit, quince, apples or oranges, they can be used as an addition to meat. A fragrant duck with a golden crust and a side dish spread around it, lying on a platter - what could be more delicious?

Oven baked duck - preparation of products

First of all, the carcass, prepared for baking, should be well washed, dried, with fully plucked feathers. The duck's tail contains glands that exude not the most pleasant aroma, which is enhanced by heat treatment. Therefore, they must be cut, and it is better to cut off the tail in general. Duck meat has a specific flavor, so it is recommended to marinate before cooking. For the marinade use lemon juice, wine, vinegar with spices and spices. During marinating duck meat becomes softer and is saturated with flavors of spices.

Oven baked duck - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Duck in the oven with oranges

For some reason, the duck with apples tried almost everything, and with oranges - units. And this dish is more delicious and refined. Delicate aroma and sweet-sour taste of oranges are very harmoniously combined with duck meat. We offer to personally verify. This duck is often called Christmas, but you can cook it for other holidays or a day off.

Ingredients: young duck carcass - 2.0-2.5 kg, 2-3 green celery celery, 1-2 oranges. For the glaze - 1 orange (juice), 2 tables. lie sweet wine (preferably dessert) and honey. Marinade: 1 orange (juice), 1 lemon (juice), 1 table.lozh. salt and vegetable oil, ½ table. lie black pepper and Provencal herbs, 1 tea. dried sage (optional but desirable).

Cooking method

With the carcass cut off excess fat and the skin in the neck and tail, Remove the extreme joint of the wing.

Purely washed carcass without giblets immersed in the marinade (squeeze the juice from lemon and orange, and mix the other components). Leave the bird to marinate in the cold at night or for a day, occasionally turning it over so that it becomes saturated from all sides.

The form where it is planned to bake a duck (preferably with high sides so that the juice from the carcass does not spread), lubricate with oil and lay the bird on the back. Cut the orange into slices and place it in the inside of the duck along with the green celery stalks. If celery is not present, replace it with apples or carrots. Vegetables and fruits placed inside the duck not only make it juicy, but also sate with additional flavors. Bake 2-2.5 hours (190C). In the second hour of roasting, the duck should be watered every fifteen to twenty minutes with the juice flowing from the carcass.

For the glaze, squeeze the juice out of the orange, add wine and honey and cook until the mass is twice as strong. It should become thick, similar to syrup. Allow the finished duck to cool slightly for about fifteen minutes, remove the celery, and remove the oranges and spread them around the carcass and pour over the icing sauce.

Recipe 2: Duck in the oven with apples in the sleeve

The difference of this recipe is that the duck is baked not just in the oven, but packed in a baking sleeve. So it remains more juicy, because stewed in its own juice, which does not flow out, but remains up its sleeve. And one more plus - the oven is not so dirty, because Fat does not sprinkle, so it will be much easier to wash it.

Ingredients: duck carcass - 1.5-2.0 kg, 2-3 green apples, salt, black pepper. For the marinade: 1 lemon (juice), 1 table each. lie vegetable oil and honey, 1 teaspoon. lie Balsamic vinegar (optional), a piece of ginger root (or 2-3 cloves of garlic).

Cooking method

First, the duck must be marinated for 12-24 hours, and for this prepare the marinade. Squeeze out the lemon juice, finely grate ginger (or garlic), mix the remaining ingredients. Dry the carcass, spread with salt (inside the duck, too) and pepper, put in the marinade.

Apples cut into halves or quarters, cut the core and place inside the bird. If they fall out, sew up the cut with threads or fasten with toothpicks. Pack the duck in a sleeve and bake for an hour and a half (190C). Ten to fifteen minutes before the end of frying, open the package so that the carcass will redden. Serve the duck, watering juice, garnish with mashed potatoes, pickles.

Recipe 3: Duck baked in dough

Soft, ruddy and fragrant duck and tasty bread, soaked in meat juice - this is home-delicious. The carcass gut can be left empty or stuffed with apples, porridge or quince.

Ingredients: duck carcass - 2 kg, 2-3 cloves of garlic (or a piece of ginger 1 cm), juice of a small lemon, 1 tea. sugar, black pepper, 2 teaspoons finished mustard, salt, a pinch of hot pepper. Dough: 250ml kefir, 2-3 stak. flour, 1 egg (plus one yolk for lubrication), 1 tea. baking powder.

Cooking method

Finely grate garlic (or ginger), mix with lemon juice, mustard, sugar, salt, pepper. Coat the whole duck with the mixture, not forgetting the insides. While the duck soaks in flavors, make the dough. Mix all the ingredients, adding the flour parts to make an elastic dough. Let it rest for about fifteen minutes and roll it out.

Put the carcass in the middle of the bed, lift the edges of the dough, packing the duck from all sides. Cover the baking sheet with paper, lay the bird in the dough with tucks down, brush with yolk and bake for one hour (150-160C) until the dough turns rosy and golden.

Remove the pan from the oven, remove the dough from the carcass and send it back to the oven for another thirty to forty minutes. During this time, it will become golden, and if it is pierced with a knife, a clear juice will appear. This suggests that it was baked. Serve on a platter, around you can put the pieces of dough.

Oven baked duck - tips from experienced chefs

- To roughly determine the time of roasting the carcass, you need to weigh it. It takes 20 minutes to bring to readiness every 500g of weight, plus 20 minutes for the total weight, i.e. if you bake a duck weighing 2.5 kg, it will take about two hours of time - (20 minutes * 5) + 20 minutes = 120 minutes.

- Apples for stuffing duck carcasses are recommended to choose sour and sour-sweet varieties.

- Another little trick: if you like very soft meat, which literally moves away from the bones, then before you put the duck in the oven, you have to ... cook it. Yes, that's right, don't be surprised. This should be done within 3040 minutes, until half ready. Boiled duck is placed on a baking sheet, in this case we do not need foil, and the broth left over from boiling can be used to periodically douche the birds during baking.


Elena 12/31/2016
Goodnight! In the first recipe, orange peeled or put with the peel?

ivanko 11/15/2016
for a duck baked in a sleeve it is not indicated in what amount of water the marinade ingredients are diluted

Valeria 09/14/2016
Great recipes, be sure to try! And how to make a fragrant duck broth or how to fry duck meat with apples can be found here: //cidim-v-dekrete.ru/

Oksana 05/01/2016
with orange turned out very tender

Alina 03/28/2016
Duck with apples is just a jumble! everyone was delighted to dare off the table in five minutes))) thanks))) Next will be a duck with oranges)


Watch the video: Roasting a Whole Duck - Simple and Delicious (July 2024).